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Home > Area Recreation > Geocaching


High-tech Treasure Hunting

Do you like to get out and explore the great outdoors?

Do you enjoy a little treasure hunting?

If so, Geocaching is for YOU!

Geocaching involves looking for a hidden container or location.  Some are easy to find with minimal walking, while others can be very strenuous.  After you get involved you may want to create some caches for others to find.

A web site,, is the primary reference to:  learn about geocaching; get information about geocaches; and post geocache finds you make.

Most everyone has a GPS unit, or at least has heard of them.  They can be a little intimidating at first, but are a great tool to locate places.   This activity requires a hand held unit to provide the means to locate the geocache.

Normally there is a theme, or purpose, for a geocache.  Maybe you are taken to an excellent view or a natural feature you probably wouldn't have found otherwise.  Maybe the cache provides information about local history, geology, or wildlife.

Most are 'Traditional' caches involving a container of some sort.   In it will be a log book to record your information and when you found it.  There generally are trinkets as well.  You can take one and/or leave one, maybe from another geocache you found earlier or some you brought along.

Geocaching is a great family or group activity.  It gives you a reason to get out and enjoy the great outdoors together.  It is also inexpensive.  Besides making a one time purchase of a hand held GPS unit (maybe more than one for a family) your only expense is a little fuel to drive to the area the geocache is located.  These days there are geocaches most everywhere.  Taking a trip?  Check the web site for geocaches in the area.  Barnes has lots of geocaches now.  As more and more folks become aware of geocaching the number of caches will continue to increase.

Check out the web site,, to learn much more!
It also has a great review of GPS units from various manufacturers.

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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM & Wed. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873
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