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Special Committees
Inactive Special Committees
> 2005-2006 EWM Ad Hoc Committee
2005-2006 EWM Ad Hoc CommitteeIn the Fall of 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) was discovered in Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes by the DNR. The discovery generated a great deal of interest and action by the Barnes Eau Claire Lakes Property Owners Association. Through their leadership an Ad Hoc Committee representing a broad spectrum of organizations was formed to address this important issue.
The Ad Hoc Committee proceeded to develop an action plan which included goals, objectives, guidelines and timelines. A grant proposal was developed, forwarded and endorsed by the Town of Barnes and accepted by the State of Wisconsin. The $49,000 grant, awarded in 2006, is the second largest awarded in the state for EWM, so the committee feels especially honored and challenged. This grant includes an "in-kind" share which will be supported by volunteer work.
The action plan also included hiring individuals for leadership and research. John Kudlas was hired to coordinate volunteer action and to head the lake plant survey research. Darienne McNamara and Keith Groehler have been hired to assist John with the lake surveys and aquatic plant identification work.
The goal for the summer of 2006 was to assess the extent of EWM in the Barnes area, including Beauregard Lake. Twenty seven lakes will be surveyed, with the 13 lake Eau Claire chain, Tomahawk and Sandbar lakes having most extensive surveys. All Tier 1 lakes have been surveyed and they include Tomahawk, Ellison, Kelly, Sandbar, Island, Beauregard, Loon, Pickerel, Ole, Turtle, George, Hay, Murray, Breakfast, Rock and Sand Lakes. Some Tier 2 lakes have already been surveyed and they include Upper Eau Claire, Robinson, Birch, Schunenberg, Smith, Sweet, Bony and Devil's Lakes. Pontoon volunteers were used for the surveys and the survey team would like to thank all the volunteers for their gracious time and use of their equipment.
A full report was presented to the Ad Hoc Committee, The Town of Barnes, DNR and interested organizations and individuals. |