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Regular Town Board Meeting June 15, 2010


JUNE 15, 2010
Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. A Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum and verification of public notice was asked of Clerk-Treasurer Brustad by Peet
Roll call vote taken: all board members were present.
Peet asked for a motion to approve the June Agenda, approve minutes of the last regular board meeting and motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the agenda, the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:
JUNE 15, 2010 at 6:30PM
Call the Regular Board Meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice
Motion to approve the June Agenda, approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk Correspondence    
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda             
Department Head Reports:
                Fire and Ambulance Department
                                Accept Resignation from Viola Friermood as an EMT
Committee Reports
                EWM Committee
                Town Hall Maintenance Committee             
                                Approval to bid out concrete ramp work to be done at the town hall                  
Land Use Planning Commission
1)             Conditional Use Permit application by Bayfield County to construct a 199 foot telecommunications tower located in the NW ¼ of Section 21, Township 43N, Range 9 West in the town of Barnes
2)             Special Use permit application for Shore land grading on property owned by Steve and Julie Overum at 50005 Point O Pines Rd
3)             Zoning District Map amendment request to rezone property owned by Marianne Mueller (M & M Greenhouse) on Robinson Lake road from Forestry 1 to Commercial
4)             Zoning District Map amendment request by George F. Barnes on Ellison Lake Road to rezone from Forestry 1 to Ag-1.
Citizen’s Request for Action:
                James Lancour request for “slow down” signs on Pine Chip Drive
                Jim & Nancy Refsnider request to have Foreman check their road near 1555                Wilderness Court
Open Bids for Attic Ventilation Work in Town Hall
Open Bids for Plow Truck
Approval to bid out re-plastering work to be done at the fire hall
Liquor License Renewals: 
                Class a Combo License for: Homestead Station & Store and Jim’s Bait
                Class B Combo License for: RC’s Decoy Inn, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Cedar Lodge Steakhouse & Grille, Boulder Lodge, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Doorn’s Inn, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, The Windsor, Enchanted Inn, Northwood’s Tap, Backwoods Resort, and PJ’s Cabin Store
Discussion on late license application by Buck N Bass Resort
Operator’s Licenses: 
                Two Year License Renewals for: Samuel Kurth, Nina Krob, Tracy Levy, Gladys Krob, Judy Krob, Brenda Drall, Russell Boheim, Gary Bergman, Wayne Boelk, Nancy Loughren, Lynette Beckwell and John Draganowski
                One year License Renewal for: James Weichert and Barbara Lockhart
                Two Year New License Applications for Michelle J. Plahn, Shay Richards and Jaclyn M Rehl
Ordinance Amendment Resolution # 3-1(a), 3-1(d), 3-2(d) for EMS
Discussion and possible adoption of Resolution regarding Bayfield County’s participation in the Utility Terrain vehicle Pilot Program
Discussion and possible adoption of Resolution # 10-03 supporting expansion of US Highway 2 to a 4 lane Highway
Update from Attorney on Ebel vs. Hiltunen suit
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
By Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from
Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad     Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 
Dated this 12th day of June, 2010
Treasurer’s Report

General Fund
Checking Balance from last meeting
Check #'s 24881-24976
Direct Tax Payments Ck #'s 362-363
Service Charge May
Interest Earned May
Money Market
Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting
Interest earned April
YTD Interest $586.31
Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund
BES Sinking Fund
Park Savings
Ski Trail Savings
Town Hall Maint & Repair Fund
ACT 102 Fund
Tasler prepaid taxes for 2010
Total all Money Market Funds
Hayward Community Credit Union
18 Month CD
15 Month CD
18 month CD
YTD Interest $2,972.63
Total Hayward Community Credit Union

Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence    
Brustad received 3 Notices to cut in Section 15 & 16 of Township 44N, Range 9W on property owned by Barbara Forster, Section 24, Township 44North, Range 9W on property owned by Kevin Jacobson, and Section 24, Township 45North, Range 9 West on property owned by Victor Langer. She had no other correspondence.
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda
Jon Harkness presented a check obtained from a grant in Douglas County to help defray costs for the Clean Boats, Clean Waters programs on the Lower Eau Claire Lake in the amount of $1,000.00.
He also wanted to speak on the zoning issue up for Board recommendation to install a 199 foot telecommunications tower on Bayfield County property. He heard the County was going to change their ordinance to allow higher structures than the 199 foot limit. This tower being constructed has the capability to be added on to, and wanted to make sure the board would consider that when making their decision this evening. Peet said the County had only briefly talked about that but there were no current plans to change their height limit per Mike Furtak. If that did happen, where they wanted to add on to their existing structure it would have to be a new Special Use permit request and would have the whole approval process again. 
Department Head Reports:
The turbo quit working on the tandem dump truck and was repaired by Maney International in Duluth.
Two culverts were replaced at the end of Mulligan creek to repair wash-out damage from the wet weather.
The side and back slope work is completed on James Road and we will be moving to Smith Lake road next. The next step will be placing culverts where required, then two inches of gravel to grade. The tentative scheduling for doing the blacktopping is the end of July.
I would like to inform everyone that with the blacktopping plant being located in Town this summer, there will be heavy truck traffic on many of our town roads in addition to the traffic you will see for Highway 27. Many people are getting driveways done, and Northwood’s Paving will also be hauling blacktop to other out of town areas while the plant is located in Barnes.
Burials for “Vandy” VanDeList May 20th, Pat Pease and Mr. Rheel May 22, Paul Rauwolf May 26th. The new fence has been ordered and will be installed soon. A Cemetery Committee meeting will be held on June 16th at 3:00PM in the Town Hall. 
                Fire and Ambulance Department
Since the last Town Board meeting we have had five Ambulance runs:
2 – No transports
1 – Hayward
2 – Gold Cross intercepts
We conducted Incident command training at our last meeting and have one person in the First responder course.
We have had no Fire runs. Brandon Friermood has completed trench rescue training.
Both fire and ambulance Departments are now getting prepared for their annual Fourth of July fundraiser………..
                                Accept Resignation from Viola Friermood as an EMT
Brustad read Viola’s resignation letter dated June 10, 2010:
“I am retiring from the Barnes Ambulance Service on the 15th of June, 2010. My plans to retire were the end of July, 2010. I want to retain my position as Assistant Director. I have enjoyed being a member of the Barnes Ambulance Service and will continue as long as I can. “
Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to accept the resignation of Viola Friermood. We will check with Tom on getting a plaque made in her honor, and also check on getting the EMT plaque on the Hall wall updated. Motion carried.
4 ) Alarms : from sheriff.......( 3 ) Fireworks complaints..........( 1 ) Animal complaint's...........( 1 ) assist motorist........( 2 ) PWC complaints : on middle.........( 1 ) welfare check........( 1 ) assist stranded boater........( 1 ) deer hit : hwy 27.
Committee Reports
                EWM Committee
The committee will be meeting the next Monday so nothing new to report.
                Town Hall Maintenance Committee
Mike Tremblay reported the committee will be meeting on Thursday morning and will start working on the ramp specs then.
Land Use Planning Commission
Dave Pease reported on the 4 items on the agenda for tonight. For the Bayfield County application the commission recommended approval to construct the 199 foot tower, it is in agreement with the Land Use Plan and we want to encourage increased telecommunications in our community.
On Overum’s Special Use permit application the Commission recommended approval .
On M & M’s greenhouse application they recommended approval as it is in harmony with the land use plan.
And for Barnes’ rezone request they also recommended approval as the property has been used for pasturing and historically been used as agricultural land. 
1      Conditional Use Permit application by Bayfield County to construct a 199 foot telecommunications tower located in the NW ¼ of Section 21, Township 43N, Range 9 West in the town of Barnes
Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the Conditional Use permit per Plan Commission’s recommendation. Webb liked that it is on public land so everyone benefits from the payments. Motion carried.
2      Special Use permit application for Shore land grading on property owned by Steve and Julie Overum at 50005 Point O Pines Rd
Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to approve the Special Use permit application for Shore land Grading on Steve and Julie Overum’s property. Motion carried.
3      Zoning District Map amendment request to rezone property owned by Marianne Mueller (M & M Greenhouse) on Robinson Lake road from Forestry 1 to Commercial
Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Re-zone for M& M Greenhouse property. Motion carried.
4      Zoning District Map amendment request by George F. Barnes on Ellison Lake Road to rezone from Forestry 1 to Ag-1.
Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the rezone request for George Barnes property on Ellison Lake Road. Motion carried.
Citizen’s Request for Action:
                James Lancour request for “slow down” signs on Pine Chip Drive
Mr. Lancour stated the offender is a school bus driver who will not slow down and he is worried for the safety of children on the bus and also people on the roads this bus driver travels. He spoke with the Principal of Drummond School. Jerry Witt said the sign would do no good, what is needed is to report this person to Lakeshore Busing Company and also the school.
Motion (Porter/Meinke) to send a letter to the Principal of Drummond School and the bus company with a copy of this request form so it is on file for next year. Motion carried.
                Jim & Nancy Refsnider request to have Foreman check their road near 1555                Wilderness Court
The Refsnider's were not present at the meeting. They had contacted Jack Meinke to see if they needed a culvert or not, and he didn’t think so. They actually just wanted to know if there was anything they could do to help alleviate the problem of washouts down his driveway. Brustad will send them a note that the Town will address all of Wilderness Court Road during budget time as Jerry’s suggestion was to re-do the road.
Open Bids for Attic Ventilation Work in Town Hall
One bid was received for the ventilation work and that was from Steve Hunter Construction for a total of $3,652.00. That amount seemed fair to Jerry Witt and the Board members.
Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the bid for the attic ventilation work to be done at the town hall by Steve Hunter Construction for $3,652.00. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried.
Open Bids for Plow Truck
Two bids were received for the chassis.
Mid-States Truck Services Inc. A 2010 for $76,000.00, and a 2011 for $79,900.00
Maney International, a 2011 for 77,960.00
Monroe Trucking was the only bidder for the equipment bid, in the amount of $58,557.00.
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to table this until the next board meeting to allow Jerry and Mitch time to look over and compare the bids. Motion carried.  
Approval to bid out re-plastering work to be done at the fire hall
This was talked about at the last Board meeting and Jerry had received a proposal from Bob Palmquist for $3,280.00. This was not in the budget to be repaired this year but it was felt it should be done this summer.
Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the proposal by Bob Palmquist to repair the fire hall and to amend the budget for the same amount. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. Motion carried.
Liquor License Renewals: 
                Class a Combo License for: Homestead Station & Store and Jim’s Bait
Motion (Webb/Meinke ) to approve the renewals for Homestead Station & Store and Jim’s Bait and to withhold license until all fees are paid. Motion carried.
                Class B Combo License for: RC’s Decoy Inn, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Cedar Lodge Steakhouse & Grille, Boulder Lodge, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Doorn’s Inn, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, The Windsor, Enchanted Inn, Northwood’s Tap, Backwoods Resort, and PJ’s Cabin Store
Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to approve the renewals for RC’s Decoy Inn, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Cedar Lodge Steakhouse & Grille, Boulder Lodge, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Doorn’s Inn, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, The Windsor, Enchanted Inn, Northwood’s Tap, Backwoods Resort, and PJ’s Cabin Store as long as all fees are paid. Motion carried.
Discussion on late license application by Buck N Bass Resort
Brustad reported Kevin Murphy did not make his application until late last week. By Statute she has to publish their application request for 15 days before being acted on. Since the application will not get in to the paper until this week, the 15 day deadline will not be until the 30th of June. The Board can hold a Special Town Board meeting for this purpose or they can make him wait until the next regular town board meeting in July. Murphy told her he would be willing to pay to have the board meet before July 1st, but our ordinance does not address that. It is something she felt the board should put in their ordinances and put a late fee in the fee schedule. 
Motion (Webb/McGee) to table the license application until June 30th and set up a Special Town Board meeting at 7:00AM for that purpose. Motion carried with all in favor.
Operator’s Licenses: 
                Two Year License Renewals for: Samuel Kurth, Nina Krob, Tracy Levy, Gladys Krob, Judy Krob, Brenda Drall, Russell Boheim, Gary Bergman, Wayne Boelk, Nancy Loughren, Lynette Beckwell and John Draganowski
Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the two Year License Renewals for Samuel Kurth, Nina Krob, Tracy Levy, Gladys Krob, Judy Krob, Brenda Drall, Russell Boheim, Gary Bergman, Wayne Boelk, Nancy Loughren, Lynette Beckwell and John Draganowski. Motion carried.
                One year License Renewal for: James Weichert and Barbara Lockhart
Motion ( Porter/Meinke) to approve the one year license renewals for James Weichert and Barbara Lockhart. Motion carried.
                Two Year New License Applications for Michelle J. Plahn, Shay Richards and Jaclyn M Rehl
Brustad said all three had paid their fee, they had their beverage server certificates and a background check revealed no criminal history on any of them
Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to approve the two year new license applications for Michelle J. Plahn, Shay Richards and Jaclyn M Rehl. Motion carried.
Ordinance Amendment Resolution # 3-1(a), 3-1(d), 3-2(d) for EMS
Brustad and Tom Renz met last week to update the ordinance with correct information from the SOG’s.
Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to approve the revisions to the Ordinance for EMS on Resolution # 3-1(a), 3-1(d) and 3-2(d). Motion carried.
Discussion and possible adoption of Resolution regarding Bayfield County’s participation in the Utility Terrain vehicle Pilot Program
The county has adopted a Utility Terrain vehicle pilot program temporarily allowing these vehicles on ATV trails and routes. This will automatically allow them in our municipality unless we adopt a resolution to not allow them. After discussion it was felt to go with the pilot program and see how everything goes. 
Discussion and possible adoption of Resolution # 10-03 supporting expansion of US Highway 2 to a 4 lane Highway
Per letter from the County Administrator, the county was asking for support from all municipalities in Bayfield County so they could send a letter to the State Legislature to approve funding for the expansion.
Motion (Porter/Peet) to approve Resolution # T10-03 supporting Bayfield County’s efforts to get funding for expansion of State Highway 2. Motion carried.
Update from Attorney on Ebel vs. Hiltunen suit
Attorney John Carlson sent a letter to the Board regarding this suit, which could possibly require the town to be involved. He will keep us informed and will let us know if we need to intervene.
Issues Timeline Update
Town owned land – Jack updated us on CWPP and Potawatomi ongoing issues
Town Hall Maintenance – Ventilation to start on 6.17, ramps to be addressed in July
Boat Landings – need to address at budget time, 8-10K possibly in budget with a 50/50 grant
Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of June 15, 2010. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:03PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 1st day of July, 2010

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
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