Present: Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee-Ron Pearson, Lee Wiesner, Marcia Wellnitz, Dixie Chermack, Don Zigman, Duke Marten, Dave Pease and: Leslie Hall.

Absent: Marie Hughes and Dave Scharlau.


Present: Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources Element-Russ Carter and Don Dealing.


Also present: Patrick Beilfuss-Cedar Corporation and Tim Kane- UW-Extension Agent Bayfield County.


The meeting was called to order by Dave Pease, Chairman. Corrections on the June Minutes were noted. The meeting date was given as June 16. It should be changed to June 9. The correction will be done.


A welcome to Russ Carter and Don Dealing was given, as well as introductions to all in attendance.


Dixie Chermack had questions on the following:

  1. Where are the Issues and Opportunities Goals?
  2. Is the Issues and Opportunities Draft dated 5/10/2004 the final one?
  3. Where is the final draft of the Town of Barnes Proposed Goals for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan?

The answers are:

  1. The 5/10/2004 draft is the final one.
  2. Yes.
  3. Cedar Corporation will make a final copy.

All of the above drafts/ goals will be revisited at the end of reviewing all of the elements.


The Committee reviewed the following portions of the Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources:

Groundwater-Goals, Objectives, Programs, Policies and Actions.

Forests-Goals, Objectives, Programs, Policies and Actions.

Agricultural Areas-Goals, Objectives, Programs, Policies and Actions

Threatened, Endangered and Rare Species-Goals, Objectives, Programs, Policies and Actions.


Before our August meeting, the Committee is to take notes: Watersheds, Surface Water/ Water Resources, Flood Plains, Wetlands, Shore lands, Parks and Open Spaces and Historical/ Cultural Resources. The Committee will make references on the text of Goals, Objectives and Policies.


The Committee will also refer to the survey and list priorities on the Housing Element.  Patrick will send us a draft for Housing Element-What are the Local Issues Concerning Housing. Patrick will also research if Barnes has any archeological sites.


The next meeting will be August 11, 2004 at 6:30PM at the Barnes Town Hall.


Motion by Lee Wiesner, seconded by Ron Pearson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.


Dixie Lea Chermack

Secretary-Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee