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Home > Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee > Complete Plan 2006-2026 (PDF Format)

Complete Plan 2006-2026 (PDF Format)

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The Comprehensive Land Use Planning Special Committee worked with Cedar Corporation for over three years developing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Barnes. Here are the elements of the plan.

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Cover and Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Issues and Opportunities


Chapter 2
Agricultural, Cultural, Natural Resources

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 3

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 4
Economic Development

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 5
Land Use

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 6

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 7
Community Facilities and Utilities

(Maps are imbeded in chapter)

Chapter 8
Intergovernmental Cooperation

Chapter 9
Plan Implimentation

Appendix A
Public Participation Resolution

Appendix B
Citizen Advisory Board Results

Appendix C
Barnes Community Survey Results

Appendix D
Educational Materials

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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