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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2009 MINUTES > Plan Commission Minutes March 12, 2009

Plan Commission Minutes March 12, 2009

Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

                                             March 12, 2009



Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow.

Members Absent: Gene Ratzel,

Alternate present: Duke Marten.

Public Present: Elaine Brustad, Dana Hodowanic, Carol Pease, Sally Pease, Lu Peet, Jon Harkness, Jim Akins, Tim Akins, Leslie Hall, Dick Collyard.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease.

Roll call to establish quorum.

Agenda read.


Motion (Webb/ McGee) to approve agenda. Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/ McGee) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried.


Public Comments:

Elaine Brustad: Commenting about request #2, adjoining property owner, has a concern about the doggie day care business.  The driveway has an easement so it passes through their drive and there is a concern about the increased traffic on their driveway.

Dana Hodowanic: She would like copies of the neighbors e mails to the town and Commission members so her husband can comment also. They are not planning to do a dog kennel; it is just a dog sitting business as favors to people. The fishing poles made by her husbabd are sold over the internet, so there would not be an increase in traffic on the property for that. They want to offer boat tours as they have a love of Chris Craft boats.

Jim Akins: Commenting on Request #2. He is a neighbor that lives across the channel. He states the dogs are an issue. Their dog comes across the channel onto his property.

Tim Akins also commented about #2 and states the dogs bark constantly when Ms Hodowanic is not home. The constable has been called numerous times.

Leslie Hall: Wondering about the waste issue with a number of dogs so close to the water.


Zoning, Land Use Applications:  

1- James Walsh: 51040 State Highway 27; Special Use Permit to continue to use property as a short term rental.   

Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to approve the request.  Discussion. It has already been used as a short term rental. Motion carried.

2- Brian and Dana Hodowanic: 3980 Lake Road; Special Use Permit to operate a home based business. Fishing poles, odd jobs, doggie day care, and fishing guide/ lake tours.

Motion (Webb/ McGee) to approve the request.  Discussion. The dog issue seems to be the biggest issue. Dana states this is not a kennel, just someone taking care of someone else’s dog when they are away. She would like to remove that part of the application. Motion amended (Webb/ McGee) to approve the request without the doggie day care issue.  Motion carried. Motion (Rupnow/ Webb) to disapprove the doggie day care portion of the special use request. Motion carried.

3- Jon Harkness: discussion of zoning district overlay amendment for multiple housing units. He passed out a document “Elements of the Town of Barnes Comprehensive Plan 2006-2026 which are consistent with Overlay District Amendments to the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance Proposed by the Town of Barnes March 2009”. Commission to review these documents for later discussion. Public participation is encouraged on this issue. Will have a public hearing in late spring.



Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to adjourn at 5:13. Motion carried. 


Respectfully submitted,

Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.




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