Minutes of the Town Hall Complex Committee

September 19, 2007



Chairperson Brustad called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Committee members present were Brustad, Lu Peet, George Martin, Lanny Neider, Chris Webb, and Pamela Toshner. Alternates Leslie Hall and Ron Pearson were present, as well. 


Agenda Items:


1)                Chair’s discussion on committee’s purpose and conducting of meetings.  Chairperson Brustad discussed meeting coordination and purpose.  Webb prepared and distributed a handout on the goals of the committee.  There are three phases:  1) determine if the Town of Barnes wants/needs an improved Town facility; 2) provide direction to the Town Board about building a new Town Hall; and 3) provide the Town Board a suite of alternatives (e.g. size, price, etc.) to bring forth to voters at an annual meeting.  The committee is in Phase 1. 


Additional needs for the Town Hall were further discussed.  The Town Constable can now write tickets so s/he needs a secure space for confidential and/or confiscated materials.  Zoning staff may need their own office.  Open book should be private.  A conference room could serve multiple purposes; the current Town Hall does not have a conference room.  Lobby space with a counter would be helpful.  The new building should be green and energy efficient.  Pearson said green building design, senior centers, and civil defense tend to be strong projects for funding assistance.


The question of whether there were standards for civil defense or homeland security purposes arose.  Chairperson Brustad will contact Jan Victorson, the Bayfield County Emergency Coordinator, for follow-up.


2)                Approve minutes of the last meeting.  Motion (Pamela Toshner/Lu Peet) to approve the August 22, 2007 Town Hall Complex Committee meeting minutes.  Motion carried.


3)                Determine annual energy/operation costs and compare with other facilities.  Chairperson Brustad shared the energy costs for the Town Hall in previous years. 




Monthly Average











Average - # of months


$1900 – six months


$2434 – six months


$2200  - four months


The new Hayward Library’s utility costs are less than they were in the older, smaller building.


4)                Determine entire building’s measurements.  Martin shared the building measurements he had collected.  There are 450 square feet of office space, 557 sq. feet of storage space, and 1692 sq. feet of space in the hall.  The kitchen was estimated to be about 16 x 30 feet.  Martin will measure the other areas (kitchen and bathrooms) for a grand total square footage.  Chairperson Brustad, Peet, Hall, Toshner, and Pearson toured the facility.


5)                Each committee member should list the “needs”, “wants”, and reasons for the new Town Complex.  Peet prepared a detailed spreadsheet that was updated after the meeting to include other committee members’ needs, wants, and reasons.  The spreadsheet is attached to these minutes.  Toshner explained she’s been in about fifteen Town Halls over the past two years, and the Barnes Town Hall seems quite nice.  The committee members discussed the condition of Town Halls in the area and how Barnes’ compares.  Members will try to visit more Town Halls and perhaps photograph their visits. 


Agenda Items for Next Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on October 17, 2007.

1)                Approve minutes of the last meeting

2)                Standards for civil defense/homeland security (Brustad)

3)                Determine total square footage of current building (Martin)

4)                Review how current facilities compare to other Towns with similar population and tax base (Toshner)

5)                How does the public view the current facility? e.g. historical significance, location


Motion(Lu Peet/Ron Pearson) to adjourn the third meeting of the Town Hall Complex Committee. Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at about 7:30PM



Respectfully Submitted,



Pamela Toshner,

Secretary for the Committee

Dated this 1st  day of October, 2007