APRIL 21, 2009



Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. Peet asked for a Roll Call to establish a quorum, verification of Public Notice and a  motion to approve the April Agenda. Roll call was taken, all present except Jack Meinke. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the agenda was posted as required. 

Motion( Porter/McGee) to approve the April agenda.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:





APRIL 21, 2009 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the April Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Open Bids for reconstruction of Martin Road

Open bids for the sale of fire truck (tanker)

Open bids for the sale of McKenzie boom brusher

Treasurer’s Report           

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Clerk’s request for nomination of a Complete Count Committee for the 2010 Census and approval of 2010 Census Partner Proclamation

                Results of Polling Place Accessibility Report and discussion on items that will need to be corrected

Citizen’s Request for Action:          

Department Head Reports:


                                Chairperson to announce May as “Road Awareness Month”                                               


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Review and Approval of HIPPA privacy forms for the ambulance                                                         department                         


Announce “Employee of the Year” for 2008

Committee and Commission Reports

                Discussion by Board on Committee Assignments with possible re-assignment

                Re-appointment of Plan Commission members Gene Ratzel and Diane Rupnow

Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Diane Hess and Jim Olesen for a home-based business for Gun Repair and Sales

Operator License Approval: 1 year license for Shelly Stick

Temporary Class “B” Picnic license request by the Lion’s Club (Russ Carter) August 8th and 9th, 2009

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 20th day of April, 2009



Peet asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and a motion to dispense with the reading of those minutes.

Motion( Webb/Porter) to approve the minutes of the last regular Town Board meeting and motion to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  Motion carried.


Open Bids for reconstruction of Martin Road

Brustad said 5 bids had been received. Peet read the bids as they were opened: All had prepared bids per Jerry Witt’s specs and his tour with them.


Olson Brothers                                                    $29,530.00

Germano Trucking/Dennis Glass                    $47.850.00

Antczak Construction                                          $47,152.00

$ 6,000.00 for grubbing

$25,240.00 for grading

$15,912.00 for hauling

Ashland Construction                                         $37,890.00

RJS Construction                                                                $97,000.00

$13,000.00 for grubbing

$64,000.00 for grading

$20,000.00 for hauling


Motion ( Webb/McGee) to accept the bid by Olson Brothers for $29,530.00.  Roll call vote was taken and all responded yes. (Meinke absent)  Motion was carried.


Open bids for the sale of fire truck (tanker)

Brustad said 3 bids had been received for the purchase of the fire tanker truck.

Sandy Benes                                                        $467.00

Gregg Friermood                                                 $150.00

Mike Whitley                                                          $825.00


Motion (McGee/Webb) to sell the fire truck to Mike Whitley for $825.00 as his was the highest bid.  Roll call vote taken: Webb-yes, Meinke-absent, McGee-yes, Porter-yes, Peet-yes.  Motion carried.


Open bids for the sale of McKenzie boom brusher

Brustad said no bids had been received for the purchase of the Boom Brusher.  Jerry Witt said he would possibly use it for parts.


Treasurer’s Report



General Fund



Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 23608-23694




March Direct tax payments ck #s 325-326



Service Charge March





Interest Earned March


















Money Market









Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Transfer to sinking funds




Transf sinking funds from BES for fire truck balance


Interest earned March


YTD Interest $2,819.73



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund

Transfer in



BES Sinking Fund

Ck -48,463.00   Transf in 20,000.00


Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings


dep $18.00


Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund





Total all Money Market Funds












Hayward Community Credit Union










Interest March $.02



9 Month CD

Interest March $232.17


9 Month CD

Interest March $232.17


6 Month CD

Interest March $97.22



Total Hayward Community Credit Union




















Motion(McGee/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the vouchers as presented.  Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad wanted to remind everyone of the upcoming Spring Spruce-Up this coming Saturday at the Transfer Site.  Anyone wishing to make a pledge can go online to our website at www.barnes-wi.com and sign up to pledge a road or area of road.  Free bags can be picked up at the Town Office or the Transfer Site.  You can drop off roadside trash at any time this month at the Transfer Site, just mention it is roadside trash and it will be free.  Coffee and snacks will be served this Saturday at the Transfer Site.

Brustad read a letter from the Wisconsin Towns Association regarding Governor Doyle’s proposal to require prevailing wages to be paid on all public works projects over $2,000.00.  This would mean our local projects would become much more costly if this was passed.  The letter was received too late to put on this agenda but will be put on next month to discuss and vote on by the Board.

Brustad read a letter from Chequamegon Telephone announcing the Annual meeting of their members on Wednesday, April 29th at 7:00PM

She received Notices to Cut on the following:  Sections 7, 17, 18, 20, 29, and 30 of 43N, R9W; Section 32 of 44/9, and 23, 24, and 29 of 45/9.

Brustad read a letter received from Waste Management of a potential tax rate hike of $4.40 per ton on the Governor’s new budget proposal. They were urging local officials to contact their lawmakers and municipal associations to help fight against these tax rate hikes.

Brustad received a letter from the Wisconsin DNR announcing the grant award in the amount of $5,851.08 for the 2009 recycling program. 

A letter was received from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin regarding the operation of a new bio-mass fired electricity generating unit to be installed at the new existing Front Generating Facility on the Lake Superior Shore.  Interested persons can read the letter which will be posted at the Town Hall out front.

A Sky warn Spotter Training with be held at the Barnes Town Hall on Monday, May 18th at 7:00PM.  Training will be conducted by a meteorologist from the National Weather Service out of Duluth. 

And finally Brustad wanted to announce that April 19th through the 25th is National Volunteer week and she wanted to thank all the volunteers who spend countless hours working for the Town of Barnes.  She especially wanted to thank all our committee members, the Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee, the Rec committee, the Cemetery Committee, the parade coordinator and the Plan Commission members for all their hard work.  Without them our town wouldn’t run as smoothly as it does.  She wanted to also thank the Firefighters and EMT’s for their hard work also. 


                Clerk’s request for nomination of a Complete Count Committee for the 2010 Census and approval of 2010 Census Partner Proclamation   

Brustad read a paragraph from the “Local Government report on Complete Count Committees and their mission:  “Information from the US Census directly affects how more than $300 billion in federal and state funs are spent each year for things like neighborhood improvements, public health, education, transportation and much more.  As required by the US Constitution the census is also used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and to redistrict state legislatures.  The census, taken every ten years, it is like a snapshot that helps define who we are as a nation.  Information about changes in your community is crucial to many planning decisions, such as where to provide services for the elderly, where to build new roads and schools, or where to locate job training centers. 

One of the best ways to help Wisconsin have a complete and accurate census is for local and tribal governments to form local “Complete Count Committees”.  Complete County Committees are volunteer teams consisting of community leaders, faith-based groups, schools, businesses, media outlets and others who are appointed by elected officials and work together to make sure everyone is counted in the census.  The committees develop targeted outreach plans specific to their communities to supplement what the Census Bureau is already doing through paid advertising and partnership efforts.  One of the goals is to help inform local residents, including those historically hard to reach, of the importance of responding to the census.”  Brustad said it was very important to do this to obtain an accurate census.  She felt our census numbers were off by quite a bit, and with each person not counted it results in a loss of approximately $40.00 yearly. 

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve and sign the 2010 Census Partner Proclamation.  Motion carried.


Motion (McGee/Porter) to nominate a complete count committee.  The committee will need to establish objectives and come back to the Board with any possible costs that might be associated with this.   Motion carried.


                Results of Polling Place Accessibility Report and discussion on items that will need to be corrected

Brustad said the report was required by the State Elections Board in order to comply with federal law regarding a polling place being accessible to all persons.  She said since both ramps were not in compliance, she only reported on the ramp adjacent to the Hall, on the west side.  The one adjacent to the offices will have to be fixed at some time also to be in compliance.  Two signs will be ordered, one for the front door to tell people which direction the handicap accessible entrance is, and one to add to the parking sign saying “van accessible”.   Brustad pointed out the sidewalk to the ramp is crumbling, and will need to be replaced when the office sidewalk is replaced.  This area needs to be enlarged somehow, as it is not large enough for a wheelchair to turn around.  There is no direct lighting on that side of the building. The door has no outside handle for patrons to get into the building.  A sign has been posted asking patrons to knock for entry in the meantime.   The ramp is not in compliance; the railing is only 31 inches and should be between 34 and 38 inches high.  The bottom of the railing has no lip; there are no spindles to prevent anyone from falling through.   At the top of the ramp there should be a 5’ by 5’ level space, and there should be at least 18 inches minimum maneuvering space on the latch side of the door.   The handicap parking place on that side needs to be a van accessible space, approximately 3 spaces wide and clearly marked with paint so no one will park in that area.  These items will need to be corrected before our next election in 2010.  Webb asked Brustad to put an itemized list together and come up with what needs to get done. This will be put on the Timeline.


Citizen’s Request for Action:

There were no requests received.


Department Head Reports:


This past month we attended a one day training seminar to receive our MSHA certification to gain access to the Milestone Quarry.

We have been doing brushing on some of our northern sand roads. We have been engaged in spring removal and maintenance of the snow removal equipment.

Clean up work around the Town complex and the Cemetery included raking, limbing of trees, and the removal of some dead trees.

The stay poles have been removed from Upper Lake and Middle Lake channels. Docks are being repaired and put in at this time and should be finished by the week end.

New tennis nets were received and installed last week, to replace the old rotted nets.

Bids are being opened for the reconstruction of Martin Road. The work is being scheduled to begin upon weight ban removal, and to be finished by Memorial Day Week end to provide the least amount of inconvenience to people that use the road. Erosion control will be a separate part of the reconstruction project and will be scheduled after Memorial Day Week end. As soon as I can get a tentative weight ban removal date from the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner, I will send an informational letter to all the property owners on Martin Road.

Chris Webb also wanted to make a motion regarding the hiring of Dave Schiess to full-time:  With the resignation of Mike Collins Motion ( Porter/Webb) to promote Dave Schiess as a full-time employee with credit for 6 months of full-time already worked toward his benefits, which will start April 1st. Motion carried.


                                Chairperson to announce May as “Road Awareness Month”

Chair Lu Peet wanted to designate May as “Road Awareness Month” and to let everyone know they can call her or email her anytime to discuss concerns they may have on any road in the town of Barnes.  She said she would personally get with Jerry then to discuss the roads and see what if anything can be done on a particular road.



Bud Pease said there was not much activity this last month.  They did have an internment of Emily Davis on the 4th of April. 


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Brustad said she had not received a report for the Fire and Ambulance Departments.  Tom Renz was out of town for training. 

                                Review and Approval of HIPPA privacy forms for the ambulance department

Brustad said since Tom was not here she didn’t know much about the forms other than Renz wanted to begin using them in the ambulance department.  Webb said Renz has gone over them with her; they basically are for the Ambulance employees to sign to ensure confidentiality of their patients.

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the use of the HIPPA privacy forms for the Ambulance Department.  Motion carried.                



There was no report for the Constable received.


Announce “Employee of the Year” for 2008

Brustad had received two other nominations for Tom Renz.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to nominate Dave Schiess as Employee of the Year for 2008.  Webb said the reason for making the motion to nominate Dave was that he put in a lot of extra work this past year, he stepped in to the full-time roll and was willing to do it.  Motion carried.


Committee and Commission Reports


Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee – Ingemar Ekstrom reported the award from the Wisconsin Association of Lakes at their convention was picked up by Carol LeBreck.  The Committee and the Town Clerk received the Lake Stewardship Award in the Group category for 2009.  It is a very prestigious award and we should be very proud to have received it.  Ekstrom showed the audience and the Board the plaque and certificates.  Work has begun on the hiring of Monitors and the Coordinator for this summer’s “Clean Boats Clean Waters” Program.  There will be an appreciation luncheon on the 1st of May for the Volunteers and paid monitors.  Then there is a training session in Cable on the 6th of May. The paid monitors won’t start until after that training so for Opener there will be only the volunteers working the landings. 


Recreation Committee – They have ordered three flowering crab trees to be planted this spring in the park. 


                Discussion by Board on Committee Assignments with possible re-assignment

Chairperson Peet said she wanted to go over current committee assignments to see if everyone wanted to stay on the same committee or change assignments.  The committee list was an old one so changes had already been done on some committees.  The new committee assignments are as follows:

Roads                                    Mitch McGee and Lu Peet

Budget                                   Chris Webb and Lu Peet

Emergency Services           Chris Webb and Donna Porter

Land Use                              Mitch McGee

Rec, Parks, Cemetery        Donna Porter

Zoning Interface                   Jack Meinke and Lu Peet

Eurasian Water Milfoil        Mitch McGee

Wildfire Protection               Jack Meinke

Timber Harvest                    Jack Meinke

Driveway Inspection            Jack Meinke

Peet will talk with Jack Meinke later as he was not at the meeting to see if he would like to change anything.


                Re-appointment of Plan Commission members Gene Ratzel and Diane Rupnow

Peet asked for a motion to re-appoint the Plan Commission members.

Motion ( McGee/Porter) to re-appoint Gene Ratzel and Diane Rupnow for a two year term.  There being no additional discussion the motion carried.


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease said the Commission met the prior Thursday and they recommended approval for the request for the home based business by Jim Olesen and Diane Hess.  The request for the zoning overlay by the Property Owners Association was discussed.  Karl Kastrosky of Bayfield County Zoning recommended a Public Hearing on the matter.  They felt that June 6th at 1:00PM would be the best day as it gives us enough time for the Notice and also more people will be around in the summertime.  Pease said they would like to make sure as many people as possible are aware of the Hearing so that they would be able to attend and give the Commission their ideas on the subject.  Clerk-Treasurer Brustad will prepare the Notice and get it out in the paper and posted. 




1)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Diane Hess and Jim Olesen for a home-based business for Gun Repair and Sales


Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the Special Use Permit Request by Diane Hess and Jim Olesen for a home-based business for gun repairs and sales.  Olesen spoke on the business.  It will be mostly internet based, but according to state laws they have to be open to the public a certain amount of time.  He anticipates very little traffic to his home for the business.  Motion carried.


Operator License Approval: 1 year license for Shelly Stick

Brustad said the application fee had been paid for a 1 year license which will become due again June 30th.  She presented a copy of the beverage Server certificate, and background check revealed no criminal history.

Motion(McGee/Porter) to approve the 1 year Operator license for Shelly Stick.  Motion carried.


Temporary Class “B” Picnic license request by the Lion’s Club (Russ Carter) August 8th and 9th, 2009

Brustad explained Russ Carter will be the licensed Operator for the request. 


Motion ( McGee/Porter ) to approve the Temporary Class B Picnic License for the Lion’s Club for the ball tournament on August 8th and 9th.  Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Greg Martin wondered what the timetable was for the double chip-seal on Martin Road.  He said the people who signed the petition last year wanted it mainly for the dust control.  Jerry had already left but McGee said the reconstruction was the first step.  The double chip-seal would not happen this year.

Chris Webb wanted to mention to the Board to be sure and contact our State Legislators regarding the budget proposal to delete the Clean Sweep program in our area. 


Issues Timeline Update

Town owned land- Work in progress

Town Hall Maintenance Plan – Mitch and Lu and Greg Martin will inspect the premises

Transfer Site Compactor lease – Put on next month’s agenda for approval

Re-appointments- Board of Review alternates will be on next month’s agenda

Roads-Work in progress

RV Extensions- Request by William Wolf will be up in May.  Brustad to talk to Mike Furtak and to have him re-apply. 



Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the meeting of April 21, 2009.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 5th day of May, 2009