Chairperson Lu Peet called
the Special Town Board Meeting to order at
Selection of Building and Maintenance Committee members
The Board will begin looking over budget requests
from departments for the 2010 budget season.
Brustad said 5 people had
showed interest in joining the committee.
They are: Margaret Bossow, Greg Martin, Steve Hunter, Mike Trembley and
Bob Paszak.
Motion (Porter/McGee) to nominate the above 5
people to the committee.
For budgets, Supervisor Webb
said we first should decide on when the budget hearing should be then go
backwards to set up budget meetings.
November 12th will be the budget hearing and
Revenues were discussed by
the Board. The ambulance fee schedule
should be put on the agenda for the next Regular Town Board meeting to discuss
increasing the fees. Clerk-Treasurer
Brustad should call Advantage billing to see what others are charging. Fire fees should also put on the agenda for
discussion. Also discussed was
possibility of one evening for the Transfer site being open. The Board will discuss that with Tom Pieters
during the reviews to see if he has any ideas or objections. Also discussed was whether there was anyone
who took TV’s that the town could contract with or whether the Clean Sweep
could be done in Barnes for the next summer.
The next meeting is on Thursday, September 24th at
Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 17th day of
September, 2009