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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2010 MINUTES > Minutes July 15, 2010

Minutes July 15, 2010


Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission
                                             July 15, 2010
Planning Commission members present: Dave Pease, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow
Members Absent: Gene Ratzel, Mitch McGee
Alternate Absent: Duke Marten.
Public Present: Michelle Ruprecht, Doug Wozny, John Flayton, David Schiess.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease.
Roll call to establish quorum.
Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion (Rupnow/Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Public Comments:
Zoning, Land Use Applications:  
1- Special Use Permit, Michelle Ruprecht at 3135 South Shore Road for a hobby farm to keep 2 horses and 6 chickens.
Motion (Rupnow/Webb) to approve the request. Discussion. The horses have been there for 6 years already. There have been no objections from adjoining property owners. Motion carried.
2-. Class A Special Use Permit application, David Schiess at 3530 Schiess Road for grade and fill to reslope grade and build a retaining wall.
Motion (Webb/ Rupnow) to approve the request. Discussion. Motion carried.
3-. Special Use Permit application, John Flayton at 54910 Moore Road to construct a 2nd residence on a parcel that cannot be divided.
Motion (Rupnow/ Webb) to approve the request. Discussion. It meets requirements. Applicant was made aware the setback requirements may be different than when he originally got the permit in 2002. Motion carried.
Commission Reports: We have been asked to review the Land Use Plan. Will look at September to begin this process.
Motion (Webb/Rupnow) to adjourn at 4:24pm. Motion carried. 
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Rupnow
Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.

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