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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2011 MINUTES > Minutes January 13, 2011

Minutes January 13, 2011


Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission
                                             January 13, 2011
Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Gene Ratzel, Mitch McGee, Diane Rupnow, Dick Webb
Members Absent: None
Alternate Absent: Duke Marten.
Public Present: Jon Harkness, Lee Weisner, Leslie Hall, Lu Peet, Carol Pease, Dick Collyard.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease.
Roll call to establish quorum.
Motion (Rupnow/ Ratzel) to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion (McGee/ Rupnow) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Public Comments:
Zoning/ Land Use:
1-      Discussion and possible action on telecommunication infrastructure amendments to the Plan. Jon Harkness presented information to the group proposing clarification to the wording of page 7-11 of the Land Use Plan. This was the result of meetings held by what was termed the “Telecommunications Study Group Members”. The members consisted of Leslie Hall, Lu Peet, Lee Weisner, Diane Rupnow, and Jon Harkness. Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, Karl Kastrosky served as an advisory member. The proposed changes support telecommunications towers that are not visually intrusive. Specific wording of the current Plan and the proposed changes are as follows (changes are in italics):
Page 7-11
Goal 3: Support the expansion of telecommunication infrastructure in the Town of Barnes while preserving the visual beauty of the area.  
1.      Provide modern infrastructure that allows people to work at home or start businesses.
Programs, Policies, and Actions
1.      Support cellular and communications towers in the area that are not visually intrusive. (current wording states “support a cellular phone tower in the area that is not visually intrusive”)
a.      All towers in the Town of Barnes north of T43N R9W Section 21 will be constructed and maintained at a height not to require lights by the FA and shall not be lighted. Towers currently lighted as of 1/11/2011 will be grandfathered.
This would need a public hearing, closer to May or June when more people are present, and also may need review by the “concerned citizens group”. Discussion about how the Plan originally addressed this with one line that was felt to be adequate at the time, but several months ago, the County changed their ordinance to allow a tower to go up to 400 feet of the company can demonstrate need. The concern is what defines need? The ordinance amendment that was referenced is 2010-10 (5/25/10), Section 13-1-43(k)(2)c. This will need to be verified. There was discussion back and forth regarding the concern that there will not be adequate coverage without higher towers, and that the cell company experts will need to be involved as this proceeds. This is just a starting point. Motion (Rupnow/ Ratzel) to proceed with the proposed amendment to the Land Use Plan concering communications towers.  Discussion.  Motion carried.
Commission Reports:
Motion (Pease/ Ratzel) to adjourn at 5:17pm. Motion carried. 
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Rupnow
Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.

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