JULY 18, 2006



Chairman Collyard called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Motion ( Webb /Porter ) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b)  for considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.

Roll call vote taken Porter - yes , McGee - yes , Meinke – yes,  Webb – yes, Collyard - yes.  Motion carried.


Collyard called the closed session to order at 6:02PM.  Only those issues pertaining to statute 19.85(b) were discussed.  There were no motions made in closed session. Closed session adjourned at 6:22PM.

Motion (Porter/ McGee ) to adjourn the closed session and return to the regular session. Motion carried.

Collyard called the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Collyard asked for a roll call/quorum call, verification of public notice and a motion to approve the June agenda. Meinke- present, Porter- present, McGee- present, Webb – present, Collyard – present, Quorum established.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the June Agenda. Motion carried.


The agenda is listed as follows:




TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2006 AT 6:00PM





Call the Regular Town Board Meeting to order

The Board will then go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b)  for considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The Board will then reconvene to the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Call the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the flag

Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice and Approve the May agenda

Approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting-motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Department Head Reports


                                Sign Bids Review and Acceptance


                Fire and Ambulance – Fireworks Contract


                Transfer Site Updates

Committee Reports

                Driveway Ordinance Updates

BAHA Updates

Barnestormers Snowmobile Club – Trail Change –Russ Carter          

Warner Road Updates

Zoning   1) RV Extension until fall of 2008 on property owned by Michael & Judith O’Neil on F-1                                 zoning district, East Eight Mile Lake Road.

                2) Shoreland Grading permit to remove & reshape ice ridge in order to install rip rap on             property owned by Robert Rucker, 2061 Lake Road. (Middle Eau Claire Lake)

                3) Place 2nd residence on parcel zoned F-1 that cannot be subdivided, property owned by          Theresa Rauwolf, 5920 Kelly Lake Road.

Resolution to Establish the NIMS as Town standard for incident management

Resolution to increase Operator License Fees

Operator License Renewals

                2-year licenses: Tracy Levy, Gladys Krob, and Judy Krob.

                1-year licenses: David Basacker, Kevin Basacker, and James Freese.

New Operator License Approval – 2 year license for Stephen Anderson

                                                                 1 year license for Roberta DeLizio and  Patrick Wilkinson.

Picnic License approvals for:  Barnes Lion’s Club – August 12th and 13th

                                                       Barnes Zeros – August 19th and 20th.

Pre-buy of propane for the Town buildings for 2006-2007 winter season

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meeting

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the Clerk by Friday evening of the week before the meeting


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department Heads & Committee Heads only without opening the floor to discussion Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk.

Elaine J. Brustad, Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 15th Day of July, 2006


Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and dispense with the reading of the minutes of that meeting. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

July 18, 2006 Town Board Meeting











Treasurers Report













Checking Balance from last meeting











Check #'s 20521-20609





June Tax Payment & other direct payments




Service Charge June






Interest Earned June






Transfers from Money Market
























Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting



Highway Dept. Sinking Fund

Interest June 30th $2.00



BES Sinking Fund


Interest June 30th $30.27



Park Savings


Interest June 30th $19.61



Ski Trail Savings


Interest June 30th $1.17



Parade-Event-Calender Fund

Interest June 30th $3.44



Skate Park Savings


Interest June 30th $.85


















Interest Earned







YTD Interest Earnings  $17504.36




Transfer funds to Gen'l Fund Checking










Total all Money Market Funds
























Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the vouchers. Motion carried


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad wanted  to thank Mike and Mia Alston for the donation of twenty seven hours of their time to clean up and spruce up the area around the Hall.  They weeded and thinned out the lilac bushes around the hall which hadn’t been done for a long time. They dug up and replanted three bushes to the side of the office building, and dug out sod and put down lava rock along the sidewalk.  Mike also planted the barrels with annuals this year.

Last week she attended her second year at the Clerk’s Institute in Green Bay.  They spent one whole day on tax roll preparation which will be very helpful.  Other topics covered were budgeting, disaster planning, how to write ordinances and resolutions and a number of other subjects. The second year students get extra credit for their work on the newsletter given out the last day of the week.  She and a few of the other students worked together and wrote an article on the elevators at the hotel.  This year there were 356 students at the Institute.

She received two checks for donations to help cover cost of the swimming lessons. One from the Barnes Lions Club is for $150.00.  The other check was also for $150.00, and was from  the Eau Claire Lakes Conservation Club. She wanted to thank those organizations for their donations.

Department Head Reports

                Highway -Town Board meeting report for July 18, 2006


    In the past month Mike has concentrated on repairing the sand roads after the right of way clearing crew has done their work. He has also been working on the northern sand roads with the grader to get them in shape.

   I have been constantly mowing and brushing the road right of ways, and should be caught up in another week or so if it doesn’t rain. When and if it ever does rain sufficiently, we will get our improved gravel roads back into better shape.

   This past spring I noticed severe distress cracking in the middle section of Pease Rd from Mulligan Creek Rd. to Marten Rd. This middle and southwestern section from Marten rd to highway 27 were overlayed at the same time last year in July. I enlisted the services of  Northern Wisconsin Based Engineers from Hayward  to get a professional opinion as to why this was happening. I have copies of this report if anyone is interested.

   Last Tuesday evening I Attended the ATV club meeting. I spoke on the need to address the shoulder damage along our blacktop roads caused by ATV’s. I told the club members that the (stay off the shoulder signs) do not seem to be working. I suggested that the club enlist the help of the business owners to help educate the ATVers to stay off the shoulders. The ATV club members agreed to this idea, and offered to get information printed up to distribute to the businesses.

  The Jim Miller rd. is on the schedule to be reconstructed yet this fall. With the boards permission, I would like to get Northern Wisconsin Based Engineers involved in the bid specs for doing this road, to avoid the conflicts at bid opening time that the Town has experienced in the past. Once I have a good working outline on doing this job properly, I should be able to do future projects by myself.

   I think it is time to do something about the dead and overmature jackpine island between the Town Hall and the Town Garage. The value of the wood is insignificant to the costs should one of these dead trees fall on a vehicle, or worse yet, on a person.

  I am entertaining the idea of renting a tracted excavator for stump removal and road reshaping on the roads that have had their right of ways cleared. A 31,000# hoe can be rented for one month for 3900 hundred dollars, including trucking. This price is good for 176 hrs time. To hire a hoe and operator at 125 dollars an hr. ( the standard rate for a hoe this size) would equate to 22,000 dollars. What is the board’s opinion on this?


                                       7/17/06    Jerry Witt 


                                Sign Bids Review and Acceptance

Jerry Witt had sent out to vendors sign requests for replacement of signs in the town. Three bids were received.

Lange Enterprises                       $10,579.00

Tapco                                          $10,660.30

Decker Supply                            $12,682.81

Motion (Porter/McGee) to accept the lowest bid, which is from Lange Enterprises.  Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


                Cemetery – Bud Pease reported no activity since last Board meeting.  They did have a cemetery committee meeting on June 28th, with no new business to report.


                Fire and Ambulance

Tom Renz gave his report for both fire and ambulance departments.  The Ambulance had 11 runs, fire department had 8 calls.  He received a letter from the State about the 2% fire dues reimbursement. That check will be sent the 1st week in August and will be in the amount of $5,359.75. This is a reimbursement for fire inspections in our area.

Collyard then asked for a motion from a Board member concerning the closed session at the start of the meeting.  Motion (McGee/Webb) to terminate the employee discussed in closed session. Roll call vote taken: Porter-abstain, McGee-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  A letter will be sent out by the Chairman to the employee. Tom is to collect all gear, and letter will reflect that along with a time frame of when it should be turned in.


                Fireworks Contract – Renz wanted  to have the same person do the fireworks again this year.  A deposit for the fireworks will be due in the fall, then balance when the 4th is over. If we sign a three year agreement we will get an additional ten percent discount over the discount we currently get of ten percent for prepaying in the fall. The clerk asked that Tom have BJ Hydrofalls call her to get the final bill and also insurance information and vendor information for 1099’s.  Collyard said he had heard nothing but good comments on the fireworks this year.

                Constable – Mike O’Keefe would be late so the clerk read his report. There were 4 alarms from the Sheriff, 10 fireworks complaints, 5 ATV complaints, spent 30 hours total on Upper and Middle Lakes primarily on the weekends responding to a large number of personal watercraft complaints.  There was 2 deer hits, 6 noise complaints during the holiday weekend, 1 welfare check on a senior citizen, 2 bear complaints, 5 assist stranded boaters, 2 animal complaints, and participated in the parade and fireworks.


                Transfer Site Updates – Collyard explained he had originally thought the town crew would be able to erect the building with the help of volunteers.  After talking with Jerry Witt and others they have decided the job would be too costly for them to do and would take them away from other projects that needed to be done.  Jerry had prepared an information sheet explaining the costs.  Collyard thought it would be best to hire a contractor to erect it.  The lowest bid from the rejected bids in February was from Card Building Systems for $11,264.00.  He would like to see if they could contact Card to see if he would have time to do the job yet this summer.  They would probably charge more since the sidewalls were increased to 16 feet.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to authorize the Chairman or a supervisor to contact Card Building Systems to erect the building up to a total of $15,000.00.  Roll call vote: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Committee Reports

Jack Meinke spoke on the Wildfire Committee.  The Wildfire program was mandated by the state and was developed last year.  Those involved were the County, NIMS, DNR, US Forest Service, Towns of Barnes and Drummond and their local fire departments.  We are the farthest east in the state to have developed this program successfully.  He met with two University of Minnesota graduate students who will be developing a study for Minnesota on how to develop a Wildfire Plan such as ours.  He spoke with Jason Lohmann also regarding the final report which will be coming out soon.  We will have it on our website and also a hard copy in the office.   

Recreational Committee was meeting on Wednesday, Chris Webb said they had been talking about a volleyball court but after researching the cost they thought it would be prohibitive. They were still thinking of putting in a horseshoe pit.  The committee had sent letters out to area organizations asking for support for the swimming lessons.  The fees charged were going to be far more than other area lessons being offered. She hoped to be able to refund a portion of everyone’s fee this year then next year be able to offer lessons for around $5.00 per person. Collyard said the committee needs to decide what to pay the Potawatomi Property Owners for the use of the beach for the swimming lessons. 


The Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee would be submitting the final plan sometime this week, then the town would be receiving the balance of the grant monies. Once we receive the grant monies we can move forward and assemble a new committee to study how we can control the EWM.  There will be additional grant money available for this.  


Comprehensive Land Use Committee hopefully would be completing the plan in August.


Gene Ratzel had prepared a report for the Board on the meeting held Monday, July 17th by the Comprehensive Land Use Planning Commission.  The meeting minutes will be put on the website for anyone to review as soon as they are prepared.


                Driveway Ordinance Updates – The town’s attorney had reviewed the draft ordinance and returned it to the Board with numerous notes and changes.  The committee will get together and redo the ordinance per the attorney’s notes and will then be presented to the Board at the next meeting for review and adoption.


BAHA UpdatesCollyard had Duke Marten prepare a map of the area within the 35 acres on the town hall property behind the ball field where they felt BAHA could build their museum and not have to incur additional costs to move buildings or the ballfield.  He will show it to Bob Oberstar and the BAHA board when he sees them. He explained BAHA would rather be on highway 27, but needs a commitment from someone soon in order to get going on the project in time for the elk.  This piece on the Town Hall property will be a back-up in case they don’t find something soon.


Barnestormers Snowmobile Club – Trail Change –Russ Carter mentioned they would be brushing Moore road this year so the town crew would not have to do it.  He asked for the Board to approve a trail change on Honeymoon trail.  It is a funded trail so the costs will be funded from the state to do it.  The trail would be moved onto the town’s property as it now was too close to a resident on the Honeymoon trail road.  Collyard asked if that was where a driveway had been put in on CTH N before the Transfer site driveway.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Mike Furtak said that driveway was on private land sold by Ken Graese and the new owners had just put that in.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to close the floor. Motion carried.  Collyard said a few people had wondered who put that in as they thought it was on town’s property. 

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the trail change onto the town’s property. Motion carried.


Warner Road Updates Collyard explained after the notices went out to the adjoining land owners he and the clerk had talked with Steve O’Dell, and O’Dell did not want to have the portion of the road discontinued on his land.  He wanted to have the road plowed in the winter and maintained by the town. He also indicated he would not be willing to grant an easement to the County Forestry department or for the snowmobile trail.  Steve Probst from the Forestry Department spoke on the need to have an easement for them to access the forest there.  He said after talking with Greg Gynnild initially, they were very happy to support Gynnild’s request because of Gynnild’s easement to be given to the Forestry Department and for the snowmobile trail.

He hoped the Board would go back to the original request to ensure them having access there to the forest lands. Motion (Porter/McGee) to rescind their motion of last board meeting made to discontinue all of Warner Road. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  The Clerk will prepare a new resolution with only that portion of Warner road originally petitioned by The Gynilld’s to be discontinued.  This will be on the August agenda and will be approved by the board then. 



                1) RV Extension until fall of 2008 on property owned by Michael & Judith O’Neil on F-1                                 zoning district, East Eight Mile Lake Road.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Mike O’Neil told the Board members he wanted to construct a small cabin on the property but needed to put a driveway in and clear the building site first. He wanted to park a RV there to stay in while they built the cabin while they were up here.  He asked for an extension to park the RV until fall of 2008.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the RV extension for two years until fall of 2008. Motion carried.  The board has routinely granted an extension for up to two years to others.


                2) Shoreland Grading permit to remove & reshape ice ridge in order to install rip rap on             property owned by Robert Rucker, 2061 Lake Road. (Middle Eau Claire Lake). Tom Lammert, agent for the Ruckers spoke on the project.  Mike Furtak also explained that now the County has to do a shoreland grading permit request when there is a DNR permit to do rip rap on lakeshores.  Collyard said he was concerned that there was no reference to a DNR permit, but Furtak confirmed there was a DNR permit issued.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the shoreland grading permit for the Robert Rucker residence as it is restoration of the shoreline. Motion carried.


                3) Place 2nd residence on parcel zoned F-1 that cannot be subdivided, property owned by          Theresa Rauwolf, 5920 Kelly Lake Road. Paul Rauwolf explained he was putting a 14 x 70’ mobile home on the property in addition to the residence already there.  They can share the driveway and additional clearing won’t be necessary.  The mobile is a 1979, which meets county requirements per Mike Furtak.  Furtak also said the request won’t change the density of the parcel, as there cannot be more than I unit per 5 acres on the 15 acre parcel.

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the request to put a 2nd residence on the parcel owned by Theresa Rauwolf. Motion carried.


Resolution to Establish the NIMS as Town standard for incident management. Collyard explained he received a call from Jan Victorson of Bayfield County Emergency Management regarding a resolution to adopt the NIMS as the town standard for incident management.  The resolution was sent by her and adapted to the Town of Barnes. 

Motion (Webb/McGee ) to accept Resolution Number R-06-11 to establish NIMS (National Incident Management System) as the town standard. Motion carried.  The clerk will post this resolution as required.


Resolution to increase Operator License Fees. The clerk explained the procedure for increasing operator license fees should be addressed in an ordinance or resolution after talking with the town’s attorney. He also suggested the board should consider adopting an ordinance to address all licenses given by the town and their fees. Motion (Porter/Webb) to accept Resolution Number R-06-12 increasing the Operator license fees to $20.00 for a 1 year license and $30.00 for a 2 year license effective August 1, 2006.


Operator License Renewals The clerk explained these were submitted to her after the agenda was set for last month’s meeting. The licenses were issued pending acceptance by the Board this evening.


                2-year licenses: Tracy Levy, Gladys Krob, and Judy Krob.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the 2 year licenses for Tracy Levy , Gladys Krob and Judy Krob.  Motion carried.


                1-year licenses: David Basacker, Kevin Basacker, and James Freese.

Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to approve the renewals for David Basacker, Kevin Basacker and James Freese for a 1 year license. Motion carried.


New Operator License Approval – 2 year license for Stephen Anderson. Mr Anderson had been given a provisional license good through July 31, 2006.  He still needed to provide the town with a copy of his beverage server’s certificate.  The fee for the license had been paid and a background check was done which was satisfactory.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the application of Stephen Anderson for a 2 year operator license. 

Motion carried.


                                                                 1 year license for Roberta DeLizio and  Patrick Wilkinson. Roberta DeLizio had paid her fee, the clerk had done a background check which was satisfactory, and she had also received a copy of the beverage server’s certificate.  Patrick had paid his fee, and satisfactory background check was done.  He was told by the clerk he needed to retake the beverage server class as he had not had a valid license for over two years.  A provisional license was given to him until August 30th giving him time to take the course and provide a copy to the clerk.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the 1 year license for Roberta DeLizio and Patrick Wilkinson pending Certificate is received on Patrick’s beverage server course. Motion carried.


Picnic License approvals for:  Barnes Lion’s Club – August 12th and 13th

                                                       Barnes Zeros – August 19th and 20th.

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the Picnic licenses for the Barnes Lion’s Club and Barnes Zeros. Motion carried.


Pre-buy of propane for the Town buildings for 2006-2007 winter season.  Collyard wanted to send letters out requesting pre-buy prices for this year’s propane season. We currently own two of the 1000 gallon tanks and lease the other two from the current propane provider.  The clerk will send out letters to all the dealers in the area. Motion( Porter/McGee) to go for bids to area propane providers in the area for the 2006-2007 heating season. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Mike Furtak spoke on the second mailing of postcards to area residents to have their septic systems pumped. The state has mandated this as of 1981, but Bayfield County was not in a position to do such a large mailing until recently.  The reason Bayfield County is doing this is to be eligible for the Wisconsin Fund, which is a grant program for low income assistance to help fix failing septics.  Most people in this area have conventional septics, which will be on a three-year reminder notification to have pumped.  If you get a postcard, make sure the address is correct for the property, and if your septic has been pumped recently then attach a copy of the bill.  The pumpers are supposed to be notifying the county when they pump a septic, so by next time everything should be running more smoothly.  If anyone has questions they can call the zoning office and ask for Rob.  Buzzy Harkness explained she got two postcards already and was having a time trying to get the information as the pumper has gone out of business.  Mike Furtak said to write a note to that effect and he would make sure to take care of it.  She spoke with Rob at the county but didn’t feel he was very nice or helpful.  Mike also mentioned that even though someone might be just a seasonal resident it is sometimes more important to have those pumped every three years because solids will form a hard layer with non-use and could clog the drainfield.


Ron Pearson wanted to mention that Smith Lake road was being tore up by ATV’s.  He said it is not an ATV route or trail so wanted to know what could be done. Porter said to contact the ATV alliance who could put up signs saying “not an ATV route” and to call the Constable when they are out there for him to respond.


Buzzy Harkness thought this would be the meeting where the board decided on what the hours would be for Jet Skis and water skis.  Since it was not on the agenda nothing could be decided.  She thought there should be no restriction for time for the waterskiers or jetskiers as there is none for canoes, kayaks, fishing boats or swimmers. 


Mike Furtak also showed the audience pictures of a lake are where the resident sprayed the shoreline with herbicide.  He explained the damage done there was very great and the owner will be paying quite a bit to fix it.  He wanted to remind everyone of the importance to keep the vegetation near the lakes.   

Issues Timeline Update

No changes. Collyard wanted to remind everyone of the meetings in September and October being changed.  September’s date has been changed to the 12th from the 19th.  October’s has been changed to the 10th from the 17th. 


Motion(Porter/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of July 18, 2006. Motion carried.   The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Clerk-Treasurer

dated this 23rd day of July, 2006