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Home > Minutes, Documents & Forms > Barnes–Drummond Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Barnes–Drummond Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Plan Summary

Northwest Regional Planning Commission
November 2006

The CWPP is a community-based planning and prioritization process for a community in an "at-risk" area from wildfire. The planning process helps communities establish local priorities for life, property and critical infrastructure within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI).

The Barnes-Drummond CWPP is a joint effort of several organizations:
     US Forest Service
     Wis. DNR
     Bayfield County
     Town of Barnes
     Town of Drummond

Additional Resources

CWPP Plan Summary

Map 1: Final Overlay with Planning Areas

Map 2 Wildland – Urban Interface with Planning Areas

Table 1: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, US Forest Service

Table 2: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, Bayfield County Forest

Table 3: Wildfire Mitigation Strategy
   Goal 1: Wildfire Prevention

Table 3: Wildfire Mitigation Strategy
   Goal 2: Effective and Safe Suppression

FireWise Website
Learn more about this national program.

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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