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Home > 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project > X. Eurasian Water Milfoil Findings

X. Eurasian Water Milfoil Findings

The primary driving force of the entire Barnes EWM Project was to determine whether EWM had entered any of the other lakes in the project. Another primary focus was to map the extent of EWM in Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, the two known locations of this unwanted plant.

Tier 1 Survey Lakes

Fourteen lakes totaling 570 acres, were surveyed using a more qualitative analysis that are identified as the Tier 1 survey lakes. The survey protocol called for a 100% visual survey of the smaller seepage lakes which was completed in a zig-zag' manner where aquatic plant beds were visually surveyed, complemented with a rake-tow survey to collect and identify the plants collected.

The Tier 1 survey found no Eurasian Water Milfoil on this portion of the project.

Tier 2 Survey Lakes

Thirteen lakes are included in this portion of the project, 11 of the Eau Claire Lakes Chain, plus the two infested lakes Tomahawk and Sandbar. This also included connecting rivers between the lakes in the chain.

This portion of the survey totaled lake acreage of 3735 acres of which 2128 acres are under 20 feet in depth (70%), the approximate depth for EWM infestation. 3596 sample points were taken on this acreage which averages slightly less than one plot for every acre under 20 feet in depth. EWM was not found in any of the eleven lakes of the Eau Claire Lake Chain.

EWM Infested Lakes

The only EWM found, was that known to be in Sandbar and Tomahawk Lakes.

Tomahawk Lake
(See Appendix 1 for maps illustrating locations of EWM)
EWM was found at 128 sample points in the lake which totals 39 acres of the 130 acre lake and covers 30% of the lakes surface area (2005 lake level)

Sandbar Lake
(See Appendix 1 for maps of locations of EWM)
EWM was found on 34 sample points during the July 20, 2005 survey. This equates to 12 acres of a 118 acre lake or about 10% of the lake.

Note: Lake residents had arranged for a SCUBA Club to hand-pull EWM on portions of the lake, which may have impacted the findings (sample points locations and distribution) of the aquatic plant survey.

Note: In 2005, both Sandbar and Tomahawk Lakes, as well as all the seepage lakes in the region are at extremely low water levels. Residents estimate that the lake level is down 10 to 12 feet or more resulting in smaller lake size possibly as much as 10 acres or more. Such low lake levels would completely change the littoral zone as compared to full-pool levels. This will change the distribution and locations of EWM over the long-term. The following photo and also photos in Appendix 2 illustrate the extensive beaches around the smaller seepage lakes. In contrast, the Eau Claire Lakes Chain lake levels are dam controlled and therefore does not show low water levels at all.

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