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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2008 Minutes > Plan Commission Meeting February 7, 2008

Plan Commission Meeting February 7, 2008

Minutes of the Town Planning Commission

February 7, 2008



Planning Commission members present:  Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter,

Dave Pease, Duke Martin, and Dick Webb.

Absent: Diane Rupnow

Also present:  Mark Holm and John Kudlas


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ratzel and 4:00.  Establish

Quorum and verification of public notice.  Agenda read.


Approve agenda.  Dave/Dick. (C)


Motion Pease/Webb to dispense with reading and approve minutes of last

meeting.  Donna/Dave   (C)


Public comments:  none




Mark Holm:  55310 Silverwolf Dr

Permission for reduced setback to 10 feet from south property line and

51 feet from Silverwolf Drive to build garage.  Would also be 22 feet

from road right-of-way.


Motion Pease/Webb to approve.

Discussion and motion carried.


Motion Webb/Pease to adjourn at 4:16.   (C)



Respectfully submitted:


Donna Porter

Acting Secretary for Diane Rupnow.


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