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Home > Town Digital Library > Town Board Meeting Minutes > 2012 Town Board Meeting Minutes > January 17, 2012: Regular Board Meeting

January 17, 2012: Regular Board Meeting





JANUARY 17TH, 2012

At Barnes Town Hall

Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:16pm and stated that Christine Webb was on an out-of-state trip and would not be present.Roll call was taken:  McGee, Porter, Meinke, and Peet present so a quorum was established.Peet verified with Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin that public notice for the meeting and the agenda had been posted as required.Per the agenda, Peet then read the following ‘Closed Session’ notice:

Closed Session: The Town of Barnes Board will meet in regular session to go into a closed session  per  State Statute 19.85(c) “…considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

Peet requested a motion to adjourn to a closed session.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to go into closed session, Roll call vote taken:  all present responded yes.  Motion carried. The Board adjourned to the Town Hall offices for closed session at 6:19pm.


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to return to Regular Session.  Motion carried.Peet called the Regular Session back to order at 6:34PM.The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.Peet called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting, dispense with reading of those minutes, and to approve the following January Agenda:



1.      Call the Regular Town Board meeting to order at 6:30PM

2.      Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice

3.      Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session, per State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to regular session immediately after the closed session.

4.      Call Regular Session back to order at 6:30PM

5.      Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

6.      Motion to approve the January Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

7.      Treasurer’s Report

a.      Discussion and possible approval of refund per statute 74.35 as claim of unlawful taxes:  Randy and Colleen Gunderson of Boulder Lodge Retreat

8.      Voucher’s Approval

9.      Clerk Correspondence     

a.      Discussion and possible Approval of the proposed Update to the Town of Barnes Employee Policy Manual for Policy No. 501--Overtime

b.      Approval of annual raise for David Schiess

c.       Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01

d.      Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Appropriations Resolution 12-02

e.      Discussion and possible Approval of Revised Barnes Fireworks Ordinance/Permit

10.  Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

11.  Department Head Reports:

a.      Highway                                 

b.      Cemetery

c.       Fire and Ambulance Department

d.      Constable

12.  Committee Reports

a.      Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

b.      Recreation Committee

c.       Land Use Planning Commission

13.  Discussion and Approval of the state-mandated change to the TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit     

14.  Issues Timeline Update    

15.  Adjourn

Motion (Porter / McGee)to approve the JanuaryAgenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting andto dispense with the reading of thoseminutes.  All responded Yes, Motion Carried.


7.      Treasurer’s Report:

a.      Clerk-TreasurerBaldwin reported the following received significant receipts since the December Board meeting:

·         On January 3rd we received our 1st-quarter WI-DOT Transportation Aids check for $79,133.

·         On January 14thwe received our payment from Bayfield County for our 2011 township 10% share of timber-cutting revenue:   $57,608.  Baldwin noted Barnes was ranked #1 in the county townships for the largest share payment and the most acres (39,357) of timber sales. 

·         In late December, the Town received the WI-DNR grant check for the EWM 2011 grant request that Brustad had previously submitted for $36,934.

·         On January 13th, we received our November payment from Chicago Iron for our recycled aluminum cans:  $265.

·         For Christmas, Baldwin reported a donation to the Town by Jon & Barbara Harkness of $500. to the Parks & Recreation Committee for playground improvements.

Lu Peet, on behalf of the Town and Board, expressed gratitude to Barbara Harkness who was present for their generous donation and that it would be used to further develop our playground park.

b.      Baldwin read the following monthly Treasurer’s report:


Treasurer’s Report – as of January 17th, 2012

TOB Balance Sheet



Current Assets




100 · TOB General Fund-SBOD Checking



101 · TOB Money Market Savings


101A · Money Market-General Savings



101B · Highway Sinking Fund



101C · BES Sinking Fund



101D · Park Savings Fund



101E · Ski Trail Fund



101H · Building Maintenance Fund



101J · ACT 102 Fund Checking



101K · Bridges Maintenance Fund



101L · Waterways Maintenance Fund



101 · TOB Money Market Savings - Other



Total 101 · TOB Money Market Savings



110 · HCCU Savings



111 · HCCU 35 Month CD



112 · HCCU 9 month CD (2)



113 · HCCU 6 month CD



114 · HCCU 9 month CD (3)



115 · HCCU 18 month CD



Total Checking/Savings



 $   1,993,463.20






Current Liabilities


Other Current Liabilities


2100 · Payroll Liabilities



26000 · Advance Tax Collections



Total Other Current Liabilities



Total Current Liabilities



Total Liabilities





3000 · Opening Bal Equity



3900 · Retained Earnings



Net Income



Total Equity



 $   1,993,463.20



Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


8.      Voucher’s Approval


  1. Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin reported that as the Board requested, he had followed-up on the Sharp copier lease voucher payment that had included the annual property tax charge.  He verified that the lease does state that this annual fee will be charged, and verified that it is now the standard practice for all the large banks and equipment leasing firms to do so.

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented.  Motion carried.


Peet stated that prior to the meeting, a request was made by Department Head Tom Renz to change the order of the agenda so he could give his monthly report earlier in the meeting as he needed to leave early.   Peet said she agreed with the change unless other Board members objected but wanted to also move the agenda item for the Fireworks ordinance change discussion while Renz was present. Motion (Porter/McGee) to change agenda as requested.  Motion carried.


9.      Ambulance and FireMonthly Department Report


1 - Transport to Hayward

2 - Transport to St. Mary’s

4 – Respond with Fire department

1 – Respond to Highland with Fire Department

Tom, Donna and Marcia will be attending the Wisconsin EMS conference in Milwaukee next week. 


2 – Respond for Carbon Monoxide Alarms

1 – House filled with smoke owner discovered he left his gloves on top of lantern that cause house to fill with smoke

1 – False smoke alarm

1 – Mutual aid fire Town of Highland – Dumpster Fire


Received letter from Town of Highland regarding the Fire and ambulance contract.  They are going by what their Attorney tells them which is protecting their interests.  My job is to protect the Town of Barnes Interests.  They for some reason what to dictate to us how we should run our Department at no or little cost to them.  They also do not understand the difference in First response vs. Mutual aid. 

I recommend two options to their letter:  Either the Fire Departmentamendmentthat I offered to them for the Fire Department, or, we rescind our offer to the Fire protection.  I am not going to Commit First line equipment to them without a contract.  We were doing this for them at no extra cost. 


2nd in regards to the ambulance contract – I ask the Town Board again confirm that any negotiations are with me as The Department Head.  If they want to scratch it and start all over they need to understand that we are not in the ambulance Business as a Business to make money and if they are going to ask us to be bill collectors then the cost is going up, the reason that was put in the contract was because we did not want to be bill collectors and have to file small claims actions.  Again I want to say that this is our Town’s Ambulance Service, not theirs.  If they want to tell us how to run it they can buy half of it and then have a say in it.  As you know the $4000. they pay a year is peanuts to the total cost of the service. 


Thank you,       Thomas M. Renz,        Barnes Fire Chief & Ambulance Director


·         Discussion and possible action on request from the Town of Highland to modify the Fire & ambulance support contracts: The Board discussed and agreed with Renz’s input on the Highland contract issues and that we not sign the FD Amendment or agree to modify the Ambulance contract until there is a complete understanding and agreement by all parties.  Peet requested we draft a letter of response to Highland and asked for a motion.

Motion (Peet/Porter) to rescind the FD First Response Contract.  Renz and Baldwin to drafta letter to town of Highland for the Board to sign and include the new ambulance contract for 2013.  Motion carried.


·         Discussion and Approval of the state-mandated change to the TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit:  Renz reported that the current TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit allows for multiple days.  The new Wisconsin State Fireworks Law of 2011 requires all local permits be for single use on a specified date-only.  The Board also discussed fees and agreed to maintain the cost of $5. Per permit.  The TOB permit will be immediately modified to remove the multiple days/dates fields and changed to a single date-of-use.   A signature line for either the Town Chair or TOB Fire Chief will also be added. 

Motion (Porter/McGee) to modify and approve the new fireworks permit, as discussed, and to charge a fee of $5.00 each.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.Motion carried.


·         Renz also informed the Board that he planned to pursue replacing the current push-code locks and  installing new digital control locks for the Fire, Ambulance and Highway building doors.   These programmable locks will provide a read-out of all the exact dates/times of who entered the building.


10.  Clerk Correspondence

a.      Discussion and possible Approval of the proposed Update to the Town of Barnes Employee Policy Manual for Policy No. 501—Overtime

Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin stated that this update was originally discussed and reviewed last September during the Board’s budget meetings but was not included in the approved October Policy Manual update as intended.  After a brief discussion, Peet called for a motion to approve the following policy update:


506         Overtime

·         Effective Date: January 1st, 2012

·         Revision Date:   January 17th, 2012

There may be times when the Town of Barnes cannot meet its operating requirements or other needs during regular working hours. If this happens, we may schedule employees to work overtime hours. When possible, we will try to let you know in advance of a mandatory overtime assignment.


It is our policy that no overtime can be worked without the approval and authorization of the department head. We try to distribute overtime assignments fairly among all employees who are qualified to perform the required work.


General TOB Rule:        Nonexempt employees will be paid overtime compensation in accordance with federal and state wage and hour restrictions. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. For this reason, time off for sick leave, vacation and other paid or unpaid leaves of absence is not considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime pay.


Exception:   Nonexempt Highway Department staff shall receive Overtime pay (1 ½ x hourly rate) for hours worked on any of the following designated Town of Barnes holidays:

1.      New Year's Day (January 1st)

2.      Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

3.      Independence Day (July 4th)

4.      Labor Day (first Monday in September)

5.      Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)

6.      Christmas Day (December 25th)

Motion (McGee/ Meinke) to approve the revised Section 501 Overtime Policy as presented.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.Motion carried.


b.      Approval of annual raise for David Schiess:  per his review and supervisor recommendation, Peet called for a motion to increase Schiess’s wage to $16.50/hour.  

Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the raise.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


c.         Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01

Baldwin stated that this resolution was required as the Parks & Recreation budget had a small over-run in the 2011 budget which required the following amendment to close the 2011 budget.

Resolution # R-12-01

Resolution for Budget Amendment to the 2011 Annual Budget

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin to amend the previously adopted 2011 Annual Budget, as per the procedure defined in Section 65.90(5)(a) of the Wisconsin State Statues.

The following Account shall be credited by transferring funds from the Barnes Money Market Reserve fund to balance the 2011 summary budget account for the Culture, Recreation & Education Department:   

Budget Account 55300, Recreation Programs and Events:             $ 1,217.02


Motion (Porter/McGee) to Approve Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01 as requested.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.Motion carried.


d.      Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Appropriations Resolution 12-02

Baldwin and Bob Lang reviewed with the Board that since the new CAT Backhoe Tractor was not delivered by FabCo as originally planned by 12/31/2011, we needed to encumber the capital highway equipment funds from the 2011 budget that were approved last fall for the purchase. 

Meinke stated that we needed to emphasize to the Townspeople that we were not purchasing additional new equipment but rather reserving the funds to pay for the exact tractor bid that the Board originally approved last fall.

Resolution # R-12-02

Resolution for 2011 Budget Amendment – Highway Funds

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to continue certain appropriations, previously approved by the Board for the Year 2011 Budget, to be carried over into the Year 2012. 

At the request of the Town Roads & Property Foreman, and upon recommendation of the Town Clerk-Treasurer, the following 2011 budget account balance will be transferred to the Highway Sinking Fund and reserved for future use in the following manner:


From Budget Account 57331,  Capital Outlay – Highway & Street:

·         $110,649.        To be used for payment of the new Caterpillar Backhoe Tractor and for the coupler/bucket equipment ordered for it, upon delivery.

·         $44,720.          To be held for future use, these are considered surplus funds.


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to Budget Amendment Resolution 12-02 as requested.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.Motion carried.

11.  Department Head Reports:

  1. Highway
    • January Road Report

We completed locating the property stakes on Lynx Road, so all 4.4 miles of proposed construction in Potawatomi are marked.  I have been working with Dawn Pittman, Treasurer of the Potawatomi Association, on a letter that will be sent out with their assessments that explains our intentions.  This way every association member will be informed instead of just the adjoining land owners.  We have completed the brushing along these roads so they are now ready for the tree removal.  I met with Mike Santikko from Oulu who has agreed to remove the trees and chip all of the branches and tree tops so that there will be no debris remaining.  It will make the following construction much easier.  We hope to do the tree removal in late May.

January 6th was the deadline for the Firewise grant submissions.  The Firewise program sees the benefit of open town right-of-ways as fuels reduction and a functional fire break.  I applied for $30, 000 to be applied to tree and stump removal and the shaping of the ditches so they can be maintained with our tractor mounted brushers.

Speaking of our tractor mounted brushers, we have the John Deere 2755 completely torn down.  We are rebuilding the steering system and replacing most of the hoses for the hydraulic system and cooling system.  This older unit is economical to operate and saves countless hours on our newer unit.  I expect it to last for many years yet.

Jerry has been working on the brush clamps for the new bucket for the Cat loader.  The new coupling system is scheduled to ship February 8th.  The new Backhoe is sitting in Superior waiting for an attachment before we can take delivery.

The weather was finally cooperative and Dave was able to flood the rink last week.  He added more water today.  There is barely enough snow to cover the ground, but Dave has done his best to make the ski trail usable.  He has packed it as snow amounts allowed and he attempted to set tracks on it today for the first time this season.

I am still working with the DNR on the removal of Outlet Bay bridge.  We will have an on-site meeting this spring with them and Fish and Wildlife to see of any more grants are available.  If we apply for grants through Fish and Wildlife, it will postpone the removal until 2013. 

Respectfully submitted,    Bob Lang,Barnes Property &Road Foreman


  1. Discussion and possible action on the non-compliance by some residents with the TOB Recycling Ordinance and the separation of garbage & recycling items

Bob reported to the Board that our TOB Recycling Ordinance is now outdated and that he would review it for updating.  The Board discussed recycling and will schedule a site visit to the Transfer Site to review the current processes and review the issue at next month’s meeting.

  1. Cemetery – Cemetery Sexton Dave Schiess reported No activity for the past month.
  2. Constable – Peet read the following report from Constable Mike O’Keefe:

§  There were No ordinance related complaints in the last month.

§  Did 12weekly home checks for out of town residents.

12.  Committee Reports – There was no committee activity this past month and no reports.Peet stated the EWM Committee will start their 2012 meetings next month on February 20th.

13.  Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

·         There were no requests from the floor to speak.

14.  Issues Timeline Update

·         Meinke updated the Board on attending the January meeting of the FireWise program and wild fire planning .

15.  Adjourn

Motion ( Meinke / Porter) to adjourn the January 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting;  Motion Carried.Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.



Respectfully Submitted,


Stephen C. Baldwin, Town of BarnesClerk-Treasurer

Dated this 16thday of February, 2012



JANUARY 17TH, 2012


Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:16pm and stated that Christine Webb was on an out-of-state trip and would not be present.  Roll call was taken:  McGee, Porter, Meinke, and Peet present so a quorum was established.  Peet verified with Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin that public notice for the meeting and the agenda had been posted as required.   Per the agenda, Peet then read the following ‘Closed Session’ notice:

Closed Session:   The Town of Barnes Board will meet in regular session to go into a closed session  per  State Statute 19.85(c) “…considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

Peet requested a motion to adjourn to a closed session.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to go into closed session, Roll call vote taken:  all present responded yes.  Motion carried.    The Board adjourned to the Town Hall offices for closed session at 6:19pm.


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to return to Regular Session; Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.  Peet called the Regular Session back to order at 6:34PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.  Peet called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting, dispense with reading of those minutes, and to approve the following January Agenda:


1.      Call the Regular Town Board meeting to order at 6:30PM

2.      Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice

3.      Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session, per State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to regular session immediately after the closed session.

4.      Call Regular Session back to order at 6:30PM

5.      Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

6.      Motion to approve the January Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

7.      Treasurer’s Report

a.      Discussion and possible approval of refund per statute 74.35 as claim of unlawful taxes:  Randy and Colleen Gunderson of Boulder Lodge Retreat

8.      Voucher’s Approval

9.      Clerk Correspondence     

a.      Discussion and possible Approval of the proposed Update to the Town of Barnes Employee Policy Manual for Policy No. 501--Overtime

b.      Approval of annual raise for David Schiess

c.       Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01

d.      Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Appropriations Resolution 12-02

e.      Discussion and possible Approval of Revised Barnes Fireworks Ordinance/Permit

10.  Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

11.  Department Head Reports:

a.      Highway                                 

b.      Cemetery

c.       Fire and Ambulance Department

d.      Constable

12.  Committee Reports

a.      Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

b.      Recreation Committee

c.       Land Use Planning Commission

13.  Discussion and Approval of the state-mandated change to the TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit     

14.  Issues Timeline Update    

15.  Adjourn

Motion (Porter / McGee) to approve the January Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  All responded Yes, Motion Carried.


7.      Treasurer’s Report: 

a.      Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin reported the following received significant receipts since the December Board meeting:

·         On January 3rd we received our 1st-quarter WI-DOT Transportation Aids check for $79,133.

·         On January 14th we received our payment from Bayfield County for our 2011 township 10% share of timber-cutting revenue:   $57,608.  Baldwin noted Barnes was ranked #1 in the county townships for the largest share payment and the most acres (39,357) of timber sales. 

·         In late December, the Town received the WI-DNR grant check for the EWM 2011 grant request that Brustad had previously submitted for $36,934.

·         On January 13th, we received our November payment from Chicago Iron for our recycled aluminum cans:  $265.

·         For Christmas, Baldwin reported a donation to the Town by Jon & Barbara Harkness of $500. to the Parks & Recreation Committee for playground improvements.

Lu Peet, on behalf of the Town and Board, expressed gratitude to Barbara Harkness who was present for their generous donation and that it would be used to further develop our playground park.

b.      Baldwin read the following monthly Treasurer’s report.

Treasurer’s Report – as of January 17th, 2012

TOB Balance Sheet



Current Assets




100 · TOB General Fund-SBOD Checking



101 · TOB Money Market Savings


101A · Money Market-General Savings



101B · Highway Sinking Fund



101C · BES Sinking Fund



101D · Park Savings Fund



101E · Ski Trail Fund



101H · Building Maintenance Fund



101J · ACT 102 Fund Checking



101K · Bridges Maintenance Fund



101L · Waterways Maintenance Fund



101 · TOB Money Market Savings - Other



Total 101 · TOB Money Market Savings



110 · HCCU Savings



111 · HCCU 35 Month CD



112 · HCCU 9 month CD (2)



113 · HCCU 6 month CD



114 · HCCU 9 month CD (3)



115 · HCCU 18 month CD



Total Checking/Savings



 $   1,993,463.20






Current Liabilities


Other Current Liabilities


2100 · Payroll Liabilities



26000 · Advance Tax Collections



Total Other Current Liabilities



Total Current Liabilities



Total Liabilities





3000 · Opening Bal Equity



3900 · Retained Earnings



Net Income



Total Equity



 $   1,993,463.20



Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


8.      Voucher’s Approval

  1. Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin reported that as the Board requested, he had followed-up on the  Sharp copier lease voucher payment that had included the annual property tax charge.  He verified that the lease does state that this annual fee will be charged, and verified that it is now the standard practice for all the large banks and equipment leasing firms to do so.

Motion (McGee/ Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented.  Motion carried.


Peet stated that prior to the meeting, a request was made by Department Head Tom Renz to change the order of the agenda so he could give his monthly report earlier in the meeting as he needed to leave early.   Peet said she agreed with the change unless other Board members objected but wanted to also move the agenda item for the Fireworks ordinance change discussion while Renz was present.   Motion (Porter/McGee) to change agenda as requested.  Motion carried.


9.      Ambulance and Fire Monthly Department Report

  • Ambulance

1 - Transport to Hayward

2 - Transport to St. Mary’s

4 – Respond with Fire department

1 – Respond to Highland with Fire Department

Tom, Donna and Marcia will be attending the Wisconsin EMS conference in Milwaukee next week. 


  • Fire

2 – Respond for Carbon Monoxide Alarms

1 – House filled with smoke owner discovered he left his gloves on top of lantern that cause house to fill with smoke

1 – False smoke alarm

1 – Mutual aid fire Town of Highland – Dumpster Fire


Received letter from Town of Highland regarding the Fire and ambulance contract.  They are going by what their Attorney tells them which is protecting their interests.  My job is to protect the Town of Barnes Interests.  They for some reason what to dictate to us how we should run our Department at no or little cost to them.  They also do not understand the difference in First response vs. Mutual aid. 

I recommend two options to their letter:  Either the Fire Department amendment that I offered to them for the Fire Department, or, we rescind our offer to the Fire protection.  I am not going to Commit First line equipment to them without a contract.  We were doing this for them at no extra cost. 


Secondly, in regards to the ambulance contract, I ask the Town Board to again confirm for Highland that any negotiations are with me as The Department Head.  If they want to scratch it and start all over they need to understand that we are not in the ambulance business as a business to make money and if they are going to ask us to be bill collectors then the cost is going up, the reason that was put in the contract was because we did not want to be bill collectors and have to file small claims actions.  Again I want to say that this is our Town’s Ambulance Service, not theirs.  If they want to tell us how to run it they can buy half of it and then have a say in it.  As you know the $4000. they pay a year is peanuts to the total cost of the service. 


Thank you,       Thomas M. Renz,        Barnes Fire Chief & Ambulance Director 


·         Discussion and possible action on request from the Town of Highland to modify the Fire & ambulance support contracts:    The Board discussed and agreed with Renz’s input on the Highland contract issues and that we not sign the FD Amendment or agree to modify the Ambulance contract until there is a complete understanding and agreement by all parties.  Peet requested we draft a letter of response to Highland and asked for a motion.

Motion (Peet/Porter) to rescind the FD First Response Contract.  Renz and Baldwin to draft a letter to town of Highland for the Board to sign and include the new ambulance contract for 2013.  Motion carried.


·         Discussion and Approval of the state-mandated change to the TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit:  Renz reported that the current TOB Fireworks Ordinance & Fireworks permit allows for multiple days.  The new Wisconsin State Fireworks Law of 2011 requires all local permits be for single use on a specified date-only.  The Board also discussed fees and agreed to maintain the cost of $5. Per permit.  The TOB permit will be immediately modified to remove the multiple days/dates fields and changed to a single date-of-use.   A signature line for either the Town Chair or TOB Fire Chief will also be added.    

Motion (Porter/McGee) to modify and approve the new fireworks permit, as discussed, and to charge a fee of $5.00 each.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


·         Renz also informed the Board that he planned to pursue replacing the current push-code locks and  installing new digital control locks for the Fire, Ambulance and Highway building doors.   These programmable locks will provide a read-out of all the exact dates/times of who entered the building.


10.  Clerk Correspondence

a.      Discussion and possible Approval of the proposed Update to the Town of Barnes Employee Policy Manual for Policy No. 501—Overtime

Clerk-Treasurer Baldwin stated that this update was originally discussed and reviewed last September during the Board’s budget meetings but was not included in the approved October Policy Manual update as intended.  After a brief discussion, Peet called for a motion to approve the following policy update:


506         Overtime

·         Effective Date: January 1st, 2012

·         Revision Date:   January 17th, 2012

There may be times when the Town of Barnes cannot meet its operating requirements or other needs during regular working hours. If this happens, we may schedule employees to work overtime hours. When possible, we will try to let you know in advance of a mandatory overtime assignment.


It is our policy that no overtime can be worked without the approval and authorization of the department head. We try to distribute overtime assignments fairly among all employees who are qualified to perform the required work.


General TOB Rule:        Nonexempt employees will be paid overtime compensation in accordance with federal and state wage and hour restrictions. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. For this reason, time off for sick leave, vacation and other paid or unpaid leaves of absence is not considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime pay.


Exception:   Nonexempt Highway Department staff shall receive Overtime pay (1 ½ x hourly rate) for hours worked on any of the following designated Town of Barnes holidays:

1.      New Year's Day (January 1st)

2.      Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

3.      Independence Day (July 4th)

4.      Labor Day (first Monday in September)

5.      Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)

6.      Christmas Day (December 25th)

Motion (McGee/ Meinke) to approve the revised Section 501 Overtime Policy as presented.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


b.      Approval of annual raise for David Schiess:  per his review and supervisor recommendation, Peet called for a motion to increase Schiess’s wage to $16.50/hour.  

Motion (McGee/ Porter) to approve the raise.   Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


c.         Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01

Baldwin stated that this resolution was required as the Parks & Recreation budget had a small over-run in the 2011 budget which required the following amendment to close the 2011 budget.

Resolution # R-12-01

Resolution for Budget Amendment to the 2011 Annual Budget

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin to amend the previously adopted 2011 Annual Budget, as per the procedure defined in Section 65.90(5)(a) of the Wisconsin State Statues.

The following Account shall be credited by transferring funds from the Barnes Money Market Reserve fund to balance the 2011 summary budget account for the Culture, Recreation & Education Department:   

Budget Account 55300, Recreation Programs and Events:           $ 1,217.02


Motion (Porter/McGee) to Approve Budget Amendment Resolution 12-01 as requested.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


d.         Discussion and possible Approval of Budget Appropriations Resolution 12-02

Baldwin and Bob Lang reviewed with the Board that since the new CAT Backhoe Tractor was not delivered by FabCo as originally planned by 12/31/2011, we needed to encumber the capital highway equipment funds from the 2011 budget that were approved last fall for the purchase. 

Meinke stated that we needed to emphasize to the Townspeople that we were not purchasing additional new equipment but rather reserving the funds for the exact tractor bid that the Board originally approved last fall.

Resolution # R-12-02

Resolution for 2011 Budget Amendment – Highway Funds

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to continue certain appropriations, previously approved by the Board for the Year 2011 Budget, to be carried over into the Year 2012. 

At the request of the Town Roads & Property Foreman, and upon recommendation of the Town Clerk-Treasurer, the following 2011 budget account balance will be transferred to the Highway Sinking Fund and reserved for future use in the following manner:


From Budget Account 57331,  Capital Outlay – Highway & Street:

·         $110,649.        To be used for payment of the new Caterpillar Backhoe Tractor and for the coupler/bucket equipment ordered for it, upon delivery.

·         $44,720.          To be held for future use, these are considered surplus funds.


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to Budget Amendment Resolution 12-02 as requested.  Roll call vote taken:  all responded yes.  Motion carried.


11.  Department Head Reports:

a.      Highway – January Road Report

We completed locating the property stakes on Lynx Road, so all 4.4 miles of proposed construction in Potawatomi are marked.  I have been working with Dawn Pittman, Treasurer of the Potawatomi Association, on a letter that will be sent out with their assessments that explains our intentions.  This way every association member will be informed instead of just the adjoining land owners.  We have completed the brushing along these roads so they are now ready for the tree removal.  I met with Mike Santikko from Oulu who has agreed to remove the trees and chip all of the branches and tree tops so that there will be no debris remaining.  It will make the following construction much easier.  We hope to do the tree removal in late May.


January 6th was the deadline for the Firewise grant submissions.  The Firewise program sees the benefit of open town right-of-ways as fuels reduction and a functional fire break.  I applied for $30, 000 to be applied to tree and stump removal and the shaping of the ditches so they can be maintained with our tractor mounted brushers.


Speaking of our tractor mounted brushers, we have the John Deere 2755 completely torn down.  We are rebuilding the steering system and replacing most of the hoses for the hydraulic system and cooling system.  This older unit is economical to operate and saves countless hours on our newer unit.  I expect it to last for many years yet.


Jerry has been working on the brush clamps for the new bucket for the Cat loader.  The new coupling system is scheduled to ship February 8th.  The new Backhoe is sitting in Superior waiting for an attachment before we can take delivery.


The weather was finally cooperative and Dave was able to flood the rink last week.  He added more water today.  There is barely enough snow to cover the ground, but Dave has done his best to make the ski trail usable.  He has packed it as snow amounts allowed and he attempted to set tracks on it today for the first time this season.


I am still working with the DNR on the removal of Outlet Bay bridge.  We will have an on-site meeting this spring with them and Fish and Wildlife to see of any more grants are available.  If we apply for grants through Fish and Wildlife, it will postpone the removal until 2013. 


Respectfully submitted,    Bob Lang,  Barnes Property & Road Foreman


  1. Discussion and possible action on the non-compliance by some residents with the TOB Recycling Ordinance and the separation of garbage & recycling items

Bob reported to the Board that our TOB Recycling Ordinance is now outdated and that he would review it for updating.  The Board discussed recycling and will schedule a site visit to the Transfer Site to review the current processes and review the issue at next month’s meeting.

  1. Cemetery – Cemetery Sexton Dave Schiess reported No activity for the past month.
  2. Constable – Peet read the following report from Constable Mike O’Keefe:

§  There were No ordinance related complaints in the last month.

§  Did 12 weekly home checks for out of town residents.

12.  Committee Reports – There was no committee activity this past month and no reports.  Peet stated that the EWM Committee will start their 2012 meetings next month on February 20th.

13.  Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

§  There were no requests from the floor to speak.

14.  Issues Timeline Update

·         Meinke updated the Board on attending the January meeting of the

15.  Adjourn:   Motion ( Meinke / Porter) to adjourn the January 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting;  Motion Carried.     Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.



Respectfully Submitted,


Stephen C. Baldwin, Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer, Dated this 16th day of February, 2012


The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
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3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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