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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2009 MINUTES > Public Hearing Minutes June 6, 6009

Public Hearing Minutes June 6, 6009

Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

Public Hearing

                                                   June 6, 2009



Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow

Members Absent: Mitch McGee, Dave Pease (present at the meeting but not as and acting member).

Alternate absent: Duke Marten.

Public Present: See attached sheets. 


The meeting was called to order by Gene ratzel.

Roll call to establish quorum.


Jon Harkness presented an overview of the proposed overlay amendment for the Town of Barnes concerning multiple use development.


Public Comments: 2 minutes allowed for anyone that wished to speak.

Lee Weisner: Read a statement in support of the overlay

Jon Harkness: read a statement from the owners of Downtown Barnes in support of the overlay.

Tom Solie: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Bob Hershey: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Gordy Lund: Spoke in support of the overlay.

John Rusch: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Sue Pagnucci: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Maime Walters: Had question about the variance process.

Connie Balcom: Had questions about non conforming parcels.

Lanny Neider: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Carol LeBreck: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Jim Brakken from the Bayfield County Lakes Forum: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Lu Peet: Spoke in support of the overlay.

Mark Carlson: Wants to be sure everythingis triple checked so there are not loopholes someone can find. In support of the overlay.

Mike Bowes: Had a question about variances.

Leslie Hall: Spoke in support of the overlay. Wanted to encourage people to check the website for further information.


There were 92 in attendance;  no one raised their hand when asked if anyone present was in opposition to the proposed overlay.


In addition, at the time of this meeting, there were 80 additional signatures provided via e mail and letters from people in support of the overlay. These are on file at the Clerk’s office. There was no correspondence in opposition to the overlay.


Action regarding the proposed overlay will take place at the next Commission Meeting on June 11, 2009.


Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to adjourn at 2:10pm. Motion carried. 


Respectfully submitted,

Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.




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