Town of Barnes

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Home > 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil Project > VI. Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee Responsibilities

VI. Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee Responsibilities

Upon approval of the formation and membership of the Barnes EWM Ad Hoc Committee, several responsibilities were identified and agreed upon by the Town and Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee or its representatives would

  • act as an arm of the Town Board.
  • be advisory to the Town Board with the Town Board being the decision maker.
  • be responsible for creating the project and preparing the AIS Grant for Town approval.
  • conduct regular meetings and take minutes as part of the official record.
  • regularly report to the Town Board at their monthly meetings.
  • prepare and advertise the job descriptions .
  • evaluate job applicants and recommend selection for Town Board approval.
  • assume supervisory responsibilities for Project Coordinator
  • oversee the projects and direct project implementation including safety, training, volunteer work, budget and its oversight, and personnel matters.
  • approve and recommend a final project report
  • conduct all meetings on the AIS Grant negotiations and approval with WDNR.

The Town Board of Supervisors relegated supervisory responsibilities to the Ad Hoc Committee.

The Ad Hoc Committee produced a list of criteria for personnel selection and responsibilities. Among the responsibilities for the EWM Coordinator were the following:
  • Develop an EWM inventory plan
  • Schedule and monitor activities of boat landing volunteers
  • Schedule and monitor activities for lake survey volunteers
  • Assist public information committee in disseminating print and other materials
  • Participate in EWM inventory field surveys
  • Develop a technical report with the findings of the CBCW project, the EWM and aquatic plant inventory with recommendations for future efforts.
  • Supervise Aquatic Plant Surveyors

The Ad Hoc Committee prepared the job descriptions for the three positions, developed an evaluation criteria methodology, advertised the job openings, and narrowed the ten applicants to a smaller group. That smaller group of applicants was interviewed and a recommendation presented to the Town Board. The Town Board adopted the recommendation and selected John Kudlas as the Barnes EWM coordinator on May 4th, 2005.

The Ad Hoc committee also developed a list of responsibilities for two plant surveyors whose responsibilities included:
  • Conduct EWM field inventories
  • Work closely with volunteers
  • Accurately keep track of survey progress and findings.

If found, prepare EWM samples for analysis. The Town of Barnes was the applicant for the AIS Grant. Interviews were conducted in early June and Darienne McNamara and Keith Groehler were selected as Plant Surveyors. After several weeks Darienne left for a position with the U.S. Forest Service. Cheryl Beshoar, one of the original applicants, was the selected replacement.

The coordinator and plant surveyors were extensively trained before performing field work. Accuracy and safety were always paramount.

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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