Town of Barnes

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Home > 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project > IX. Budget and Financial Summary

IX. Budget and Financial Summary

The Barnes EWM Project as identified in the AIS Grant Application was projected to cost $49,390 (See Grant Application Appendix 7) and the final cost was $59,324. The additional $10,000 value was due to added contributed hours. Actual expenditures were close to those projected in the initial grant.

Some changes occurred that altered individual planned expenditures but not the overall costs:

  • A predicted in-kind contribution of $6,000 was projected in the initial plan for boat use by the plant survey. Three boats were projected for 40 days each at a estimated rental cost of $50/day. The survey protocol, which was evolving as the project began, resulted in a different technique than originally planned and the donated boat use was substantially less. However, a substantially higher number of contributed hours offsets the decreased boat hours.
  • Initial donated labor hours were projected to be 1700 hours, but the total contributed labor costs, distributed across the variety of projects exceeded 2487.5 hour (conservative number, as not all hours were reported nor recorded) resulting in a contribution (at $8.00/hour) of $19,900. This is an increase of 787.5 more hours at a value of an additional $6300 more than the initial grant projected.

The distribution of the grant portion of the project costs and the contributed portion was initially at 44.6% Grant and 55.4% Contributed. The final project total cost is $59,324 with the final distribution of grant dollars yet to be determined (at the time of this report writing.)

In-Kind Contributions and Donated Cash

The project was successful financially due to the generosity of the people of the area who contributed their time and effort to the project, and to financial contributions from the Towns of Barnes (the applicant), and Highland; and cash contributions from local property owner associations: the Barnes Eau Claire Lakes POA, and the Beauregard Lake POA. (see Chart 3)

A total value of $29,275 was contributed toward the project through contributed hours, cash donations, or other in-kind contributions. (See following bar charts for specific information.)

Specifically the contributions include volunteer labor of 2487.5 hours. This includes the CBCW program, boat donations with operator, labor for sign installation, attendance at meetings and workshops to increase awareness about AIS and EWM issues, assistance for plant surveys, and the monumental effort by the Ad Hoc Committee. Considerable time was also contributed in the development of the final project report by some Ad Hoc Committee members. Not all that time donated is included in totals.

The Ad Hoc Committee members were involved since EWM was found in August of 2004. Several members have contributed substantial time and materials, computer contributions, and mileage to see that the project is successful. Some have been involved in the project for 16 months (Note: contributed hours are included only from the date the grant was awarded on April 1, 2005.)

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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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