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Home > Barnes–Drummond Community Wildfire Protection Plan > Table 2: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, Bayfield County Forest

Table 2: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, Bayfield County Forest

Table 2: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, Bayfield County Forest


Planning Unit Type of Project Activities Description
1 Upper Eau Claire Lakes Fuel break development and maintenance Prescribed burning and/or

Mechanical site prep

Development & maintenance of 100' wide fuel break for one mile along south side sec. 14 45n.-r.9.w connecting Kaufmann rd & Weldon Rd. This will be separating county red pine plantation to the north from private development to the south.
2 Upper Eau Claire Lakes Fuel break development and maintenance Prescribed burning and/or

Mechanical site prep

Development & maintenance of 100' wide fuel break for one mile along south side sec. 16 45n.-r.9.w connecting Barnes Rd & Weldon Rd. This will be separating county red pine plantation to the north from private development to the south.
3 Potawatomi Fuel break maintenance Prescribed burning and/or

Mechanical site prep

2 ½ mile long fuel break 100' wide up to ¼ mile wide located along the Blue Lake Rd and Moore Rd. sec. 8,16&17 45n.-r9w
4 Eight Mile Lake Fuel break development and maintenance

Prescribed burning and/or

Mechanical site prep

Development of fuel break 100' wide on the west and north side of Eight Mile Lake. Private ownership and an improved escape route to the north or east.
5 Potawatomi and Upper Eau Claire Lakes Fuel break maintenance Prescribed burning and/or

Mechanical site prep

4 mile long break ¼ mile in width on the north side of halfway road between Webster and County Line Rd. This will provide a fuel break about mid-way in a large contiguous block of jack pine

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