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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
2008 Minutes
> Plan Commission Minutes August 14, 2008
Plan Commission Minutes August 14, 2008Minutes of the Town of Of Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Dave Pease, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow. Alternate present: Duke Marten Members Absent: Mitch McGee. Also Present: Lynn Johnson, Donald Barnes, Jon Harkness, Lloyd Pickering, Paul LaLiberte, John Paash, Judi Scholz, Jack Scholz, Carol LeBreck, Ingemar Eckstrom, Kay Leppien, Leslie Hall, The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease. Roll call to establish quorum. Agenda read. Motion (Ratzel/ Webb) to approve agenda. Motion carried. Motion ( Rupnow/ Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried. Motion ( Webb/ Ratzel) to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried. Public Comments: The public present are here to discuss the proposed overlay to zoning, so they will be allowed to comment at that time. Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Mike Wiebe, Superior Fuel; Conditional Use Permit for bulk fuel storage facility. Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion. This would be located in the business park. A permit from the state is not required for smaller tanks, but they do regulate, so there would be codes. There are statutes regarding distances from other buildings and they meet that requirement. Motion carried. 2- Lynn and Wanda Johnson, Motion (Ratzel/ Marten) to approve the request. Discussion. An old cabin will be removed and the mobile home is new construction. There are 20 acres and it meets all setbacks. Motion carried. 3- Dick Webb. Request to take action to correct zoning on a parcel of land located in Section 30 T. 45N. –R. 9 W. Motion (Rupnow/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion. This is in the section where Cty Y and Hwy 27 meet. That whole section is zoned R2 except Decoy and possibly Red Barn which are zoned commercial. This section cannot meet R2 zoning requirements because of needing 4.5 acres. It was likely an error per the zoning department, but they want $250 to correct this. Town or property owner should not have to pay for an error that occurred in zoning. Motion carried. 4. Jon Harkness on behalf of the Proprty Owners Association; Overlays to zoning regarding Muds and conservation districts. Reasons: To align minimum shoreline requirements for all kinds of dwellings. To prevent overdevelopment and overpopulation of shorelands. To prevent scenic degradation. To prevent accelerated degradation of shoreland habitat. To prevent acceleration of pollution by septic systems. To protect property values and water clarity. Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to disapprove the request for the sake of discussion. Discussion: We are told that we cannot move forward on this at this time. It must come in the form of a resolution. Motion ( Rupnow/ Ratzel) to open the floor. Carried. The procedure for creating a resolution needs to be confirmed. The plan is to work together as a group with the POA, Commission and the Town Board. Everyone seems to be on the same page, so looking for approval of the concept and go from there. Motion ( Pease/ Ratzel) to close the floor. Carried. Motion carried to disapprove the request. Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to submit to the Planning Commission and the Town Board a resolution initiated by the POA for 2 overlays regarding MUD and conservaton districts utilizing personnel from the POA, Town Board and the Planning Commission. Carried. Motion (Ratzel/ Marten) to adjourn at Respectfully submitted, Dick Webb on behalf of Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission. |