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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
> Plan Commission Minutes January 15, 2009
Plan Commission Minutes January 15, 2009Minutes of the Town of Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Members Absent: None. Alternate absent: Duke Marten. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease. Roll call to establish quorum. Agenda read. Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve agenda. Motion carried. Motion (McGee/ Ratzel) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Jon Harkness- Discussion on zoning overlay request. Jon met with Karl Kastrosky from Bayfield County Zoning to discuss this further. The county would be responsible for obtaining a legal opinion at the time they would be acting on it. According to Jon, Karl suggested making sure the majority of the people want this, not just a small group and proceed from there. Notes that this is not eliminating MUDs, just changing the standards, which has been done in the past also. Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Teresa Rauwolf; 5920 Kelly Lake Road; to allow a 1979 mobile home to be used as storage until it is sold. Motion (Ratzel/ Webb) to approve the request. Discussion. The septic was never put in and the application expired. Permit will not be reissued, and cannot be used as a dwelling without septic and water. Motion amended (Ratzel/ McGee) to limit the permit to one year. Motion carried. Original motion carried with the amendment. 2- Pat and Kara Foat; Motion (McGee/ Rupnow) to approve the request. Discussion. There is one small section of the current building that is only 65 feet from Cty Y. Setback is 75 feet. This is not a major issue. Gene Ratzel and Dick Webb excused themselves from the vote. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to adjourn at Respectfully submitted, Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission. |