JUNE 20, 2006


Chairman Collyard called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice was done.  Meinke-absent, Webb-present, Porter-present, McGee-present, Collyard-present. Quorum was established.  The Clerk verified the Notice for the meeting was posted as required. 

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the June  agenda, Motion carried. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:







Call the Regular Town Board Meeting to order

Pledge Allegiance to the flag

Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice and Approve the May agenda

Approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting-motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence – Clerk’s future absences

Department Head Reports



                Fire and Ambulance- approval to build fire and ambulance office


Committee Reports

Employee Evaluation Forms

Open Bids for Crack Sealing of Town Roads             

Resolution for discontinuance of Warner Road

Zoning   1) Place a 1999 mobile home on F-1 property owned by Bruce & Greg Kitchner on road 94

                2) Request to park an RV on property owned by Steven Liesch until spring of 2009, Smith                          Lake Road.

                3) Rezone entire parcel to R-1 from R-1 and R-3 on property owned by Michael & Charlotte        Mecikalski, 4150 Felix Road

                4) Grading permit for driveway within 300 feet of Sweet Lake on property owned by Samuel     Yoder on Hans Road

                5) Rezone property from F-1 to R-3 to create two lots on property owned by Barnes Riding         Stable, Inc., Jeanne Barnes

                6) Set a temporary Hot Mix Asphalt Plant in a F-2 Zoning District on property owned by Plum     Creek Timberlands.

                7) Set up a gravel pit and quarry for 5 year duration in a F-2 Zoning district on property                owned by Plum Creek Timberlands.

Approval of Comprehensive Land Use Plan Commission Chair

Discussion on Preliminary Driveway Ordinance

Land request by BAHA – Bob Oberstar

Discussion and approval to pay 1st Highway Loan payment in 2006.

Liquor License Renewals:

                Class A Beer and Class A Liquor renewal for Homestead Station and Store

                Class B Beer and Class B Liquor renewals  for Marie’s Laker Lounge, Enchanted Inn, Mike’s    Sportman’s Saloon, Sesko’s Boulder Lodge, Barnes Trading Post, Downtown Barnes,      Traut’s Resort, Doorn’s Inn, Inc. RC’s Decoy Inn, Buck N Bass Resort, PJ’s Cabin Store,                Northwood’s Tap, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, and Backwood’s Resort.

                Class B Beer Renewal for Maki’s Place

                New application for Class A Beer and Class A Liquor (Previously Class A Beer only) for             

                Kari’s Jim’s Bait, LLC.


Operator License Renewals

                2-year licenses: Sam Kurth, Donald Scheer, Jean Scheer, Russell Boheim, John           Draganowski, Florence Prickett, Nancy Loughren, Stacy Schmidt,  Karna Kiggins, Jenneane               Lois, Larry Lois, Ted Hubert, Sharon Wright, Nina Krob.

                1-year licenses: Debbie Sesko, Marie Hughes, Todd, Walsh,  Scott Ruhmann, Colleen Ruhmann, Jim Wiechert, Rose Skinner, Karen Rutzen, Edwin Roehr and Tracey Roehr.

New Operator License Approval – 2 year license for Lynette K. Holmstrom, Tracy Runge. Levi Darr,        and Kevin Michaud.

Discussion on Operator License Fees  

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meeting

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the Clerk by Friday evening of the week before the meeting

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department Head

 & Committee Heads only without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer.

Elaine J. Brustad, Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 19th Day of June, 2006

Motion ( Porter/Webb) to approve the minutes from the last regular board meeting, and motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.









Treasurers Report













Checking Balance from last meeting











Check #'s 20426-20520





May Tax Payment & other direct payments




Service Charge May






Interest Earned May






Transfers from Money Market

























Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting



Highway Dept. Sinking Fund





BES Sinking Fund


Transfer in  $15,000.00



Park Savings


Deposit water can $137.73



Ski Trail Savings






Parade-Event-Calender Fund





Skate Park Savings





















Interest Earned







YTD Interest Earnings  $15,381.58




Transfer funds to Gen'l Fund Checking




Certified Check to Allied Steel





close Tax Checking acct-transfer to MM




Transfer to BES Sinking Fund











Total all Money Market Funds
























Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Motion carried.


Motion ( Webb/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

The Clerk mentioned the memo she had sent to the Board regarding time off she would be taking for allergy shots. Also she reminded everyone about the Clerk’s Institute she would be attending July 10th through the 14th.  The Deputy Clerk will be working mornings only most of that week.

She received an update from Charlotte Johnson, Assessor.  Ms Johnson will be in Barnes the month of September doing the revaluation.  She has sent out letters to homeowners requesting information on their properties.  Chris Webb questioned whether Johnson would be sending out a letter for EACH parcel or should those with multiple parcels fill out the questionnaire for each parcel. The clerk would find out for sure from Ms. Johnson, but thought she was sending out only one per person.   

A letter from Wausau insurance was received regarding a credit forthcoming in the amount of $1,122.00 representing a refund of the worker’s compensation insurance after the final audit for the year. 

There were 5 Notices to Cut received, 1 on property owned by Malinda Brown: S29, T45N, 1 on property owned by Jack Wolworth: S18, T44N, 1 on property owned by Jim Draganowski: S18, T 44N, 1 on property owned by Robert Christensen: S18, T44N, and 1 on property owned by Robert Hegg: S18, T44N.

She received a letter from William Cirhan asking to have a sign placed on the entrance to Wallman Road saying “No Outlet”, “Dead End” or “No Access”.   Collyard said the sign was installed shortly after we received Mr.Cirhan’s letter. 

Clerk said she had sent out the Deed for Brad Anderson and his partner’s to sign for the Ole Lake Boat Landing easement right after the last Board Meeting.  She has heard nothing from Mr. Anderson nor received the Deed back to be filed.


Department Head Reports

            Highway – Jerry Witt


As many of you have noticed, approximately 14 miles of right away are being cleared on sand roads that have structures on them. The main reason this is being done is for the personal well being of anyone traveling down these roads for whatever reason. It is my responsibility, being road foreman, to make safe passage on these roads, for the mailman, the school bus, ambulance, fire, and police departments, propane trucks, utility company, DNR, just to name a few.

   Work has started on the Transfer site cement slab for the new building, and should be completed this week.

   I had money budgeted for a roadside mower, and purchased a used unit from Lulich Implement on June 2nd.  It is very fuel efficient and is much easier to operate than our boom mower.

   Mike and I brushed, graveled, and installed drain tile with trap rock on the Island Lake boat landing to make it more accessible for the public, and also for the fire department as a water pick-up site. The cost of the repairs will be covered by funding that the fire department has available to them. The George Lake boat landing will be the next site to be improved upon for easier access for the public and also for the fire department.

   I would like to give notice that the highway department will be reconstructing Pickerel Lake rd from highway 27 to the Pickerel Lake boat landing rd. Again, I believe there is funding available from the fire department and DNR for this project.

   I mowed and brushed Ellison Lake rd. last week. It took me approximately 1 ˝ days with the tractor mower and the boom brusher. I have gotten some complaints on how awful the trees look by trimming them with the boom mower. Other major blacktop arteries in Town need attention soon. I would like to get feedback from the board members on how to address this issue.

Collyard said he would check with Dale Brevak to see what he would suggest, He heard a complaint that OSHA may not approve because of the safety issue. He was also concerned with the safety of the boom mower being used in that way.


            Cemetery – Bud Pease

Bud reported no activity since last meeting, a new flag has been installed.


            Fire and Ambulance – Tom Renz   The ambulance department had 9 runs since last meeting.  He is currently working on the Operational Plan which expired in 2003. 

The Fire Department had 4 runs, 1 structure fire.  They used the infrared camera for that fire and it helped to locate hot spots which helped in putting the fire out sooner and saving more of the structure.  He is working with the County on getting a dry hydrant put in off Lynx Road on George Lake.  He has been working with Jerry on the roads to be widened for water points for the DNR and Fire Department.  He has also applied to the DNR for a wildfire grant.  Renz presented the office proposal he had received from Dave Christensen.  The total was $14,600.00.  Renz said he could use the sinking fund monies.  The Clerk said she had checked to make sure it didn’t need to go out for bids.  She said they needed to post a Notice that the Town Board is authorized to enter into the contract per state statutes. Renz said he wanted an office because there is no place to privately meet with people, whether it is an employee or town resident.  Collyard mentioned it is also because there is currently no place to keep the records secure to comply with HIPPA regulations.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve up to a total of $14,600.00 for the construction of a Fire and Ambulance office within the Fire/Ambulance garage area.  Roll call vote: Meinke-absent, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


            Constable – Mike O’Keefe The Clerk read the report for the Constable who was not yet in attendance. Answered 3 alarms from the sheriff, 6 personal watercraft complaints on Upper and Middle Eau Claire lakes, 2 after-hours water ski complaints, (Kelly Lake), 1 bear on property complaint, 2 animal complaints , Red Oak Road. Citations issued by animal control.  3 assist stranded boaters on the Middle Eau Claire, 1 missing person search with sheriff, Barnes Fire & EMS, 2 car/deer hit motor vehicle accidents, contacted sheriff.                         


Committee Reports

Lee Wiesner spoke for the Land Use Committee.  They took the folks from Cedarcorp around the lakes today to look at the buffer strips as part of the boat survey.

Collyard said he had been thinking of ordering “Town of Barnes” hats to be given to the employees, but also for sale at the hall.  He wanted input from the Board and others.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Buzzy Harkness said she thought they sold hats like that at Jim’s Bait.  Tom Renz said he had just ordered several dozen hats for the Fire Department at a very reasonable price.  Webb said she didn’t think it would be proper for the Town to sell hats if it was in competition with the area businesses. Collyard said he hadn’t thought of that and he agreed we shouldn’t be selling them if the area businesses were.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.


Employee Evaluation Forms

Dick Collyard wanted ask the Board if it was ok to give the employees needing a one year evaluation the Evaluation Form and have them evaluate themselves rather than each Board member doing it.  Webb felt that would be fine, that is how the phone company does theirs. Dick will give forms to the employees to fill out this week.


Open Bids for Crack Sealing of Town Roads

Chairman Collyard opened the bids for cracksealing.

Fahrner Asphalt bid total                         $17,775.00

Bergman Companies bid total                 $12,960.00


Motion (McGee/Webb) to accept the lowest bid from Bergman Companies for $12,960.00. Roll call vote McGee –yes, Porter –Yes, Webb –Yes,  Meinke –absent , Collyard –yes. Motion carried. 


Resolution for Discontinuance of Warner Road

The clerk reminded the Board they needed to rescind their motion from May 16th because they had elected to put everything on hold until the next meeting to discover if the easement on the Gynnild property would be open to ATV traffic.  Motion (Porter/Webb) to rescind their motion of May 16th to accept the Resolution for discontinuing Warner Road.  Motion rescinded. 

Motion (Porter/Webb) to open the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.  Bud Pease wanted to know if the Gynnild’s would allow ATV traffic and anyone to travel on the road after it is discontinued to get to the Ounce River.  Collyard said it is private property so it would not be open to the general public.  The road stops on the Gynnild property so there is no legal access to County land from there to get to the river.  The Gynnild’s did say if someone asked for permission they would most likely allow them to cross their land if they wanted to go on the trail to the river.

Motion Porter/Webb) to close the floor for discussion.  Motion carried.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to accept the Resolution to discontinue Warner Road.  Roll call vote taken: Webb –yes, Porter –yes, McGee –yes, Collyard –yes, Motion carried.  The Public hearing on the matter will be held during the Regular Board Meeting on August 15, 2006.



            1) Place a 1999 mobile home on F-1 property owned by Bruce and Greg Kitchner on road 94.  Collyard explained he talked with Mike Furtak about all the zoning requests. Furtak would not be at the meeting because he was on vacation.  The Kitchner’s are replacing a travel trailer on the property so it will be an upgrade.  The mobile home is a 1999, which is fairly new. 

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the request of the Kitchner’s to place a 1999 mobile home on their property which is in a F-1 district.  Motion carried.

            2) Request to park an RV on property owned by Steven Liesch until spring of 2009, on Smith Lake Road.    Motion (Porter/McGee) to allow Mr Liesch to park a RV on his property but to review the application after 2 years. The Board has had several requests lately for RV parking, they have consistently approved the requests for up to a 2 year term. Motion carried. 

            3) Rezone Parcel from R-1 and R-3 to R-1 on property owned by Michael and Charlotte Mecikalski, 4150 Felix Road.

Motion ( Webb/McGee) to allow the parcel owned by the Mecikalski’s to be rezoned to R-1 for conformity in the area.  Collyard explained it meets all provisions to make 2 lots, and have two residences.  All other properties in the immediate area are zoned R-1.  Motion carried.

            4)  Grading permit for driveway within 300 feet of Sweet Lake on property owned by Samuel Yoder on Hans Road.

Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the grading permit to grade approximately 4500 square feet within 300 feet of Sweet Lake.  Collyard said it meets all minimums. Motion carried.

            5)  Rezone property from F-1 to R-3 to create two lots on property owned by Barnes Riding Stable, Inc., Jeanne Barnes, owner.

Collyard explained their son wanted to build a home on the property which already has a residence on it.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to allow the rezone from F-1 to R-3. Board felt it was allowable under present zoning. Motion carried.

            6)  Set up a Temporary Hot Mix Asphalt Plant in a F-2 Zoning District on property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands

Collyard asked for a motion to open the floor. Motion (McGee/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Rick Forsythe of Northwoods Paving, a division of Mathy Construction discussed the need to open a gravel pit and quarry in the area, mainly because of their contract with the DOT for highway 27 construction.  This will be contained within a large piece of property off Highway 27 and south of Pease Road owned by Plum Creek. They are asking for a 5 year permit for the highway 27 project, then later to have gravel available to the area municipalities and also private citizens.  The asphalt plant will be in operation for 2 months this summer. The hours of operation will be from 5:00AM until 9:00PM Monday through Saturday.  The longer hours are in case they are running behind schedule for the Highway 27 project they can operate during the longer hours.  The road to the area, which will be 7-10 acres,  will be gated for safety.  The rest of the Plum Creek land will still remain open to the public. 

Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the request to set up a temporary hot mix plant in a F-2 Zoning district on property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands. Motion carried.


            7) Set up a gravel pit and quarry for 5 year duration in a F-2 Zoning District on property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands. 

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the request to set up a gravel pit and quarry for a 5 year duration in a F-2 zoning district on property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands. Motion carried.


Approval of Comprehensive Land Use Plan Commission Chair.

Collyard explained the rest of the members were elected by the Commission, but the Chairperson needed Town Board approval. Gene Ratzel was nominated by the Commission to be the Chair.

Motion (McGee/Porter) to accept Gene Ratzel as the Plan Commission’s Chair. Motion carried.


Discussion of Preliminary Driveway Ordinance Jack Meinke was going to lead the discussion regarding any changes to the proposed Driveway Ordinance but in his absence Collyard asked the Board members to review the ordinance and it will be addressed at the next meeting.  The Clerk will send a copy to the attorney for review before the next meeting also.


Land Request by BAHA –Bob Oberstar Bob spoke on BAHA’s request for 10 acres for the museum on the Town complex property.  Collyard showed the audience the map of the complex and approximately where BAHA would like to have.  It is on the east side.  Oberstar said they are also inquiring of others on different properties, but the best response so far has been from the Town of Barnes.  He would like the Board to give them something so they could get started on this, and if they find something elsewhere they could give the land back to the Town.  It is important to get moving quickly because of the Elk.  Collyard gave an update on the letter he wrote to Mosinee asking for the land behind the town complex to be donated to the Town.  Mosinee has indicated they would not be willing to do that.  So he has written another letter asking if they would be willing to trade property and has sent a list of town owned properties for their review.  Collyard said he had hoped Oberstar would have an area mapped out as to where they want to be.  Bob said he could certainly do that, but thought the town should have input also where they would like the museum to be placed.  Jon Harkness said he thought the museum should be where there is the most traffic, and that would be somewhere on Highway 27.  Judi Sholz, president of BAHA said they had done studies on traffic and agreed, Highway 27 was the highest count. Oberstar has been trying to obtain land on 27, he has contacted numerous people about obtaining land there but has received no response.  The critical thing is getting the Elk, and whether the museum is built on highway 27 or on N people will come to see this Elk. Oberstar would like some sort of commitment from the Town Board on what and where they will donate to BAHA.  Collyard suggested he and Oberstar get together and they will put together a commitment letter to present to the Board at the next meeting.     


Discussion and Approval to pay 1st Highway Loan payment in 2006. Clerk Elaine Brustad explained the first loan payment in the amount of $164,143.73 was not due until 2007, but the Board had discussed paying the payment in 2006 as originally planned.  She would like to pay it in July or August if ok with the Board.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to make the first payment in 2006 for the Highway loan. Roll call vote taken: Webb –yes, Meinke-absent, McGee-yes, Porter –yes, Collyard –yes. Motion carried.


Liquor License renewals:

            Class A Beer and Class A Liquor renewal for Homestead Station and Store

Motion ( Webb/McGee) to approve the license for Homestead Station and Store. Motion carried.


            Class B Beer and Class B Liquor renewals for Marie’s Laker Lounge, Enchanted Inn, Mike’s Sportsman’s Saloon, Sesko’s Boulder Lodge, Barnes Trading Post, Downtown Barnes, Traut’s Resort, Doorn’s Inn, RC’s Decoy Inn, Buck N Bass Resort, PJ’s Cabin Store, Northwoods Tap, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, and Backwood’s Resort

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the licenses for Marie’s Laker Lounge, Enchanted Inn, Mike’s Sportsman’s Saloon, Sesko’s Boulder Lodge, Barnes Trading Post, Downtown Barnes, Traut’s Resort, Doorn’s Inn, RC’s Decoy Inn, Buck N Bass Resort, PJ’s Cabin Store, Northwoods Tap, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, and Backwood’s Resort

provided all fees, taxes and outstanding bills are paid.  Motion carried.


            Class B Beer renewal for Maki’s Place

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the license for Maki’s Place.


            New application for Class A Beer and Class A Liquor (previously Class A Beer only) for Kari’s Jim’s Bait, LLC.  The Clerk explained this was a new application by Kari’s Jim’s Bait LLC., and a new request for a Class A Liquor license as well as the Class A Beer Jim’s Bait had in the past.  Webb asked if this pertained to the liquor license reserve.  Brustad said no, the reserve licenses are for Class B only.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Class A Beer and Class A Liquor license application for Kari’s Jim’s Bait LLC. Motion carried.


Operator License Renewals

            2 year license renewals for: Sam Kurth, Donald Scheer, Jean Scheer, Russell Boheim, John Draganowski, Florence Prickett, Nancy Loughren, Stacy Schmidt, Karna Kiggins, Jenneane Lois, Larry Lois, Ted Hubert, Sharon Wright, and Nina Krob.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Operator License renewals for the mentioned people. Motion carried.

            1 year License renewals for: Debbie Sesko, Marie Hughes, Todd Walsh, Scott Ruhman, Colleen Ruhman, Jim Weichert, Rose Skinner, Karen Rutzen, Edwin Roehr and Tracy Roehr.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the 1 year license renewals for the persons mentioned. Motion carried.


New Operator License Approvals – 2 year license for Lynette Holmstrom, Tracy Runge, Levi Darr, and Kevin Michaud.  All background checks had been done and were ok, Lynette had completed the beverage server course and the Clerk had a copy of the certificate now.  The other three were in the process of getting their certificates and had been issued Provisional Licenses until the 22nd of June.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the licenses for the four as long as they complete their beverage service classes.  Motion carried.


Discussion on Operator License Fees – The Clerk had asked other clerks to respond with what they charged for fees.  She received a large number of responses, and all but one charged higher fees than the Town of Barnes.  She said the majority were in the $20.00 to $50.00 range for one year.  She felt it was time to increase our fees to be more in line with other municipalities in Wisconsin.  She thought a fee of $20.00 for one year and $30.00 for two years would be what she would suggest for an increase.  She had asked for the survey after last month’s denial of a renewal to see what other municipalities do in that instance and asked for their fees also.  Most municipalities do not refund the whole fee if denied, a large number do not refund anything.  The ones who do not refund the fee however put that statement directly on the application so there is no question.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to increase the Operator license fees to $20.00 for a one year license and $30.00 to a two year license.  The Clerk is to check whether this needs to be posted or how it is to be handled. Effective date will be July 1, 2006, or August 1, 2006 if needs to be posted for 30 days. Put on the application “non-refundable”.

Roll call vote: Webb –yes, Meinke-absent, Collyard –yes, Porter –yes, McGee –yes. Motion carried.  


Public Comment Session -5 minute limit for those not on the agenda

 Mike O’Keefe talked about the lettering done on his boat used during on-duty hours.  The boat was painted black and is lettered with “Town of Barnes Police”.  He said many times he has tried to approach someone and they run from him because there was no marking saying he was the Constable. 


Judi Scholz wanted to remind people that on this coming Sunday’s Dave Carlson’s Northland Adventures he will be talking about the Silver Beach Elk.  It is on Duluth’s channel 3, at 6:30AM.


Lee Weisner said there was a lakes conference Friday June 30th in Cable.  The ECL Property Owner’s Association was paying to send Dick Collyard, Jack Meinke, Mitch McGee, and Gene Ratzal, along with some of their members. He wanted to invite anyone else wanting to go also.

Dave also was putting together a nice article about the Elk in the Property Owners newsletter.


Donna Porter asked if the brush on Lake Road at 27 had been taken care of. Collyard said he had contacted the County and they gave him the ok to cut it.  He said it had been already done.


Mike O’Keefe also wanted to commend Tom Renz for the way he put together a search team to find a missing person a few weeks ago.  He said within 3 hours Tom had over 100 volunteers looking for the person.  Mike was very impressed with Tom and his quick action and how he put everything together. He said we are extremely lucky to have Tom in our town and on our team.


Issues Timeline Update

No changes except on the Transfer Site building.  The slab will be poured by the end of the week. Then Collyard said he would be asking for volunteers to help erect the building. 

Chris Webb wanted to see if the Board would consider changing the meeting dates for September and October as she would be gone the third week of those two months.  It was decided to change the September meeting from the 19th to the 12th.  The October meeting will be changed from the 17th to the 10th.  The Clerk will put in the minutes of this meeting so people will have adequate knowledge beforehand.

Motion (McGee/Porter) to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.  The meeting as adjourned at 9:10PM.


Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer