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Home > Cell Tower Communications Committee > Meeting Minutes > May 5, 2011 Minutes

May 5, 2011 Minutes


Cell Tower Committee Meeting Report - May 5th, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Diane Rupnow, May 5th at 12:00 PM. Those in attendance were Diane Rupnow, Mike Tremblay, Melissa Driscoll, Suzette Tremblay and Leslie Hall.
Diane informed all that the “Land Use Plan address’s towers currently with the wording “Not Visually Intrusive” and that the Bayfield Regulation now allows 400 ft towers by the words, “Need Based On”. She also stated that there was a misconception concerning the request by the Property Owners Association self-appointed committee in the Town of Barnes to make a wording change in the Land Use Plan. Some people thought they were requesting a town ordinance be established.
She stated that the goal of the committee was to recommend a change in the wording in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to prevent towers over 199 feet which requires lights in densely populated areas.
She informed the group that the goal of the committee was to create new wording that works with all of the people of Barnes. Mike Tremblay, Suzette Tremblay and Melissa Driscoll stated they were under the impression that the goal was to research cell towers economics, placement, coverage etc. and put into a report to submit to the town board before the June open meeting. Mike and Melissa stated their concerns over inadequate cell coverage for ALL towns people.
Leslie Hall informed all that the concerned citizen’s study group that spoke at the Town Board February meeting goal was to achieve adequate cell phone coverage with no more than the towers two lights currently visible over the Barnes Lakes.
Melissa asked why the town couldn’t get the cell companies to work together when there is an existing tower. Mike replied that each cell company has a contract with the company that builds the tower which may prevent this or they may own or construct their own tower and be very reluctant to have another competitor on their tower.
The group considered whether the emergency tower in Barnes may be an option to place an antenna. The group would look into this by contacting Tom Renz.
It was brought up and agreed that due to the cost to construct the towers it would be unrealistic to put up five smaller towers vs one larger tower due to the economics and the number of residents in the town of Barnes.
Leslie offered to email Mike and Diane with phone contacts she had worked on
previously, Diane would forward the email to Melissa. Melissa and Diane were then going to contact the various contacts on the list and find out what they could about where things were at relative to the existing towers and any plans to share the Beauregard tower.
Mike Tremblay was asked to research cell technology and prepare an easy to understand overview of how cell towers and antenna coverage work.
Melissa and Diane were to find out the dates of the next Comprehensive Land Use Plan meeting and also the town boards open meeting in June.
Diane finished by asking all to to come back with thoughts on a compromise and restrictions of where a tower can go with or without lights. She also asked for each to think about the verbiage that could be presented.
Meeting adjourned next meeting May 24th, 2011
“Minutes submitted by Barnes Town Board Appointee Suzette Tremblay this 5th of May, 2011.”

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