JUNE 16, 2009



Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:00PM.  She asked for a motion to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)  “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”   The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to go into closed session per the above statute.  Roll call vote taken, all present except Donna Porter, all present responded yes.  Motion carried.


Motion(Meinke/McGee ) to return to the Open session to be reconvened at 6:30PM.  Motion carried.


The Board reconvened  the Regular Town Board Meeting at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.  A roll call to establish a quorum, verification of public notice and a motion to approve the June Agenda was asked by Chairperson Peet. 


Roll call taken and all present except Donna Porter.  The Clerk-Treasurer verified the agenda was posted as required.


Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to approve the June agenda as presented.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:




JUNE 16, 2009 AT 6:00PM




Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:00PM

Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)  “considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”   The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the closed session.

Reconvene the Regular Town Board Meeting at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the June Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report      

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

            Approval to purchase a 4 drawer file cabinet for the Clerk’s office

Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda          

Citizen’s Request for Action:

            Request by Gene Huettl to ride ATV’s on Peninsula Road

            Request by Craig Harvey to have tree trimmings removed from their property

            Connie Balcom request for more communication on road work on Jones Road,        privatizing town roads and water use on Pickerel Lake by DOT for highway 27    road project

            Marcia Ritter request for approval of carillons at the Barnes Community Church

Land Use Planning Commission

            Resolution for approval of Zoning Overlay Amendment

Zoning: none  

Department Head Reports:


                        Approval to purchase a used compactor for Transfer Site                                           Cemetery        

            Fire and Ambulance Department

                        Approval of Highland Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement

                        Approval for negotiation by Tom Renz of Ambulance Agreement with Town                                     of Highland                                 


Committee Reports

            Eurasian Water Milfoil            

            Town Hall Maintenance

                        Approval of hiring Chequamegon Engineering for a study of Town Hall                                 maintenance needs and possible costs

                        Approval to go out for bids for concrete sidewalk work

                        Approval to purchase new dishwasher for kitchen

                        Resolution supporting application for Energy Independent Community                                  Planning Grant and Resolution supporting Governor Doyle’s 25 x25 goals                                for energy independence

Liquor License Renewals: Class B Combo License for Barnes Community Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Nancy M. Lindberg, d/b/a The Windsor, Boulder Lodge,  Doorn’s Inn, Downtown Barnes, Inc., d/b/a CedarLodge Steakhouse and Grille, Enchanted Inn, Cleo Marshall, d/b/a Mike’s Sportsman Saloon,  P.J’s Cabin Store, Ralph and Carole DeWitt. d/b/a RC’s Decoy Inn, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Eagle Horn LLC, d/b/a Buck N Bass, Kendall P. Graese, d/b/a Northwood’s Tap and Tommel, Inc., d/b/a Backwoods Resort,

Class A Combo License renewal for: GMB Enterprises, d/b/a Homestead Station and Store and Kari’s Jim’s Bait, LLC d/b/a Jim’s Bait



Operators Licenses:

            2 year renewal licenses for: Anita E. Rauwolf, Rose Skinner, Roberta DeLizio,          Connie Richards, Amanda vanDoorn, Kevin Murphy, Debbie Sesko, Evonne        Becker, Nancy Gohde, Gene Ratzel, Scott Ruhmann, Colleen Ruhmann, Kevin          Basacker, David Allen Basacker and Angela Arseneau.

            1 year new license application for: Karen J. Rutzen

            2 year new License application for: Kathleen Miner, Patricia Marie Jacob, Jeffrey    Walker Gordon, Nicole Arseneau and Robert Tuttle                            

Approval of sign bids for the Town of Barnes signs    

Selection of Board of Review alternates correction, one for a two year term and one for a three year term

Public Comment Session3 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update



All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 

Dated this 15th day of June, 2009



A motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes was asked for by Peet.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last regular town board meeting and motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.  Motion carried. 


Treasurer’s Report



General Fund



Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 23783-23864




May Direct tax payments ck #s 331-333



Service Charge May





Interest Earned May


















Money Market









Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned May


YTD Interest $3,377.73



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund





Total all Money Market Funds












Hayward Community Credit Union










Interest May $.01



9 Month CD

Interest May $233.22



9 Month CD

Interest May $233.22



6 Month CD

Interest May $ 97.59



Total Hayward Community Credit Union




















Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s for payment as reported.  Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said she received another $100.00 from the State Election Board for completing a survey.  The funds must be used on initiatives that add to established elections activities. 

Brustad read a letter received from Arch Heating regarding maintenance agreements.  F I N I S H

Numerous Notices to Cut were received on property in Sections 2, 22, 23, and 32 of Township 44, Range 9W, Sections 19, 23, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 of Township 45N, Range 9 West, and Section 18 of Township 46N, Range 9 West.

Finally, Brustad mentioned the new TV in the hall had been donated by WITC, and she wished to thank them for their generosity.





                Approval to purchase a 4 drawer file cabinet for the Clerk’s office

Brustad asked for approval to purchase a new lateral file cabinet for her office because the files were too full for any more papers.  The file cabinet price is $818.00 and she has monies in the budget for such a purchase. 


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the purchase of a 4 drawer lateral file cabinet for $818.00.

Roll call vote taken: all responded yes. (Porter absent) Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

Kevin Murphy, owner of the Buck N Bass wanted to speak regarding his issues the Health Department has cited him on.  He wanted to ensure the Board these would be taken care of before the end of the month.  He didn’t want anything to stop him getting his liquor license renewed.  The cabins won’t be used until everything is corrected.


Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Request by Gene Huettl to ride ATV’s on Peninsula Road

Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to allow ATV’s on Peninsula Road strictly for discussion.   This topic has been discussed previously with the Board denying the request due to the traffic on that road and it is a dead end road.  Renz said the town roads are to be used by persons living on those roads to get to a designated trail only, but most people use them as a means of travel back and forth from local establishments instead. 

Motion (McGee/Webb) to open the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.  Jon Harkness said they had a similar problem on their road being a dead end road.  People would ride back and forth all day long. With ATV’s doing “donuts” all the time it ruins a road.

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.  Webb said this request should be sent to the ATV club.  Peet called for the question.  All in favor – none, all opposed – Webb, Peet, Meinke, McGee. 

Motion(Meinke/McGee) to send the request to the ATV club for further study.  Motion carried.


                Request by Craig Harvey to have tree trimmings removed from their property

Peet asked if the Harvey’s were present.  Since they were not the request was not read or discussed.


                Connie Balcom request for more communication on road work on Jones Road,            privatizing town roads and water use on Pickerel Lake by DOT for highway 27 road project

Connie Balcom spoke first on the communication issue, she felt there should be more information given out before a project is done rather than reporting on one after the fact.  She wanted to know what was planned for their road, Jones Road, and if it was going to be paved in the near future.  She also wanted to know if the town would be willing to help with funds if people would want to privatize a road such as theirs.  Jerry Witt responded saying it would be hard to notify everyone each time he did a project.  There were no plans to pave her road; he only was widening the right of way to make it safer for residents and also the plow trucks and emergency vehicles to get through.  The second issue, privatizing of town roads, in particular Jones Road she thought since it would be a cost-saving thing for the town maybe the Town would consider helping with a packet of information to residents and perhaps even helping with money needed to convert over to a private road.  Meinke said it is very difficult to get everyone on a road to agree to make the road private.  

Balcom was concerned over using Pickerel Lake as a water source by the DOT (Department of Transportation).  She asked if it will be continued to be tapped as a water source.  Chairperson Peet said the Town has nothing to do with that, it is the state and their vendors who use the lakes during their road projects.  Jerry Witt said when construction people come to ask him about where to get water he tells them to use the Middle Eau Claire as the landing is state owned and the lake is spring-fed.  Supervisor Webb said to start with a petition.  Balcom wanted to know if the Town Board would endorse the petition.  Peet said the petition is signed by people, so the Board would have to sign as concerned citizens only.  Webb said the Board could forward the petition on to the DOT, saying the residents of our town had concerns over the water usage in the lake. 


                Marcia Ritter request for approval of carillons at the Barnes Community Church

Clarence Tollefson spoke instead of Marcia Ritter on the plans for carillons to be played at the church periodically.  They planned to be playing the music usually around noon time or dinner time.  People will be able to donate monies to have a certain song played in memory of a loved one.  They will not be played late in the evening, probably not later than dinner time. 

Motion (McGee/ Webb) to approve the carillons at the church.  Webb said there is no noise ordinance the town has so they didn’t really need approval from the town.  Motion carried.


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease spoke of the Overlay Amendment proposal which was approved at their Plan Commission meeting to forward it on to the Town for approval.  At the Public Hearing there were 93 people present as well as numerous letters and emails sent in and all were in support of the resolution to send to the County. 

He said it was very interesting that this particular item and the comments and overall interest were much more for this than for the adoption of the Land Use Plan.


                Resolution for approval of Zoning Overlay Amendment

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said the paperwork needed by the County had to be completed yet and looked at by the Town’s attorney.  The County’s deadline for their next meeting was the next day so she recommended a motion to allow the Chairperson sign the documents needed when they were finished.


Motion(Webb/Meinke)to approve having the Chairperson sign the zoning petition to go to zoning approving the overlay amendment.  After more discussion both Webb and Meinke agreed to rescind and amend their motion to say : Motion( Webb/Meinke) to have the Clerk and Chair complete the proper forms to petition to change the zoning ordinance for the overlay amendment.  Motion carried.



Department Head Reports:



Reconstruction and erosion control work has been completed on the Marten Rd.

The brusher has just finished mowing and brushing the right of way on the five + miles of the Pease Road. For the next two weeks we will be busy mowing the right of ways to get our roads safer for the Fourth of July holiday.

The Cemetery has been worked up and is in the process of being seeded.

8 loads of gravel were spread on the Walter Rd last week before grading to shore up the base on the hill and at the bottom of the hill. The proposal for doing the apron at the approach to the bridge on South Shore road was just received today from Northwoods Paving.  The total was $5,610.00.   He would like approval to go ahead and do that if he could at this meeting.  The cracksealing will be started next week.  Jerry also wanted to thank the gentleman who cleared the ski trail for us.  He very much appreciated him doing so.

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the proposal from Northwoods Paving to do the apron at the approach to the South Shore bridge.  Roll call vote taken, all responded yet who were present. (Porter absent)  Motion carried.


                                Approval to purchase a used compactor for Transfer Site

McGee said he received a new proposal for a used compactor from JMEC for $11,385.00.  We will be able to make payments on it until January at $150.00 per month.  Then for 2010 we can add that into the budget.  Jerry (Witt) can do the concrete work and will coordinate with JMEC on when they can deliver the compactor.  This will be done before the 4th of July when there is the greatest need for a second compactor.


Motion(McGee/Meinke) to approve the purchase of the used compactor for$11,385.00. Roll call vote taken: all responded yes.  ( Porter absent).



Brustad read the Cemetery Sexton’s report:  We have ground up the new area so it can be platted in the future.  We will seed and drag it soon. 


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had numerous calls.


1 - transport to St. Lukes from Highland

2 - deceased

1 – ATV accident transported to Hayward

3 – medical transported to Hayward

4 – respond with Fire Department

1 motorcycle accident transported to Ashland


The amendment for the ops plan for the EKG is moving completed and mailed.  Training on EKG will start in July and be operational by the end of August. 


On 06-11-09 all EMT’s went to Iron River and were tested on Skills test by Dr. Wesley with one having to go to Bayfield to make it up and one excused because of injury. The new protocols approved by Dr. Wesley the medical director, they were handed out and implemented.  They are with doctor before implementation is not necessary.  The protocols have not been approved by the State yet but Dr. Wesley wants them implemented because they meet all the regulations and he wants them in place because they are for the well being of the patients we treat and to delay them to wait for red tape would not be in the best interest of the patients we treat. The Fire Department had 1 run which was mutual aid to Highland along with the Ambulance for ATV accident in case rescue sled was needed.  

The Ambulance Contract with the Town of Highland has expired.  Tom is working on a new contract that will continue to be in effect continually until one or the other party cancels it.


Fire Department :

1 vehicle Fire

1 vehicle accident

2 brush fires

1 wildland Fire stand bye

2 landing zone

1 propane leak

1 chimney fire

I motor vehicle accident with the Town of Highland


We have upcoming training here in Barnes at the Fire hall on Propane and propane tanks.  I recently attended the Town of Highland Board meeting because both or Mutual aid agreement for Fire and the contract for ambulance service are expired.  I learned they had sold the Fire truck we had sold them for a dollar with the agreement they would donate it to the Lions Club for their missions in Mexico when they were done with it for $751.00.  When I talked about this they asked what I wanted done I told them I just wanted to let them know about it at which time they said they basically did not know because it was not in writing at any time.  At which time I brought up the Mutual aid agreement and Ambulance Contract because they are expired and not in writing no longer and one Town Board member husband made fun of what I do for living and the newly appointed Assistant Chief said I was becoming pert of the cesspool.

I am looking for direction of the Town Board on what their wishes are in reference to the mutual aid agreement, which I have re typed and submitted to you for approval and also the ambulance contract.  I am requesting permission from the Town Board to negotiate the ambulance contract and approval for the Mutual aid agreement. 


                                Approval of Highland Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement for the Town of Highland.  Motion carried.


                                Approval for negotiation by Tom Renz of Ambulance Agreement with Town of Highland              

Motion ( Webb/McGee) to authorize Tom Renz to act of behalf of the Town Board to negotiate the Ambulance Contract with the Town of Highland.  Motion carried.



Brustad read the Constable’s report as he was not at the meeting:  There were 3 alarms from the Sheriff, 2 bear complaints, 2 animal complaints on Red Oak Drive, 4 fireworks complaints, permits were issued, 1 brush fire on Lake Road, did traffic control, 2 assist boaters on the Middle Eau Claire, lost engine and towed to dock, 1 deer hit on highway 27 and South Shore Road.


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil

Ingmar Ekstrom reported the Eurasian Water Milfoil committee would be recognized at the Lakes Conference meeting in Cable this Friday.  He hoped as many members as possible could attend.  Also on Saturday the research staff will be present in a meeting to discuss the progress of the project with townspeople and also the plan for Sand Bar Lake in 2011.


                Town Hall Maintenance

The group met again a few weeks ago, and decided there was so much they were uncovering the thought it best to employ outside help to give us an estimate of all that would need to be done and possible costs. 


                                Approval of hiring Chequamegon Engineering for a study of Town Hall maintenance needs and possible costs

Brustad said she had called this engineering firm on Peet’s and McGee’s recommendation and got an approximate cost for the study which was around $2,000.00.  To be safe she thought around $2,500.00 would be an adequate amount.  The monies should come from the Town Hall Maintenance fund. 

Motion(McGee/Webb) to approve hiring James Sajdak of Chequamegon Bay Engineering at a cost of up to $2,500.00  to study the Town hall maintenance needs and possible costs for the repairs.

Roll call vote taken: all yes (Porter absent)


                                Approval to go out for bids for concrete sidewalk work

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to advertise for proposals on the concrete work at the Town Hall.  The monies will come from the Town Hall Maintenance Fund and work should be completed by September 1st.  Motion carried.


                                Approval to purchase new dishwasher for kitchen

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the purchase of a dishwasher for the town hall up to $3,700.00.  The free one turned out to be one that was set outside last winter without draining it completely and so it froze and pipes broke within the dishwasher itself.  A new one will cost around $3,700.00, plus the costs from the plumber who spent most of two days trying to get the free one set up.  The monies will be taken out of the Town Hall maintenance fund and the motion should include amending the budget on these two items for the amounts spent out of the maintenance fund.  Motion amended as such and carried.

Roll call vote taken: all yes  Motion carried.


                                Resolution supporting application for Energy Independent Community Planning Grant and Resolution supporting Governor Doyle’s 25 x25 goals for energy independence

Brustad attended a meeting of the Alliance for Sustainability in Ashland the prior week and they suggested getting on board with their group to apply for grants together.  This Resolution is the first thing that will need to be done so we can combine efforts when applying for energy grants.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the passage of the two resolutions # 09-04 and 09-05. Motion carried.  The two Resolutions are as follows:





WHEREAS, Governor Doyle has created an office of Energy Independence with the goals of:

                * Generating 25% of electricity and transportation fuels from renewable resources by 2025

                * Capturing 10% of the emerging bio industry mad renewable energy market by 2030

                * Becoming a national leader in groundbreaking energy research; and

WHEREAS,  the Office of Energy Independence is seeking partnerships with local units of government in furtherance of the State of Wisconsin’s effort to achieve the 25 x 25 goals, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes will benefit from such a partnership with the State of Wisconsin;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Barnes Board assembled this 16th day of June, 2009, hereby declares itself a partner with the State of Wisconsin in pursuit of the 25 x 25 goals for energy independence; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon adoption, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to Governor Doyle’s office and the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence.

The Town Clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s 60.80, Wis. Stats

Town of Barnes Town Board

________________________________                                     _________________________________

Lu Peet – Town Chairperson                                                            Christine Webb – Supervisor

________________________________                                     __________________________________

Jack Meinke – Supervisor                                                  Donna Porter – Supervisor


Mitch McGee – Supervisor

Adopted:  June 16, 2009

Posted:  _____________

Attest: _______________________________________

                Elaine J. Brustad – Town Clerk-Treasurer






WHEREAS, Governor Doyle has created an office of Energy Independence; and

WHEREAS,  the Office of Energy Independence is seeking partnerships with local units of government in furtherance of the State of Wisconsin’s effort to achieve the “25 x 25” goals, and is accepting applications for “Energy Independent Community 25 x 25 Planning Grants”;

WHEREAS, the goals of these planning grants are to:

·          Have 5-10 pilot communities complete a 25% by 2025 plan.

·          Have these pilot communities complete an energy audit of all buildings/facilities and infrastructures as well as assessment of all fleet vehicles.

·          Increase the use of renewable energy and renewable fuels by 25% by 2025 across the State of Wisconsin.

·          Increase and promote public awareness regarding the benefits of increased energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy use by counties and municipalities across the state.

·          These benefits include and are not exclusive to: clean air and water, intelligent land management, rural and urban economic development, as well as state and national energy independence.

WHEREAS, representatives of Bayfield and Ashland Counties and the Cities of Washburn, Ashland and Bayfield have met to begin developing a collective application for these grant funds;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Barnes assembled this 16th day of June, 2009 hereby supports a collective application to the State of Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence for an Energy Independence Community Planning Grant.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon adoption, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the City Clerk of Bayfield, Washburn and Ashland, and the Ashland and Bayfield County Clerks.


The Town Clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s 60.80, Wis. Stats


Town of Barnes Town Board

________________________________                                     _________________________________

Lu Peet – Town Chairperson                                                            Christine Webb – Supervisor

________________________________                                     __________________________________

Jack Meinke – Supervisor                                                                  Donna Porter – Supervisor


Mitch McGee – Supervisor

Adopted:  June 16, 2009

Posted:  _____________

Attest: _______________________________________

                Elaine J. Brustad – Town Clerk-Treasurer



Liquor License Renewals:

Class B Combo License for Barnes Community Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Nancy M. Lindberg, d/b/a The Windsor, Boulder Lodge,  Doorn’s Inn, Downtown Barnes, Inc., d/b/a CedarLodge Steakhouse and Grille, Enchanted Inn, Cleo Marshall, d/b/a Mike’s Sportsman Saloon,  P.J’s Cabin Store, Ralph and Carole DeWitt. d/b/a RC’s Decoy Inn, Traut’s Resort, LLC, Eagle Horn LLC, d/b/a Buck N Bass, Kendall P. Graese, d/b/a Northwood’s Tap and Tommel, Inc., d/b/a Backwoods Resort.


Motion (Webb/Meinke ) to approve the class B liquor license renewals for the above mentioned group of applications as long as all fees are paid, all liquor bills have been paid and all taxes have been paid prior to the licenses being picked up. Motion carried.


Class A Combo License renewal for: GMB Enterprises, d/b/a Homestead Station and Store and Kari’s Jim’s Bait, LLC d/b/a Jim’s Bait

Motion (Meinke/McGee ) to approve the classA liquor license renewals for the above mentioned  applications as long as all fees are paid, all liquor bills have been paid and all taxes have been paid prior to the licenses being picked up. Motion carried.


Operators Licenses:

                2 year renewal licenses for: Anita E. Rauwolf, Rose Skinner, Roberta DeLizio, Connie Richards, Amanda vanDoorn, Kevin Murphy, Debbie Sesko, Evonne Becker, Nancy Gohde, Gene Ratzel, Scott Ruhmann, Colleen Ruhmann, Kevin Basacker, David Allen Basacker and Angela Arseneau.


Motion (Webb/McGee ) to approve the 2 year renewals licenses  for Anita E. Rauwolf, Rose Skinner, Roberta DeLizio, Connie Richards, Amanda vanDoorn, Kevin Murphy, Debbie Sesko, Evonne Becker, Nancy Gohde, Gene Ratzel, Scott Ruhmann, Colleen Ruhmann, Kevin Basacker, David Allen Basacker and Angela Arseneau.  Motion carried.


                1 year new license application for: Karen J. Rutzen

Brustad reported the fee had been paid, Ms Rutzen had no criminal history and she had a license prior so didn’t need to retake the beverage server course.


Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to approve the 1 year new operator license for Karen Rutzen.  Motion carried. 


                2 year new License application for: Kathleen Miner, Patricia Marie Jacob, Jeffrey Walker Gordon, Nicole Arseneau and Robert Tuttle

Background checks revealed no criminal history on any of the applicants, the required fees were paid and the beverage server course certificate would be received prior to receiving their licenses.


Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the 2 year new applications for operator licenses for Kathleen Miner, Patricia Marie Jacob, Jeffrey Walker Gordon, Nicole Arseneau and Robert Tuttle.  Motion carried.


Approval of sign bids for the Town of Barnes signs

Peet said they had received information the signs were actually alum clad signs and one of the bidders was not aware of this.  It might affect the bid amount if she knew.  It was decided to table this until next month and give the bidder another chance to rebid the project with the right information.


Motion (Meinke/McGee) to table this until next month and call Dana to let her know she should rebid the project since the signs are alum clad and not wood. Motion carried.


Selection of Board of Review alternates correction, one for a two year term and one for a three year term

Brustad said when looking at the original ordinance it stated there should be designated staggered terms for the Board of Review alternates.   The ordinance also stated three members should be designated so the resolution to change will include the Board only wants two.   The Resolution is as follows:




Alternate Board of Review Member

The town board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted on proper notice with a quorum and by a roll call vote of a majority of the town board present and voting resolves and orders as follows: Chapter Two (2), Section 2-9 of the Town of Barnes ordinances shall be amended to read:

The following electors of the Town of Barnes area named as alternates in the order indicated to serve as alternate Board of Review members to serve a term not to exceed three years

: Alternate 1: Elaine Brustad for a 3 year term May, 2009 through April 30, 2012

Alternate 2: Gene Ratzel for a 2 year term May, 2009 through April 30, 2011

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

   Town of Barnes


_________________________________                   ________________________________

Lu Peet -Town Chairperson                                              Christine M. Webb-Town Supervisor

_________________________________                   _________________________________

Mitch McGee -Town Supervisor                                        Jack Meinke-Town Supervisor


Donna Porter -Town Supervisor


Adopted:  June 16, 2009

Published: __________________                                                 Posted: ___________________


Attest:________________________________________        Dated:_________________

                Elaine J. Brustad-Town Clerk-Treasurer


Motion ( McGee/Meinke ) to approve Resolution #Chapter 2Section 2-9 naming Elaine Brustad as an alternate for a three year term and Gene Ratzel as an alternate for a two year term.  Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 3 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Jon Harkness announced as President of the Property Owners Association he wished to commend the Board for approving the overlay amendment as well as the Plan Commission.  The Property Owners Association and he would still like to continue to be involved in the petition process at the County level.  







Issues Timeline Update

Town owned land -  Contract info was sent to Dan Cobb

Town Hall Maintenance Plan – Hire engineer who will give figures on costs to renovate the building

Transfer Site Compactor – JMEC has a used compactor to purchase

Roads – Work in progress


Since there was no other business to discuss Chair Lu Peet asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion (Webb/Peet) to adjourn the meeting of the Regular Town Board this June 16, 2009.  Motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 8:40PM. 




Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 7th day of July, 2009