Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

Of July 17, 2006


Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow, Dave Pease.

Planning Commission members absent: none

Alternate member present: Duke Martin


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel.


Motion (Pease/ Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.  Motion Carried.


Motion (Webb/ Porter) to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Motion carried.


Gene discussed open meeting laws and how they apply to the Planning Commission. 3 or more members together in a related discussion would be a violation of the open meeting laws unless a notice is posted.  Each committee member will receive a copy of open meeting laws for review.


Motion (Porter/Pease) to adopt Roberts Rules of Order.  Call for discussion.  Motion carried.


Motion (Porter/ Pease) to allow public participation of 5 minutes per person at Commission meetings.  Call for discussion. Public participation would be 5 minutes per person, unless they were on the agenda. Discussion about where during the meeting to have the public participation.  Public opinion would be at the top of the agenda, and may be moved if decided upon by the Commission.  Motion carried.


Gene reminded the members of the role of the Planning Commission prior to and after   the adoption of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 

Prior to the adoption of the plan, the Commission is to monitor the progress of the plan, ensure public participation, and get the completed plan from the Planning Committee and make recommendations to the Town Board.

After the adoption of the Land Use Plan, the role of the Commission is to review zoning applications to determine how the application fits into the Plan, and to make recommendations to the Town Board about those applications.


Motion (Webb/ Porter) to have the Commission meetings be on the second Thursday of each month at 4pm in order to meet before the month Town of Barnes meeting.  Call for discussion. Schedules and how this meeting time fits with when the Assistant Zoning Administrator is in Barnes were discussed.  Motion Carried.


The zoning application from Robert Rucker regarding a shoreland grading permit on Middle Eau Claire Lake was read.  Motion (Porter/Pease) to recommend approval to the Town pending DNR approval.  Call for discussion. Motion carried (Webb refrained from the vote).


The zoning application from Theresa Raowolf  regarding placing a second residence on a parcel was read.  Motion (Pease/ Rupnow) that the Commission make no recommendation on this application without further clarification from Zoning.  Call for discussion. The Commission had questions the would require input from the Zoning Department. Motion carried.


The zoning application from Michael and Judith O’Neil regarding an RV extension until fall of 2008 was read.  Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the RV extension until 2008.  Call for discussion. This request is to allow time to clear a new driveway and building site on the East shore of Eightmile Lake. Motion carried.


Gene will present the above recommendations to the Town Board.


Motion (Porter/Webb) to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,


Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.