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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
2008 Minutes
> Plan Commission Meeting February 7, 2008
Plan Commission Meeting February 7, 2008Minutes of the Town Planning Commission February 7, 2008 Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter, Dave Pease, Duke Martin, and Dick Webb. Absent: Diane Rupnow Also present: Mark Holm and John Kudlas The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ratzel and 4:00. Establish Quorum and verification of public notice. Agenda read.
Approve agenda. Dave/Dick. (C) Motion Pease/Webb to dispense with reading and approve minutes of last meeting. Donna/Dave (C)
Public comments: none ZONING, LAND USE APPLICATION: Mark Holm: Permission for reduced setback to 10 feet from south property line and 51 feet from Silverwolf Drive to build garage. Would also be 22 feet from road right-of-way. Motion Pease/Webb to approve. Discussion and motion carried. Motion Webb/Pease to adjourn at 4:16. (C) Respectfully submitted: Donna Porter Acting Secretary for Diane Rupnow.