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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
> Plan Commission Minutes August 13, 2009
Plan Commission Minutes August 13, 2009Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission August 13, 2009 4:00PM Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow, Gene Ratzel Members Absent: Alternate absent: Duke Marten. Public Present: Julie Bohl, Loren Bohl, Joan Sutcliff, Peter Mattison, Dan Gunderson. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease. Roll call to establish quorum. Agenda read. Motion (Ratzel/ McGee to approve agenda. Motion carried. Motion (McGee/ Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Loren and Julie Bohl ; 52190 Hans Road. To rezone parcels from R1 and R2 to entirely R1. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to approve the request. Discussion. It is R1 along the road and R2 in the back. Motion carried. 2-Second Star LLC, Robert Fierek. 51340 Lake Road. Short term seasonal rental approval. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to table the request. Discussion: It has been requested by the owner to move this to the next meeting Motion carried. 3- Dan Gunderson, 6925 Mulligan Creek Rd. To construct a cabin in forestry 1 zoning district. Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion: Privy is present. Motion carried. 4- Peter Mattison and Joan Sutcliff. 4745 County Road N. To place a residence zoned commercial with a detached 14 x 20 storage building. Motion (Ratzel/ Webb) to approve the request. Discussion: 4.48 acres. It meets with the land use plan. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to adjourn at 4:15. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.