Of August 4, 2009


Chairperson Lu Peet called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:07PM. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



1)                   Discussion on Town Hall renovations and possible alternatives recommended by the committee



Peet said the reason for the meeting was discussion only, to update the rest of the Board as to all the problems needing to be repaired at the town hall complex.  The floor would be opened for the public to speak after the discussion.   Items mentioned were the well, kitchen area ansell system, repair cabinet under sink, sidewalk, increased storage, additional parking, roof renovations, lighting on west side of building, new ramps.  The engineering study was copied for the audience. Peet said after looking at everything needing to be repaired the committee felt it might be better to replace the building, even though she came into the office thinking they would just repair what we have.  She asked George Kornstad from Highland to talk about Highland’s new town hall.  Highland’s building was incorporated with the need for a fire hall also, so they purchased a steel building, 60’x100’ with about 30’x60’ being the offices and hall portion.  They have a small kitchen, 2 offices, 2 bathrooms and a storage room.  It was built for approximately $360,000.00 and Kornstad stated they didn’t raise taxes to construct the building.  Fritz Barnes asked to be heard before he had to leave for EMT training so Chair Peet asked for a motion to open the floor. This would be for anyone wanting to talk who had to leave the meeting early; otherwise the Board would open the floor again at the end so everyone could talk.


Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor for discussion.  Motion carried.


Barnes felt the town doesn’t need as large a building; the town hall should only be for elections and meetings.  If the town wants a community center then that should be done by a non-profit group not by the town so the townspeople wouldn’t be saddled with the tax burden. 


Motion (Webb/McGee) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried. 


Peet felt the need for a new building was here, the maintenance costs on this one are very high.  She read off the costs for the past few years to the audience.  Meinke said we should list the items to be done, and prioritize them as to the need.  The roof isn’t going to fall down anytime soon.  George Kornstad said at Highland they selected a committee of 5 people.  You have to know what you need, whether it is in a new building or this structure.  They hired an engineering firm who told them what space they needed, what was needed to comply with state and county regulations.  He recommended the town hire someone to come in and tell us exactly what we need to do.


Motion (Meinke/Webb) to open the floor for discussion.  Motion carried.


Many people spoke on the fact that no one wanted or thought we need a new building.  This building was in good shape compared to most, and we should be maintaining it as we go. It was thought a committee of the townspeople should be established to look at everything to be done and prioritize them. They should involve an engineering firm who can help make those decisions.  Doug White said we should recognize the fact the townspeople do not want a new facility. 

It will be put on the agenda for the next regular town board meeting to select committee members. 


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.

Motion (Meinke/Webb) to adjourn the Special Town Board meeting of August 4, 2009.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:40PM.


Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine Brustad


Dated this 6th Day of August, 2009