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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
> Minutes June 15, 2010
Minutes June 15, 2010
Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission June 15, 2010 4:00PM Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow, Gene Ratzel, Mitch McGee Members Absent: none Alternate Absent: Duke Marten. Public Present: Jon Harkness, Nathan Ward, Leslie Hall. Marianne Mueller. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease. Roll call to establish quorum. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion (Ratzel/ McGee) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Jon Harkness spoke on behalf of the Property Owner’s Association regarding the cell phone tower application. They were pleased with the 199 foot cap, specifically because at this height, lights are not needed. There could be an exception in the height limit if the company could show proof of need, but the association would really like to see the height limit adhered to. Leslie Hall spoke about her concern about lights on the tower. She discussed the possibility of sharing of the tower near the shooting range. She was wondering if that had been looked into. Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Conditional Use Permit application by Bayfield County to construct a 199 foot telecommunications tower located in the NW ¼ of Section 21, Township 43N, Range 9 West in the town of Barnes (just south of the 43 road). Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion. Nathan Ward, representative spoke. This request had previously been approved for placement on a nearby parcel, but they could not reach agreement with the landowner. The proposed height is 199 feet, but will be constructed to reach a higher height in design. This would be in case the need arises down the road for a private carrier to use the tower, and in that case, they would have to come before the committee to get that approval. The FAA has provided information that this tower would not require lighting. The tower by the shooting range is too far to cover the distance needed. In the negations with Bayfield County, it has been determined that the tower will accommodate Bayfield County Emergency Services free of charge. Motion (Ratzel/ Webb) to open the floor. Motion carried. Jon Harkness asked about a platform at the top. Nathan said there would not be a platform, but the construction of the tower would be such that the tower could be extended up to 250 feet. At that point there would be a light needed. Jon stated that this sounds like a plan in the future to get the tower higher. The property owners do not want to see a light there. Leslie Hall spoke that if a former tower was over 10 years old it would have to be modified, and that a representative from Chequamegon had said they would be happy to share their tower by the shooting range, but that no one had asked them. She says the spoke with the zoning office and that the amendment to the height rule had been passed if the company can prove need. Nathan responded as to the structure of the tower, not using guide wires vs a self supporting tower. Jon questions what constitutes need. If it is money and convenience, it is too vague. Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to close the floor. Motion carried. Motion to approve this request carried. 2-. Special Use Permit application for shoreland grading: Steve and Julie Overum at 50005 Point O Pines Road. Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to approve the request. Discussion. There are bright lights on the property that shine out on the lake. This is out of compliance with the zoning ordinance. The committee does not want to tie this into the request, and should be handled by the zoning committee. Motion carried. 3-. Zoning District Map amendment. Request to rezone property owned by Marianne Mueller (M and M Greenhouse) on Robinson Lake Road from Forestry 1 to Commercial. Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to approve the request. Discussion. It is commercial use, and the Land Use Plan had called for it to be commercial, so it is consistent with the land use plan. Motion carried. 4-. Zoning District Map amendment. Request by George F. Barnes on Ellison Lake Road to rezone from Forestry 1 to Ag-1. Motion (Webb/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion. The applicants are not present. The current use is ag. It meets the requirements and intent of the Land Use Plan. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn at 4:56pm. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission. |