Of August 20, 2008

Chairman Collyard called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:00PM.Roll call was taken, and all Board Members were present, except Porter (arrived 5:10).  Collyard stated the following statute referenced for going into closed session:

The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

Motion(Webb/Meinke) to go into closed session per statute 19.85(c) for discussion regarding employment, promotion, compensation or evaluation data. Roll call vote taken, all indicated yes, Porter not present. Motion carried.


Motion(McGee/Meinke) to return to the regular open session. Motion carried. There were no decisions made in closed session.  Discussion was limited to the topic as noticed.

Motion(Webb/Meinke) to amend Resolution #13, dated September 19, 2000, to cap the medicare supplement insurance reimbursement for Walter and Patricia Pease at $5,000.00 annually beginning in the year 2011.  Roll call vote was taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  The amended resolution will be on the next Regular Town Board Meeting’s agenda for September 16th.

Steve Matushak was present for discussion on the health insurance.  Inflation will be around 8% for this upcoming year.  Brustad said what was budgeted last year was $26,400.00 plus $5,000.00 for the deposits into the employee health savings accounts.  Matushak thought the benefits offered with an HRA (Health Reimbursement Account) would be better than the insurance plan offered with the current HSA.  He had not prepared anything to present ot the Board and needed an amount in order to do that.  The Board asked that he come back with available plans to offer the employees that would be comparable to what we have now and to try to stick around $34,000.00 for the three employees. 

The next meeting was decided on September 4th from 5:00PM to around 7:00PM.  There will be a closed session first to discuss wages.  Clerk-Treasurer will give the Board members the current wages with benefits added in, including worker’s compensation.  The second meeting will be on September 10th, also from 5:00PM until around 7:00PM.  The Clerk-Treasurer will also get all known revenues put in on the worksheet and also any other expenses given to her. 


Motion(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:15PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine Brustad


Dated this 27th day of August, 2008