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Home > Town Digital Library > Town Board Meeting Minutes > 2010 Town Board Meeting Minutes > Public Hearing and Special Town Meeting November 16, 2010

Public Hearing and Special Town Meeting November 16, 2010


OF NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Chairperson Lu Peet called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. Peet read the summarized budget to the audience. There was some discussion on the term designated funds and the transferred amounts into the revenues section. There being no other discussion Peet asked for a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing. 
Motion (Donna Porter/Jon Harkness) to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried.  The Hearing was adjourned at 6:17PM.
OF NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Peet called the Special Town Meeting to order at 6:18PM to adopt the Town levy and discuss Resolution # 10-05 giving the Town Board authority to sell two parcels of land owned by the Town.  She asked for any additional questions from the townspeople. There being none she asked for nominations for two tellers and two counters to tally the votes on the resolutions to be presented to adopt the levy. Mike Brustad and Carol Pease were nominated as tellers and Buzzy Harkness and Tom Renz were nominated as counters.
Peet then read the first Resolution to be presented.  
Resolution # R10-05
Authorizing Sale of Town Owned Land
Town of Barnes
Bayfield County
The Town meeting of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County Wisconsin, by a majority vote of the eligible electors voting at a Special Town Meeting assembled and voting, resolves and orders as follows:
The Town Board of the Town of Barnes is authorized to exercise the right to sell the following real property in the town, specifically described as:
1)       120 acres in Section 30, Township 44 North, Range 9 West
2)       .34 acres of land in Government Lot 4, lying northeast of South Shore Road in Section 19, Township 44 North, Range 9 West
The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall properly post this resolution as required under s.60.80, Wis. Stats, within 30 days of the below-noted adoption date.
Adopted this 16th day of November, 2010
Number of electors authorized to vote: 21
Ayes      ____
Nays       ____
Motion by: Elaine Brustad
Seconded by:  Donna Porter
Dave Pease and Jon Harkness spoke regarding the 120 acres in the Resolution. Pease felt we should not sell any town land. Harkness said the 120 acres does have access through the Thorson property. Brustad thought the portion of land Harkness was referring to owned by Thorson’s was not in managed forest so the general public would not be able to access the land. Some board members felt the land was not accessible for the general public and should be sold. It was decided to change the Resolution to only include that 120 acre parcel and address the next parcel on South Shore Road in a separate resolution. This was then put to a vote: 
Yes:     8          No:   13
 A ballot count was conducted and the resolution failed by a vote of 8 yes votes to 13 no votes. 
The next resolution was read by Clerk-Treasurer Brustad:
Resolution # R10-08
Authorizing Sale of Town Owned Land
Town of Barnes
Bayfield County
The Town meeting of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County Wisconsin, by a majority vote of the eligible electors voting at a Special Town Meeting assembled and voting, resolves and orders as follows:
The Town Board of the Town of Barnes is authorized to exercise the right to sell the following real property in the town, specifically described as:
1)       .34 acres of land in Government Lot 4, lying northeast of South Shore Road in Section 19, Township 44 North, Range 9 West
The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall properly post this resolution as required under s.60.80, Wis. Stats, within 30 days of the below-noted adoption date.
Adopted this 16th day of November, 2010
Number of electors authorized to vote: 21
Ayes      15
Nays        6                                            
Motion by: Chris Webb
Seconded by: Donna Porter
This parcel is a small chunk of land that apparently was part of the road right-of-way on South Shore Road. It is not needed, and serves no purpose to the town. Rod Buss, a part-time resident has a parcel of land adjoining this parcel and wishes to purchase the land from the town. 
This was then put to a vote: 
Yes: 15             No:   6
 A ballot count was conducted and the resolution passed by a vote of 15 yes votes to 6 no votes. 
Peet read the next Resolution to approve the highway portion of the Levy.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Special Town Meeting this 16th day of November 2010 that the sum of $191,395.00 be levied to the Highway Fund for Operating Expenses for the year 2010.
Signed: Elaine Brustad
Motion by: Tom Renz
Seconded by: David Pease
Yes:     20           No:      1
A ballot count was conducted and the Resolution passed by a vote of 20 yes votes to 1 no vote.                     .
The next resolution was read by Peet.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Special Town Meeting this 16th day of November 2010 that the sum of $305,127.00 be levied to the General Fund for Operating Expenses for the year 2010.
Signed: Elaine Brustad
Motion by: Tom Renz
Seconded by: Donna Porter
Yes: 20               No: 1            
A ballot count was conducted and the Resolution passed by a vote of 20 yes votes to 1 no vote.            .
Peet asked for any other Resolutions from the floor.
There being none, Peet then asked for a motion to adjourn the Special Town Meeting. Motion (Dave Pease/Greg Martin) to adjourn the Special Town meeting of November 16, 2010.    Motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. 
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 18th day of November, 2010     

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