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Home > Barnes–Drummond Community Wildfire Protection Plan > Table 3: Wildfire Mitigation Strategy

Table 3: Wildfire Mitigation Strategy

Goal 2: Effective and Safe Suppression

Table 3: Wildfire Mitigation Strategy
Goal 2: Effective and Safe Suppression

Projects Recommended




Reduce hazardous fuels Work with power line companies to improve power line right-of-way maintenance to include off right-of-way trees. WDNR, USFS Ongoing
Work with the Town of Barnes to mitigate large fuel loading in the Town. WDNR, USFS Ongoing
Focus future reconnaissance and hazardous fuels mitigation projects in high-risk areas as identified on the hazard assessment map. USFS Ongoing
Implement the hazardous fuels reduction projects identified on pages 52-57. USFS, Bayfield County USFS - within 4 years

County - within 2 years

Local equipment and training needs Build or purchase adequate housing facility to satisfy the Town of Drummond's future needs. Investigate federal grants and assistance. Town of Drummond ASAP
Procure mobile and handheld, digital-compatible, FM narrow band radios for each Fire Department. Investigate federal grants and assistance. Towns ASAP
Seek funding for Bayfield County Forestry Dept. For the purchase of a ¾ ton or 1 ton 4x4 pickup and all necessary equipment for a Type 7 Engine to be used in wildfire suppression and hazardous fuels reduction projects. Bayfield County Forestry Department 3 Years
Local equipment and training needs Continue with current training regime with VFD's annually. Each winter offer a rotating schedule as needed of interagency developed courses such as Introduction to Wildland Firefighting, Zone Supervisor, simulator and mock fires, WDNR's shortened version of S 215 geared specifically at structure protection tactics and issues in Wisconsin as they relate to VFD's, etc. WDNR, USFS Ongoing
Seek opportunities (both "hands on" and classroom) to involve BIA, Bayfield County agencies, and US Park Service in joint planning and training being held by WDNR and USFS. WDNR Ongoing
Work more closely with Bayfield County (forestry, emergency management, sheriff's department and dispatch) to identify needs, issues, and concerns and target ways to address those. Promote more involvement with planning, training, etc WDNR, USFS Ongoing
Explore the development of a Memorandum of Understanding between Bayfield County and the Forest Service to utilize county resources for wildland fire suppression. USFS, Bayfield County Within 2 years
Conduct mock fire drill in the Town of Drummond USFS, Town of Drummond 2007
Pre-suppression planning strategies Identify, develop and maintain helispots. USFS, WDNR Begin immediately
Pre-suppression planning strategies Identify a command post in the Town of Drummond. USFS, WDNR Begin immediately
Infrastructure improvement and maintenance All new road construction should meet the standards to meet the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidelines for turning radii, street dimensions and other standards relative to emergency vehicle access. Private roads, streets and driveways should also be required to meet NFPA 1141, Fire Protection for Planned Building Groups. These standards apply to condominiums, commercial buildings, and housing developments in rural areas. Towns Ongoing
Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the road system to identify wildfire mitigation issues. Apply for grant funds. WDNR, Towns, USFS ASAP
Identify opportunities for new additional water points and improvements to existing ones. WDNR, Towns Within 2 years
Continue to improve identified permanent incident command post (emergency operations center) locations. WDNR Ongoing
Infrastructure improvement and maintenance Apply to FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), or other grant program to secure funding to develop an evacuation plan with identified escape routes and safety zones. Add signage with appropriate evacuation information along escape routes. Towns, WDNR, USFS Within 2 years
Maintain and upgrade 18 miles of existing County Forest roads within the high hazard fuel areas of the Town of Barnes. Bayfield County Ongoing
Develop new forest roads in areas of extensive hazardous fuels. Bayfield County 2006

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