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Regular Town Board Meeting September 21, 2010


September 21, 2010
Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.  A Roll Call to establish a quorum and a verification of public notice was asked of Peet. All board members were present. Brustad verified the Agenda was posted in the required three places. Peet asked for a motion to approve the September Agenda, approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the agenda, the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:
September 21, 2010 at 6:30PM
Call the Regular Board Meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice
Motion to approve the September Agenda, approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk Correspondence    
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda             
Department Head Reports:
Amend budget for cost of Engineering firm to do plans and specs for Upper and Robinson lake boat landings
Approve proposal by Northwoods Paving to re-pave Robinson Lake Landing road and fix end of Pease Road at County Highway N
Radio grants – discussion on ordering new radios or cell phones for the highway equipment                  
                                Approve bid for fence installation by Dave Christensen Construction              
                Fire and Ambulance Department                  
Committee Reports
                EWM Committee
Recreation Committee
Request to purchase park equipment up to $15,000.00 with 50% grant match and amend budget to add up to $5000.00 in Park Outlay from Park Savings account              
Land Use Planning Commission
1)     Class A Special Use Permit application request by Douglas White for a shoreland grading permit to correct storm water run-off and erosion problems on his property at 1875 Clark Road
2)     Class A Special Use Permit application request by Christopher & Cathy Heck at 5270 Lyndale Bay Road to reinforce existing retaining wall with rock.
3)     Conditional Use Permit application request by John Flayton to build a second residence on a parcel that cannot be subdivided.
Citizen’s Request for Action:
1)     John Palla request to repair washed out area on North Lyndale Bay Road
2)     Jim & Carolyn Brueggemann request to look at french drain needing repair on Clearwater road
3)     Request by Barnes Area Historical Society for hidden driveway or other warning sign near their property on Lake Road
Decision on request by Tom O’Brien to lease town owned property off Lower Lake Road
Approval for the cutting and chipping contract at the stump dump property and tomahawk lake area property
Operator’s Licenses: 
One Year New License Application for Ron Stenberg            
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from
Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 
Dated this 20th day of September, 2010
Treasurer’s Report

General Fund
Checking Balance from last meeting
Check #'s 25187-25270
Service Charge August
Interest Earned August
Money Market
Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting
Interest earned August
YTD Interest $921.15
Transfer from Highway Sinking fund
Deposit - August settlement
Check # 1157
Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund
Transfer to Genl MM Acct-46,000
BES Sinking Fund
Park Savings
Ski Trail Savings
Town Hall Maint & Repair Fund
ACT 102 Fund
Tasler prepaid taxes for 2010
Total all Money Market Funds
Hayward Community Credit Union
18 Month CD
15 Month CD
18 month CD
YTD Interest $5,293.57
Total Hayward Community Credit Union

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence
Brustad had one Notice to Cut on property owned by Wausau Paper in Section 28, Township 45N, Range 9West.
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda
Larry Bergman wanted to express his gratitude and thanks for the work done on the roads east of the lake this summer. He also expressed his thanks to Jerry for a job well done.
Carol Lebreck spoke on the Conditional Use Permit application coming up for town board recommendation this evening. She recommended putting a condition on the application approval that the lot in question consists of the southern 600 feet portion of that lot and that portion could never be subdivided. The letter dated April 2002 explains in detail how the condition should be worded.
Department Head Reports:
Martin, James, Smith, and the first .9 mile of Moore road have been blacktopped. The Town Crew is shouldering these 4 roads at this time and should have them finished by the end of the week.
The heavy truck traffic on Pease road has heaved the intersection on the north end of Pease Rd. The heavy rains this summer have totally washed out the Robinson Lake Boat landing road. These two areas are scheduled to be redone before freeze-up.
Street signs have been put up along Highway 27 with the exception of the Pease Rd sign at Highway 27. Someone stole this street sign and a new one has to be ordered.
Amend budget for cost of Engineering firm to do plans and specs for Upper and Robinson lake boat landings
A cost has not been determined yet so this is tabled until a cost estimate is received.
Approve proposal by Northwoods Paving to re-pave Robinson Lake Landing road and fix end of Pease Road at County Highway N
Bids have been received by Northwoods Paving. To overlay Robinson Lake Landing with hot mix asphalt $14,170.40. To pave the northbound lane of Pease road at intersection of County N would be $2095.00.
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the bids as read. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried.
Radio grants – discussion on ordering new radios or cell phones for the highway equipment
A radio grant is available through the County Emergency Management Department as a 50/50 match to bring our radios up to code with digital capability for the change in 2012. Brustad said there had been discussion the road crew would go to a cell phone once our towers are up and running. We will need to know soon in order to get the grant information in by the October 8th deadline what the board and the road crew want to do. It was felt the road crew would most likely get cell phones but base stations would still have to be purchased.
Helen Bretzing was interred on August 25th in Lot 15, Site 14, Block 2. Jerry Friermood was interred on August 14th in Lot 7, Block 1, Site 2. The Cemetery Sign has been re-done and is back up.
                                Approve bid for fence installation by Dave Christensen Construction
Linda Clark of the committee spoke about the fence project. She originally had someone who volunteered to put the fence up, but later wanted to be paid. When she tried to call him several times after getting tentative approval to pay him he would not return her calls. She then called Dave Christensen and he gave her a bid of $2,750.00 to install the fence. The fence materials are all ordered and paid for and sitting at Menard’s waiting for delivery. Christensen will need gravel to put in the 64 fence holes, and she hoped the town crew could deliver that.
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve Dave Christensen’s bid for $2,750.00. Roll call vote taken and all responded with yes. Motion carried.  
                Fire and Ambulance Department
Since the last meeting there were 3 ambulance calls; 1 transported to St. Lukes, 1 Great Divide mutual aid to us as there were not enough EMT’s to respond, 1 request for water rescue for a suicidal male.  The incident resolved itself and was turned over to the Sheriff’s department. Dr. Dines donated a thousand dollars to the Ambulance department in memory of Jerry Friermood. The family requested we purchase a copier. 
The fire department had one call, the water rescue for the suicidal male and was cancelled by the ambulance before their arrival. The batteries in tanker one had to be replaced and there was a dead cell so they were losing a charge. We will be conducting hose testing over the next month or so to make sure hoses fall into the acceptable standards.
3 alarms from the sheriff, 2 animal complaints, 3 excessive noise complaints, Property owner running a generator all night on Pine Chip Drive, 2 trespass complaints(bear hunter’s dogs crossing private property, 1 assist motorist on highway 27 at South Shore Road, 1 assist stranded boater on the middle, 1 ATV complaint on Island Lake Road.
Committee Reports
                EWM Committee
Ingemar Ekstrom reported the Clean Boats-Clean Waters program wrapped up their project for the year. 3100 boats were inspected, which was down from the last few years. He wanted to remind people to make sure and send in their hours by the end of the month to be eligible for the drawing. They should know about the grants in October. He worked with Mr. Arthur, a 7th grade teacher at Drummond recently with his 32 students on 3 different workshops at the Middle and Sand Bar Lakes to help the students learn about different aquatic plants. It was very well received by the students and they hope to continue this each year.
                Recreation Committee
Request to purchase park equipment up to $15,000.00 with 50% grant match and amend budget to add up to $5000.00 in Park Outlay from Park Savings account
Susan Pagnucci of the committee spoke about a recent grant application received by the town. The park equipment will be basically half off if purchased now and if the grant is approved. The grant is through the play equipment company.   She figured with the economy the way it is the company has been slow with sales so they decided to award “grants” which reduces the cost by 50%. 
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to purchase the playground equipment retailing at $13,491.00 and with the 50% grant will cost $6,745.50 plus shipping. Budget will be amended to add up to $5,000.00 in the park outlay capital account with monies coming from the Park Savings account.  The committee will need to determine the amount needed for installation and preparation of the ground to place the equipment next spring. The equipment ordered should come with the galvanized uprights. Webb stated the committee has wanted to add to the park for some time, and with this grant we can’t afford to not get it.   Roll call vote taken with all responding yes. Motion carried. 
Land Use Planning Commission
Dave Pease reported three requests were reviewed by the commission. The request by Doug White for a shoreland grading permit was reviewed and recommended to the board to approve as it was not contrary to the land use plan. The second request by Christopher and Cathy Heck to reinforce an existing retaining wall also was recommended to the board to approve as it agrees with the plan and was per zoning recommendations. The Conditional Use application by John Flayton had been approved at the last meeting but was supplied to us on the wrong application for a Special Use Permit so needed to be re-visited. This also was recommended for approval. He felt the board should consider putting the condition on the approval that the lot cannot be subdivided.
1)     Class A Special Use Permit application request by Douglas White for a shoreland grading permit to correct storm water run-off and erosion problems on his property at 1875 Clark Road
Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Special Use Permit application by Douglas White for a shoreland grading permit. Motion carried.
2)     Class A Special Use Permit application request by Christopher & Cathy Heck at 5270 Lyndale Bay Road to reinforce existing retaining wall with rock.
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Special Use Permit application by Christopher and Cathy Heck to reinforce their retaining wall with rock. Motion carried.
3)     Conditional Use Permit application request by John Flayton to build a second residence on a parcel that cannot be subdivided.
Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the Conditional Use Permit application by John Flayton to build a second residence on condition the 600 foot lot will not be subdivided. Motion carried.
Citizen’s Request for Action:
4)     John Palla request to repair washed out area on North Lyndale Bay Road
The road needs to be re-done and widened out. Gravel alone will not work as it will just wash out again. It will be temporarily repaired before the snow flies.
5)     Jim & Carolyn Brueggemann request to look at french drain needing repair on Clearwater road
There is no place for the water to go; the road needs to be reconstructed with proper ditching.
6)     Request by Barnes Area Historical Society for hidden driveway or other warning sign near their property on Lake Road
Will take a further look at this request and see if clearing back the vegetation further will improve visibility.
Decision on request by Tom O’Brien to lease town owned property off Lower Lake Road
Motion (McGee/Porter) to put this on the agenda for the November Special Town Meeting for elector vote on whether to dispose of this property as it is landlocked. Motion carried.  
Approval for the cutting and chipping contract at the stump dump property and tomahawk lake area property
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve cutting during the wintertime when the ground is frozen. Motion carried.  The actual Timber Contract was approved prior to this meeting but was held up because the cutting was to be done in the spring time when the road bans were on.
Operator’s Licenses: 
One Year New License Application for Ron Stenberg
Brustad said Ron had paid the required fee, he has completed his beverage server course and a background check revealed no criminal history.
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the license application for Ron Stenberg. Motion carried.
Issues Timeline Update
Town Owned Land – work in progress
Town Hall Maintenance Plan – Bids for the ramp will be opened at 10-7 budget meeting
Boat Landings – Work in progress
Town Roads – Add North Lyndale Bay Rd, Otter Land and Clearwater Road to the list
Town Policy – Work in progress
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of September 21, 2010. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:37PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 1st Day of October, 2010

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
3360 County Highway N, Barnes, WI 54873

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