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Regular Town Board Meeting April 20, 2010


 April 20, 2010
Chair Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. Peet asked for a roll call to establish a quorum. All were present except for Donna Porter who was at EMT classes. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad gave verification the Notice was posted as required. Peet then asked for a motion to approve the April Agenda, approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the April 20, 2010 agenda, the minutes of the last RegularTown Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  McGee asked to amend his motion to move the Trap Club agenda item up to the highway department report area. Webb agreed to second that amendment.  Motion carried.  The agenda follows:
APRIL 20, 2010 at 6:30PM
Call the Regular Board Meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice
Motion to approve the April Agenda, approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk Correspondence            
Department Head Reports:
                        Approval to purchase and bid out for new Dump Truck                     
            Fire and Ambulance Department
Committee Reports
            EWM Committee
                        Approval of 3 new hires for Boat landing monitors and 1 coordinator
            Town Hall Maintenance Committee
                        Approval for engineering services for ramps at the hall
                        Approval to bid out Hall ceiling ventilation and insulation repairs
Land Use Planning Commission
Citizen’s Request for Action:
            Request to fix Upper Lake landing boat ramp-Edward Mundle
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda
Approval for trap club to construct a 3’x40’ sidewalk at the trap house in the rifle range (continuation from MarchTown Board meeting)
Employee Nominations and selection of winner for Employee of the Year
Plan Commission re-appointments of Dick Webb, David Pease and Mitch McGee for 2 year terms
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
By Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from
Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 
Dated this 19th day of April, 2010
Treasurer’s Report

General Fund
Checking Balance from last meeting
Transfer from Money Market acct
Check #'s 24707-24792
March Direct tax payments ck # 360-361
Service Charge March
Interest Earned March
Money Market
Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting
Interest earned March
YTD Interest $499.42
Transfer to General Fund
Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund
BES Sinking Fund
Park Savings
Deposit 319.06
Ski Trail Savings
Deposit 59.00
Town Hall Maint & Repair Fund
ACT 102 Fund
Tasler prepaid taxes for 2010
Total all Money Market Funds
Hayward Community Credit Union
9 Month CD
9 Month CD
6 Month CD
9 month CD
YTD Interest $2,234.72
Total Hayward Community Credit Union

Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence
Brustad reminded everyone of the April Spruce up campaign, with the Transfer site giving out coffee and rolls on the 24th from 8:00am to 2:00 pm. Road side trash can be brought in for free during the regular Transfer Site hours. A list of pledges and roads are on the website; or if someone prefers they can call her and she will update the list for them. 
An email was received from Matt Dickinson of the DOT regarding the highway 27 project. They will start May 4th. The road will included shoulder widening, grinding up of the old pavement, re-paving, replacing guard rail, highway signs, adding fill to steep slopes and re-grading several intersections. The roadway will be open to traffic at all times during construction. The anticipated completion date will be September 15th 
Suzette Tremblay sent an email announcing the Clean Sweep collections for this year. There will be no collection site in Barnes, but Washburn will have one July 24th, IronRiver from 3-5pm will have theirs at the County Highway Garage on July 24th, the Grandview will have theirs on September 2nd from 3-4:30pm at the GrandviewTown hall. There also is a collection in SawyerCounty in Hayward at the County Highway shop from 10-2pm on July 31st.
Three Notices to cut were received for cutting on property owned by Plum Creek in Section 30, Township 43N, and Section 29 of Township 45North, and property owned by Ted and Deb DesRosiers in Section 21 of 45 North.
The town of Drummond is petitioning the County for a zoning overlay district. The Public Hearing was held on April 15th
Governor Doyle has proclaimed the week of April 19th thru 23rd as Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week because “the citizens of Wisconsin can be seriously affected by tornadoes and severe weather”. The Governor goes on to say “it is essential that we increase the awareness of the dangers of severe weather hazards and the protective actions which can be taken by citizens”.
DID YOU KNOW – In BayfieldCounty
·          Tornado events have occurred an average of once every five years since 1982?
·          Thunderstorms with damaging straight line winds have occurred every other year?
·          Flash flooding that damaged highway infrastructure has occurred every five years?
·          Hail has been reported in seven of the last ten years?
During this 2010 Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week let’s take a few minutes to prepare for the many types of emergencies we could face…at home, at school, at work, and while at play. We can do this in three easy steps – Prepare, Plan and Stay Informed:
1.         Get a Kit.  When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it's best to think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth.
2.          Make a Plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance: how you will contact one another; how you will get
             back  together; and what you will do in different situations.
3.          Be Informed.  Learn more about the potential emergencies that could occur in BayfieldCounty, know how to access information and know the appropriate way
 to respond to them. 
For more information please go to and
Department Head Reports:
This past month we attended a road maintenance seminar put on by the Wisconsin DOT. We also attended a mandatory one day MSHA training certification course at WITC, Ashland, so we are legal to enter the gravel pits in the area.
The snow removal equipment has been removed from the machinery and put away.
We have been grading sand roads in Potawatomi, and also have been trying to maintain sand roads the loggers have been using. We will not be grading any gravel roads until we receive adequate moisture to do so. Trying to grade a gravel road without proper moisture in it does more damage to it than good.
The stay pole bracing has been removed from the Middle and Upper Lake channels. All the Town docks have been put in, the exception being GeorgeLake where it is not feasible to do so because of the low water level. The weight limits will be coming off this Friday, SawyerCounty pulled theirs last week. For the Citizen’s request for action request he has the equipment to do something but wants board approval to do so as the DNR wants a permit to do anything in the water.
                Approval for trap club to construct a 3’x40’ sidewalk at the trap house in the rifle range             (continuation from MarchTown Board meeting)
All issues Jerry had were answered, Brustad said insurance would be under the Town’s liability and we should get a list from the Conservation Club and the Trap club of the items at the Rifle range and the Town hall park area so she can add them on to the Town’s insurance policy. Greg Martin said he would work on getting the Conservation Club’s information to her. 
Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to approve the installation of a sidewalk at the rifle range at the Trap shoot area. Work will be done by the Trap Club. 
Motion ( McGee/Webb) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Greg Martin wanted to ask Brustad exactly what information she needed to add the Conservation Club’s building and contents. She told him the size and cost of the building, along with when it was constructed. She also needs an Inventory of its contents and any other items that may be at the rifle range or elsewhere. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to close the floor to discussion. 
Motion carried on the 1st motion to approve the installation.
                Approval to purchase and bid out for new Dump Truck
Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the purchase of a new dump truck and for Jerry to prepare and go out for bids. Witt said there is a 6-7 month leeway for the building of the truck. He thought the purchase price would be in the 120,000.00 range. Brustad will get information from the Department of Commerce for a loan to be obtained for the difference in what we have in the sinking fund for this. 
Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. (Porter absent) Motion carried.
Motion (Meinke/McGee) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Bud Pease wanted to know where the new truck would be stored as they had one truck left outside all winter as it was. Witt responded there was room in the garage to store the new vehicle, the truck left outside was the old pickup which has no value, and they use it only occasionally for travel. They could get rid of a loader if they wanted to, this new truck will replace a loader. Lu Peet said that could be put on the next agenda to talk about the feasibility of selling it or not.           
One burial last month and one that will be interred this Friday. 
                Fire and Ambulance Department
No report was received.
Clerk had received no report, but Chair Peet said she spoke with Mike that day and he gave her his report verbally. There were 2 alarms responded to from the sheriff, he helped corral a few horses along highway 27.
Committee Reports
                EWM Committee
Ingemar Ekstrom reported they held their meeting last night (April 19th) . The new coordinator position was filled by Sally Pease, who has been volunteering her time as a boat landing monitor. The monitor positions were filled by the same people as last year, Ken Higgins, Scott Bell and Barbara Larson. There will be two alternates, Paul Moore and Steven Breault. Friday April 30th at 11:30 will be the luncheon for the volunteers. They will be working on obtaining two more grants, 1 for the restoration in SandBarLake, and also a new “Clean Boats/Clean Waters Grant. On June 5th there will be a meeting with the owners of TomahawkLake and Sand Bar lake to update them on the progress of the research grants. 
                                Approval of 3 new hires for Boat landing monitors and 1 coordinator
Motion ( Webb/McGee) to approve the 4 new hires for the 2010 Eurasian Water Milfoil project. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. (Donna Porter absent) Motion carried.
                Town Hall Maintenance Committee
                                Approval to bid out hall ceiling ventilation and insulation repairs
Mike Tremblay spoke on the request from his committee to go out for bids to repair the hall attic ventilation. It is not functioning properly to allow airflow in the right places. This airflow issue results in significant heat loss, drafts and ice damming on the roof in the winter, and also cooling loss to a lesser degree in the summer months. The Town Hall Maintenance committee recommends putting this out for bids to correct this problem before the next heating season.  They are figuring the cost to be around the $3000.00 to $6000.00 range.
Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the bidding out for repairs to the attic ventilation system.
Roll call vote taken: all present responded yes. Motion carried.
                                Approval for engineering services for ramps at the hall
Tremblay said this will be tabled until the next meeting until he can get some interested firms to present to the board.
Land Use Planning Commission
No meeting as there were no items to discuss
Citizen’s Request for Action:
                Request to fix Upper Lake landing boat ramp-Edward Mundle
Mr. Mundle was not present. There was discussion under the highway department report with Jerry saying he had the materials and equipment to fix the problem but didn’t know if the DNR would allow it. Peet said she would call John Spangeberg to find out what would be needed in order to fix the ramp. The sign was installed last year but what is needed is for gravel to be placed behind the concrete. The other boat ramps in town are the same, because of the low water levels. Peet will also notify Ed Mundle of any updates.
Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda
Gladys Aukee wanted to know if it was possible to place “do Not Litter” signs around town to discourage people from littering. Lu Peet said there were some signs already around town and she didn’t think it would help. Discussion followed regarding using the town’s printed garbage bags for the Spring Clean-Up. Since the town pays for those it would make more sense to use regular bags instead which would be cheaper. The Board will look at that sometime this summer whether to get rid of those bags altogether and use regular bags. 
Henry Aukee wanted to know the cost of a cemetery lot. Bud Pease told him $50.00. He also wondered about the town charging for fire and ambulance calls. The town charges for calls up to the reimbursement by their insurance company, and if someone does not have insurance they board would look at that and could possibly reduce or eliminate the charge altogether. 
Greg Martin asked if Jerry could move the “No Power Loading” sign at the UpperLake landing so it faces the boaters when they come in. That way they would more likely see it and not do it. He also mentioned the Conservation Club donated $1200.00 to place new “fire” signs in 5 different locations around town. They will be similar to the one at the Ranger Station but smaller. He asked if they could place one at the Town Hall. Brustad said she spoke with Jed Kaurich the other day and they had decided on placing one to the east of the offices near the road. The third item he asked about was where the town was at with replacing the actual ramp. He had given the Clerk-Treasurer information on grant opportunities for that last year and it was discussed at budget meetings. Brustad will check if the money was put in the budget to replace the ramp. She thought they had but wasn’t sure.
Employee Nominations and selection of winner for Employee of the Year
Four nominations were received, 2 for Jerry Witt, one for Ken Wilk, and one for Colin Nowaczyk. Webb said she thought Jerry wouldn’t want the recognition. 
Motion (McGee/Webb) to nominate both Ken Wilk and Colin Nowaczyk as co-employees of the year. There was much discussion on the need or not to have two employees at the same time. A call for the question was asked and roll call vote resulted in Meinke and McGee voting yes, Peet and Webb voting no. Motion did not pass.
Motion (Webb/McGee) to nominate Ken Wilk for “employee of the year”.  Ken was nominated previously and did not receive it so it should go to him this year. He has done a lot since he became a firefighter, volunteering him time for the town. Roll call vote taken with all responding yes who were present.  Motion carried.
Plan Commission re-appointments of Dick Webb, David Pease and Mitch McGee for 2 year terms
Lu Peet said she spoke with everyone and they all wanted to continue with being on the Plan Commission.
Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the three re-appointments for two year terms for Dick Webb, David Pease, and Mitch McGee.   Roll call vote taken: all present responded yes. Motion carried.
Issues Timeline Update
Town-owned land – Board rescinded the contract at April 12th Special Town Board Meeting, TomahawkPark next winter, stump dump is a work in progress.
Town Hall Maintenance plan – working on ramp issues, will go out for bids in ceiling issues
Roads – Work in progress
Zoning – no issues at this time for review.
Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the RegularTown Board meeting of April 20, 2010. Motion carried.  The Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
dated this 3rd Day of May, 2010

The notices, agendas, minutes and postings on the Town website are for informational purposes only. They may not be the most current version and therefore are NOT considered the official or legal copy.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM & Wed. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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