Town of Barnes

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Home > 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project > VII. Barnes EWM Project  A Three Part Project > D. Survey Methodology- A Closer Look > Essentials for Office/Lab Work for Survey Team

Essentials for Office/Lab Work for Survey Team

The office, lab and computer work proved to be more time-consuming than expected and also totaled more time than the field work. One desktop computer with internet connection and two lap tops were used to complete the data input and forwarding work. High-speed internet connections are mandatory or at the least very desirable. Much of the consumable materials and copy machine work were provided by the Town of Barnes. All pertinent data were kept in ring binders, on hard drive, on diskettes, compact discs and on a jump drive. Below is a list of the items needed for the study:

Field Equipment List

Item/Material Number Purpose
Computers as needed    Write reports, download
High-speed Internet connection    Working with large files
Microsoft EXCEL software as needed Variety of report tasks,
including input plant data
Microsoft WORD software Used for report
Diskettes 10 Store/back-up data
Compact discs 10 Store/back-up data
Jump drive 1 Store/back-up data
Copy paper 3 reams Print data/reports/maps
Print cartridge 2 Print data/reports/maps
Ring binders 10 Hold data/reports/maps
Tab indexes 5 sets Separate finding in binders
Plant press 3 sets Press/preserve aquatic plants
Taxonomy books 3 sets Classify plants

Taxonomy texts: The following books proved useful in identifying aquatic plants. No attempt was made to identify algae species.

Borman, Susan, Korth, Robert, Temte, Jo. 1999 Through the Looking Glass. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. UWEX-CNR. Stevens Point, WI, 54481

Prescott, G.W. 1973 The Aquatic Plants. Wm. C. Brown Company Publishing.

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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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