OF APRIL 10, 2007




Chairman Collyard called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Collyard asked for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Annual meeting from last year.

Motion   (Viola Friermood/David Pease )to dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of April 11, 2006. Motion carried.


Town Audit – Lynn Lutz spoke on the audit report. She spoke favorably about the budget being so close to actual and how it was apparent the Board took time to ensure it was correctly prepared. Cash on hand was adequate to carry the town over yet not in excess. She noted the Clerk-Treasurer had combined monies held in separate savings accounts to maximize interest earnings which resulted in over $30,000.00 in interest earned for the year.


Motion (Tom Renz/Lu Peet )to approve the town audit as presented. Motion carried


The Clerk-Treasurer read the results of the Local April 3rd Election:


                                                                TOWN OF BARNES


APRIL 3, 2007


TOTAL VOTERS                                               145




DICK COLLYARD                                             109

GENE RATZEL                                                     6

JACK MEINKE                                                     3

DARYL SHEMWELL                                             2                      

CHRISTINE WEBB                                               1            

JOE BOO                                                            1                       

TOM PIETERS                                                     1                       

MIKE COLLINS                                                     1


Dick Collyard is the re-elected Chairperson               




DONNA PORTER                                             122

CHRISTINE WEBB                                           107

LU PEET                                                            1

CRAIG HARVEY                                                 1

BARB ROMSTAD                                                1

BUD PEASE                                                       1

DICK COLLIER                                                    1

GENE RATZEL                                                   1

“TWO PEOPLE”                                                  1


Donna Porter and Christine Webb have been re-elected as Town Supervisors




MIKE O’KEEFE                                               122

AMY VIRGINIA HARVEY                                       2

JERRY FRIERMOOD                                            1

BRETT HARPER                                                  1

“BIG DUDE”                                                          1


Mike O’Keefe has been re-elected as Town Constable


State of the Town Address by Chairman Collyard

Collyard mentioned the Transfer site building was completed last year and thinks it has been a positive addition to the Town. He has been working trying to obtain the land behind the Town Hall from Mosinee and they are not interested in donating or trading for the parcel. They might consider selling in 3 years when the land is harvested. Tom Renz has been appointed as the Fire Chief and Ambulance Director and has done an excellent job to date. The town has received quite a few grants this past year. One was the sign grant in which we received about 32,000.00, the hazard mitigation grant with the DNR allowed Jerry to brush and clear a large portion of the town’s sand roads. The Eurasian Water milfol grant has been approved for this year. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan was approved after 3 ˝ years of the committee’s work.  New committees appointed this past year were the Plan commission, Driveway Committee who worked on the Driveway Ordinance which was approved this past year.  A new committee was recently formed, the Roads and Right of Way committee who have been working with Jerry on the roads. We purchased a large amount of gravel from the new gravel pit to have on hand for roadwork. This should last us a few years.  The old pit has been shut down, we have only a small amount of gravel there yet.  Something Collyard said he was working on now and will bring to the next Board meeting is having a veterinarian come in        and give vaccinations to local dogs and cats.  This was done in the past but there were complaints about dog hair and such in the hall, so he got permission from Tom Renz to use the Fire hall.  The Vet has indicated she will donate a portion of her proceeds to the Fire and Ambulance department.


Treasurer’s Report  Clerk
-Treasurer Elaine Brustad read her Treasurer’s report as follows:



April 10, 2007 Annual Meeting














Treasurers Report















General Fund Balance from last meeting





Net change




























Money Market Balance from last meeting





Net change








Interest Earned 4-1-06 through 3-31-07

















Sub account balances:






General Funds Savings






Highway Dept. Sinking Fund






BES Sinking Fund







Park Savings







Ski Trail Savings







Parade-Event-Calender Fund






































Motion (Tom Renz/Ron Pearson) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read. Motion carried.


Annual Highway Department Report – Jerry Witt

Last summer the mitigation grant money we received was used to clear 13.7 miles of right of way on sand roads that have many structures on them. Of those 13.7 miles of right of way clearing, I was able to reconstruct 2.2 miles and get them graveled. I was also able to pull another mile and a quarter of stumps along East Idlewild. We will continue to improve East Idlewild Road this summer.   The Jim Miller road project was to have been completed by last November 17th, but was not, due to weather, and other issues. It will be completed this spring, as soon as the frost is out of the ground. When this road is completed, I would like everyone to inspect it. This road was engineered, and meets minimum state standards for the traffic it sees.

   The two major road projects for the summer are the reconstruction of Island Lake Rd. and the Kaufman/Hall Rd, around the Dana Subdivision. The Island Lake Rd. project will be bid out, and engineered. The Kaufman/Hall Rd work will be done by the Town. The right of way clearing for the Kaufman, Hall Rd. project was done last summer with mitigation funds.

   We have had another abnormal winter again, with most of our snow coming late in the season. We have had trouble with the plow on the new tandem truck, the frame keeps bending. It was repaired twice this winter, has eaten up my repair budget for the trucks, and is bending again from the last three times we have plowed. Plowing complaints have been minimal up until this last snowfall. Many complaints from people living on sand and gravel roads were received. We do not like to plow sand and gravel roads when the frost is coming out of the ground for the same reason we have weight limits on our roads. If we drive on them with our heavy equipment, we damage them. Chris Webb thanked Jerry for the excellent job he has done this past year.


Annual Ambulance and Fire Departments Report


Ambulance had 75 ambulance runs

11 – no transports

7  - standby at fire

40 – hospital

17 intercept

5 new radios off inoperability grant

4 new defibs

And looking at an automatic cpr machine



28 fire runs

Wildland grant was granted this year which allowed us to purchase two new radios, wildland fire fighting gear and water tank for ATV which was purchased with monies donated to the Fire Department in memory of the late Richard McCaul.

Two new fire inspectors this year.

The new office is complete.

Also working on establishing new landing zone with monies donated by Thomas O’Brien for that purpose.

All fire Officers have completed Fire Officer Training.

Audit was done this year by the Department of Commerce with outstanding results.

The Fire Department also logged over 666 training hours this year.

Chris Webb wanted to thank Tom for the excellent job he had done this past year.


Annual Constable Report – Constable Mike O’Keefe was not in attendance


Collyard then asked for volunteers for two clerks for counting and two tellers for tallying the ballots.

Clerk-Treasurer Elaine Brustad read the first Resolution presented:




BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in the Annual Town Meeting this 10th day of April,  2007 that the funds received from all timber sales from the harvest of Town properties be levied into a sinking fund to help fund a future town complex.


Signed: Jack Meinke

Motion by: Jack Meinke

Seconded by: Lu Peet

Motion carried by a ballot vote of 17 yes votes to 2 no votes.


Clerk-Treasurer Brustad then read the second resolution presented at the meeting:




BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in the Annual Town Meeting this 10th day of April, 2007 to authorize the Town Board to explore the feasibility of building a new multi-functional town complex.


Signed: Elaine Brustad

Motion by: Dean Peet

Seconded by: Roberta Pearson

Motion carried by a ballot vote of 18 yes votes to 1 no vote.


Clerk-Treasurer then read the final Resolution presented at the meeting:




BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Annual Town Meeting this10th day of April 2007 that the sum of $20,000.00 be  levied to the BES Sinking Fund for three years.


Signed: Viola Friermood

Motion by: Viola Friermood

Seconded by: Tom Renz

Motion carried by a vote by ballot of 19 yes votes to 0 no votes.


Collyard then asked for any other resolutions to be presented. There were none. Collyard then asked for a motion to adjourn the Annual Meeting of the Qualified Electors.

Motion (Tom Renz/Dean Peet) to adjourn. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.


Members of the electorate present: Carol Pease, David Pease, Mike Brustad, Dean Peet, Tom Renz, Ron Pearson, Bobbie Pearson, Vi Friermood, Roberta DeLizio, Tom Pieters, Gene Ratzel, Jerry Witt, Lu Peet, Clerk-Treasurer Elaine Brustad, Supervisors Jack Meinke, Mitch McGee, Donna Porter, Chris Webb, and Town Board Chairman Dick Collyard.




Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 12th day of April, 2007