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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2009 MINUTES > Plan Commission Minutes June 11, 2009

Plan Commission Minutes June 11, 2009

Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

June 11, 2009



Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Gene Ratzel, Diane Rupnow

Members Absent: Dick Webb

Alternate absent: Duke Marten

Public Present: Gerald Peterson, John Harkness, Carol Pease, Lu Peet, Laul LaLiberte, Leslie Hall, Judi Scholz, Jack Scholz.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease.

Roll call to establish quorum.

Agenda read.


Motion ( Ratzel/ McGee) to approve agenda. Motion carried.


Public Comments:

John Harkness thanked the Commission for the public hearing that was held on June 6th.


Zoning, Land Use Applications:  



Discuss and act on the Overlay Amendment concerning Multiple Use Development in the Town of Barnes.

Motion (Ratzel/ McGee) to approve the Proposed Overlay Amendment for Zoning in the Town of Barnes concerning Multiple Use Development in shoreland areas. Motion carried. 


Motion (McGee/ Ratzel) to adjourn at 4:10. Motion carried. 


Respectfully submitted,

Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.




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