OF JANUARY 15, 2003


Present: Ron Pearson, Marcia Wellnitz, Leslie Hall, Lee Weisner, Duke Martin, Dave Pease, Marie Hughes, Dixie Chermack and Larry Peterson. Also present Tim Kane, the Community Resource and Development agent.


Motion by Larry Peterson, seconded by Ron Pearson to accept the following officers:

                                               Chairman-David Pease

                                               Vice Chairman-Lee Weisner

                                               Secretary- Dixie Chermack

Motion carried.


The following items were discussed:

            1. Clarification from November 13, 2002 meeting-The committee decided to use the

                 Comprehensive Plan that includes the 9 elements for land use planning.


            2. Tim Kane suggested that we brain storm what the main issues that Barnes will be facing in the

                 next 20 years. We need to bring the issues to the February meeting.


            3. Dave Pease explained the open land areas Barnes has and what land is available for planning

                                 A. Land may be willed to the Town of Barnes

                                 B. Land may be a Nature Conservatory

                                 C. Potowatami-Outlots may be developed for parks.


            4. Interviewing Planning Consultants

                                 A. Leslie Hall reported of speaking to Scott of Burnett County. They put out bids to

                                        different consultants. Consultants write the grants and do the plan. The town/

                                        county provides the guidelines and information to the consultants. The town/

                                        county do the public relations work.


            5. Discussion if we should invite planning consultants to our next meeting. Motion by Lee

                Weisner, seconded by Leslie Hall to invite Northwest Regional Planning Commission to our

                February meeting. Motion passed.


            6. Committee members assignment for February meeting

                                 A. List Barnes issues we need to address for the next 20 years.

                                 B. List questions for North West Regional Planning Commission (could follow  

                                        appendix G-yellow sheet plus our own questions.)


Next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12, 2003


Motion to adjourn made by Ron Pearson, seconded by Lee Weisner. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Dixie Chermack

Secretary Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee