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Home > Barnes–Drummond Community Wildfire Protection Plan > Table 1: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, US Forest Service

Table 1: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, US Forest Service

Table 1: Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects, US Forest Service



Planning Unit Type of Project Activities Description

Pigeon Lake Shaded fuel break. Mechanical treatment and Rx burning Maintenance of a shaded fuel break 2-3 chains wide along the West side of FR230. 40-60 acres.
2 Wilderness Hazardous fuel reduction from blowdown. Prescribed burning Remove hazardous fuels on approximately 700 acres of coniferous blowdown in the Flynn Lake wilderness study area.
3 Lake Owen Hazardous fuel reduction. Prescribed burning and/or mechanical site prep Remove hazardous fuels on approximately 120 acres in the large white/red pine stand between Hwy 63 & Lake Owen.
4 Drummond South Hazardous fuel reduction. Mechanical and/or Rx burning Continue ladder fuel removal and incorporate this objective in future treatments in the south Drummond area. 250 acres.
5 Forest Boundary Hazardous fuel reduction. Prescribed burning and/or mechanical site prep Remove hazardous fuels on approximately 100 acres around Wilderness Lake. Pine stand with a coniferous understory.
6 Forest Boundary Hazardous fuel reduction. Mechanical with some Rx burning Remove hazardous fuels on approximately 250 acres on the east side of A before it turns off on the forest.
7 Forest Boundary Hazardous fuel reduction. Mechanical followed by Rx burning Remove hazardous fuels on 200 acres Northeast of the junction of County Rd N & A. Remove ladder fuels and underburn in order to remove hazardous fuels.
8 Forest Boundary Ecosystem maintenance,

Restoration and hazardous fuel reduction.

Prescribed burning and/or mechanical site prep South of the junction of County Rd N & A blowdown salvage was completed on approximately 100 acres. Underburn to maintain in an open savanna condition with natural regeneration.
9 Lake Owen Hazardous fuel reduction, natural regeneration. Mechanical treatment with possible Rx burning site preparation Salvage/Thinning treatments in recent pine or mixed wood wind damage. Followed by mechanical or Rx burning for natural or artificial regeneration. 800 acres.
10 All in Town of Drummond Ecosystem Restoration, Maintenance and hazardous fuel reduction. Rx burning Reintroduction of fire to restore/maintain/protect the fire dependant ecosystems present in the Research Natural Areas, Special Management Complexes, and old growth complexes located in Drummond Township. 500 acres.

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