of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission
August 10, 2006
Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter, Dave Pease, Diane Rupnow.
Planning Commission members absent: Dick Webb.
Alternate member present: Duke Martin.
Also present: Earl Gregoire, Carol LeBreck, Diane Malmstrom, Ed Malmstrom
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel.
Motion (Porter/ Rupnow) to dispense with the reading
of the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion carried.
Motion (Porter/ Pease) to approve the minutes from
the last meeting. Motion
Gene suggested the Commission members keep up with what the Land Use Planning Committee is doing and take notes regarding anything that might need modifying by the Commission when it is time to review the Plan.
Gene presented a discussion of a possible recommendation to the Town Board of a possible ordinance to control motorized watercraft on Class 3 lakes in Barnes, 50 acres or less. Currently the State has an ordinance that these lakes are no wake lakes if they have a public access. If no public access, that regulation does not apply.
Motion (Porter/Pease) to open the floor to Earl
Gregoire for clarification. Motion carried.
Earl has put together some information regarding this subject, and states that if there is no public access on these Class 3 lakes, the no wake restriction is not in effect. He believes it would be better for these already sensitive lakes to extend the State regulations to all Class 3 lakes. Motion (Porter/ Rupnow) to close the floor. Motion carried. Gene will copy the information he has from Earl and get a copy to each member of the committee.
Presentation of the zoning requests: Donald Hamil, 49371 River Road, requesting to rezone a 1/2 to 1 acre of his 9 acres from R3 to R1.
Motion (Porter/ Rupnow) to approve the Hamil Rezone from R3 to R1. Call for discussion.
Motion (Porter/ Pease) to open the floor to the
Malmstroms. Motion carried.
Malmstroms are adjoining property owners of the Hamil
property. They state there is a current legal boundary dispute involving the
Hamil property and they would like to see the rezone issue held until that
issue is resolved. Motion (Rupnow/ Porter) to close the floor. Motion
Roll call vote on the motion to approve the rezone: Porter
No, Ratzel No, Rupnow No, Pease No, Martin Yes. Motion denied.
Presentation of the zoning request: Owner O & O LLC seeking approval to build a hunting cabin with access via 43 road.
Motion (Porter/ Rupnow) to deny approval of the
request to build a hunting cabin. Call for discussion. Upon review of
the plat book, it is noted that the legal description for this property is
incorrect on the request. Roll call vote on the motion: Porter yes, Pease yes,
Martin yes, Rupnow yes, Ratzel yes. Motion
Gene addressed the issue that in order to get paid for our time, the Commission members must fill out and turn in the expense sheet provided. He provided a sample form. Expense sheets may be submitted to the Town Clerk monthly or after each meeting.
Gene has a list of the Town Board meeting dates for the rest of the year. The Commission meetings will be held on the Thursday before the Town meeting. He will be posting them on a calendar and each member will be receiving a copy.
Each member is to provide an e-mail address to Gene if they have one.
Motion (Porter/ Pease) to adjourn. Motion
carried. The meeting was
adjourned at 5:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Rupnow
Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.