Of September 28, 2009

Chairperson Lu Peet called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 7:00AM. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



1)                Closed Session. The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)  “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

2)                Approve “Road Safety Form” for use by Road Foreman and Road Committee to research Citizen’s requests on road issues.

3)                2010 Budget – The Board will continue to discuss and put together the budget for 2010.

4)                Set date of Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting as November 17, 2009


Chair Lu Peet read the notice and asked the Board for a motion to adjourn to closed session

Motion (Webb/Porter) to go into closed session per the above statute.  Roll call vote taken with all responding yes.   Motion carried.


Motion (Webb/Porter) to reconvene to the regular open session.  Motion carried.  Chair Lu Peet called the meeting back to order in regular session at 7:30AM.  No action was taken during the closed session and no motions were made. 


Chair Lu Peet asked to put an item on the Regular Board meeting agenda to expunge a letter from an employee’s file.  It will be put on the October Board meeting agenda.

Webb supplied the Board with minutes from the Town Roads and ROW committee meeting.  She had made a few notes to elaborate on the items they discussed.  Since it is not on the agenda for this meeting it will also be put on the agenda for discussion at the October Board meeting. 

The road safety form for Jerry to use was discussed.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the road safety form for internal use only.  Motion carried.


The board continued to go over budget items for the 2010 year.  The next meeting will be on October 8, at 5:00PM, with a closed session scheduled first.  The board discussed getting copies of the cemetery minutes each time and also copies of the current maps and book the sexton uses.  It is the town’s cemetery and the town board should have access to the minutes and the records.  This will be put on the agenda for next meeting.  A written request for budget items should be requested of the Constable also.  Lu Peet will contact Mike about this.

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad asked if it was she could schedule the Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting before the Regular Town Board meeting in November.  We have done this the last few years and it has worked out.  The date is November 17th.  The board members all concurred.


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to adjourn the Special Town Board meeting of September 28, 2009.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 9:30AM.


Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 30th day of September, 2009