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Home > 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project

2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project

2005 - Final Report
Aquatic Invasive Species Grant

Report Presented by:
Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee
John Kudlas – EWM Project Coordinator,
Principal Writer David Thorson – Ad Hoc Committee Chair, Contributing Writer
November 2005
Barnes, WI 54873 Bayfield County, WI

Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM), (Myriophyllum spicatum), a detrimental aquatic invasive plant species, was discovered in Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes in the Town of Barnes by WDNR personnel in the early fall of 2004, the first to be found in Bayfield County inland lakes. After verification of the species, members of the Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Property Owners Association, Inc. proposed to the Town the establishment an Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee to develop a one-year multi-faceted action plan and apply for a WDNR Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Lake Grant. Finding EWM led to significant concerns in the community about containment of the invasive species, the need for investigating the existence of EWM in other nearby lakes, and a desire for a public information and education effort. A strategy and plan was developed to address those concerns, the grant submitted on February 1, 2005, and it was approved on April 1, 2005. The Town of Barnes was the applicant and the 50%-50% cost share was to be fulfilled by contributed volunteer hours and in-kind/cash contributions. The total planned project cost was $49,390 The grant request called for a three-part program: " Clean Boats Clean Water program est. cost $10,250 " Public information and awareness program  est. cost $12,350 " EWM/Aquatic Plant Survey of 27 area lakes est. cost $26,790 Through a massive effort by concerned citizens and the ad hoc committee along with the dedication, expertise, and enthusiasm of the people employed to do the field work, the CBCW program, the public information and awareness program, and the aquatic plant survey all succeeded, as well as exceeded, the original plans established. One major finding of the project is that no additional EWM plants were found in the other 25 lakes surveyed. However, these plants, that are established in Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes, remain a serious threat that continue to require our attention. Goals: The Ad Hoc Committee is continuing efforts to meet the continuing demands of an EWM infestation in area lakes. With the conclusion of Phase 1 of the project, the committee is proposing a continuance of an Ad Hoc Committee to fight against further expansion of EWM in area lakes. A new committee, with the full support of the Barnes Town Board, will begin immediately. Goals include but are not limited to: " develop an action plan to address the EWM infestation in Tomahawk/Sandbar Lakes; " develop a long-range aquatic plant monitoring plan; " continue public information and education efforts; " monitor area boat landings with the CBCW program; " apply for additional grants to help meet our goals; " seek continued community support. We (the Ad Hoc Committee) believe that community problems, such as these, require community solutions, and we recognize the importance of that concept to our success.

Table of Contents

Additional Resources

I. Introduction to Project

II. Project Area Description

III. Barnes Eurasian Water Milfoil Discovery

IV. The Nature of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM)

V. Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee

VI. Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee Responsibilities

VII. Barnes EWM Project  A Three Part Project

VIII. Summary & Highlights

IX. Budget and Financial Summary

X. Eurasian Water Milfoil Findings

XI. Conclusions


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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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