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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
> Minutes October 14, 2010
Minutes October 14, 2010
Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission October 14, 2010 4:00PM Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Gene Ratzel, Mitch McGee, Diane Rupnow, Dick Webb Members Absent: None Alternate Absent: Duke Marten. Public Present: Bill O’Brien, Goef Wendorf, Bob Browne, Jennifer St. Arnold, Robert St. Arnold. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease. Roll call to establish quorum. Motion (McGee/ Ratzel) to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Variance Request; Don and Deb Sesko, Jim Beauto, agent at 1765 Boulder Lodge Road to exchange bar unit and campground unit for one residential unit at the Boulder Lodge Complex. Motion (McGee/ Ratzel) to approve the request. Discussion. The plan is to make this property into a condo association. The paperwork will follow. They have the support of the Property Owner’s Association. The campground will be phased out over 5 years, and then they request to have a 5th unit built. Dick Webb recused himself from the vote. Motion carried. 2- Variance request; Robert and Jennifer St. Arnold at 47550 Cranberry Lake Road for a reduced setback of 30 feet from the center line of a town road. Motion (Ratzel/ Rupnow) to approve the request. Discussion. The road is a dead end and cannot be widened. Motion carried. Commission Reports: Saturday at 10am is set for the meeting to review the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Motion (Webb/ McGee) to adjourn at 4:26pm. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission. |