OF APRIL 14, 2009


Chairman Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Collyard asked for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Annual meeting. Motion (Henry Aukee/Greg Martin) to dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of April 12, 2007.

Clerk-Treasurer Elaine Brustad read the results of the Spring Election:

Local Election Results for

April 7, 2009 Election

Total persons voting: 395



Lu Peet                                                  225

Dick Collyard                                        164



Donna Porter                                        330

Christine Webb                                   240

And 9 various votes (scattering)            9


Town Constable:

Mike O’Keefe                                        313

With 8 write votes (scattering)                8        


Dick Collyard announced the new members of the Board elected: Lu Peet elected as the new Town Chairperson and Chris Webb and Donna Porter as Supervisors.


Town Audit – Collyard said he spoke with Lynn Lutz, our Auditor, and told the public the auditor found no problems with the financial statements.  There was a net income of $108,589.00, which was due to a road grant of $50,000.00 received plus $13,950.00 for Forest Crop revenue not budgeted for, and some miscellaneous grants and things we received.  That amount was put into the general fund and was used to make the final payment for the road loan in 2009.  A few years ago we needed to levy additional amounts to pay this loan payment but we were able to pay the loan off in 4 years instead of 5, and take the payment out of the levy without increasing the taxes.  Gene Ratzel asked about the comment from Lynn Lutz on the Management’s Discussion and Analysis and the town declining to do that.  Brustad explained this is a requirement by the state and really would cost more for a small town to do this report than what it is worth.  It basically is only done in larger cities and those who have bond issues.   Collyard asked if there were any more questions on the report.

There were none. He then asked for a motion to approve the audit.  Motion (Henry Aukee/Franco Pagnucci) to approve the 2008 Annual Report as presented.



Treasurer’s Report Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read her annual report:

General Fund Balance January 1, 2008













Transfers of funds from Money Market













Interest Earned and service charges


























Money Market Balance January 1, 2008













Checks written







Interest Earned and Service charges





Transfer of funds to General Fund



























Sub account balances:






General Funds Savings






Highway Dept. Sinking Fund






BES Sinking Fund







Park Savings







Ski Trail Savings







Town Complex Fund







ACT 102 Funds
































Motion (Gordon Lund/Dean Peet) to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.


Annual Highway Department Report  This past year has been very busy. Two major projects completed included the blacktopping of Island Lake Road into Potowotomi, and the repair of the east wing walls on the bridge on South Shore Rd. Also the Marten Road reconstruction project was started with the clearing of the trees off the right of way.  Many of these trees were used for the shoreline restoration project on Upper. The shoulders on the first mile of Kelly Lake Rd and the Pease Rd were widened to help offset the damage being caused by heavy trucks. The Town Park Ball field was given a facelift last summer with the installation of new fencing and the painting of the bleachers. Stumps were removed from the northern lot at the cemetery and were burned along with the brush.

The past winter season was a long one. There were no major breakdowns on any of the snow removal equipment and the problems plaguing the tandem plow truck have mostly been resolved. Sand and salt usage was up from other years due to the prolonged cold temperatures with no warm periods to help get rid of the ice and snowpack.

Projects scheduled for the summer are: Finishing the Marten Road reconstruction project, crack sealing and flexpatch on the Pease Road and others, reconstruction of the Weldon Road using the last mitigation money from the Dnr, and getting the approach blacktopped to the South Shore bridge.


Annual Ambulance and Fire Department Report Tom Renz, Ambulance Director and Fire Chief, gave his report.  There were 78 combined fire and ambulance runs for 2008.  One of the projects the Fire Department is involved in is the Firewise program, and if anyone is interested they will do a Firewise inspection for free, to see if your home is as safe as it can be.  They are also working on placing a 25,000 gallon water tank of Highway A and N for use in that area if water is needed for a fire.  Currently there is nothing in that area for either the Drummond or Barnes fire departments.  The ambulance department purchased a new cot, CPAP and auto pulse digital radio was installed in the ambulance.  The new EKG machine has been ordered for the ambulance as well, with money received through the ambulance department’s donation mailings.  To date they have received over $22,000.oo toward this machine.  Renz thanked all who had donated towards this machine.  He also reported two new EMTS on board. 


Annual Constable Report  Mike O’Keefe was not present so the Clerk-Treasurer read his report.  In the last year O’Keefe received 214 calls at his home for assistance.  46 of those calls were from the Sheriff’s department, the remainder involved calls for ordinance violations, personal watercraft complaints, ATV complaints, animal complaints and property checks for residents who were out of town.  Last year O’Keefe said he took a more pro-active approach to help inform visitors and residents concerning lake related regulations by posting rules in local resorts, stores, public landing and meeting with boaters during legal operating hours.  He will be doing the same this year.  O’Keefe said he’d like to address those who have complained from time to time that they have trouble reaching me when they needed assistance or when they had a question for him.  The phone number posted is his home number, and obviously he cannot be there at all times.  He stated he does try to return calls if the caller leaves a message.  He receives many hang-up calls and complaints from callers who refuse to leave their name and numbers or a message.  O’Keefe said he wanted to thank the residents of Barnes for their continued support, stating we are all fortunate to live in a great community such as this.  He said he was proud to be a Barnes resident and also your neighbor. 


Collyard asked for two tellers and two clerks for the votes.  The two Clerks appointed were Janine Watts and Viola Friermood, and the two tellers were Tom Renz and Gene Ratzel


Collyard said next we would ask for any resolutions that had been presented to the Clerk.  Brustad said she received none.


Collyard then asked for any resolutions from the floor.  Franco Pagnucci wasn’t sure if this could be a Resolution but wanted to see if we could put $9.00 per month on everyone’s tax bill for garbage service so maybe people would then take their garbage to the Transfer Site instead of dumping it along the roads.  The Transfer site would be free then.  A discussion on the amount of garbage that is dumped along the roadsides ensued. The amount was a ball park figure, which might be too high.  Some wondered if that would help the problem of people dumping their garbage all over.  Janine Watts asked if a committee could be formed to study that.  .  Webb said the Board could look at that during budget time to see if that would be a possibility.  There was no Resolution made for this item, it was thought the Board could look at it during budget time.  Gladys Aukee asked if the sign that used to be at the intersection of Barnes Road and County A could be put back up.  She said it was a sign welcoming people to Barnes, and they used that sign for a marker on where to turn onto Barnes Road.  It was determined that was a sign that was placed there many years ago and must have been torn down or taken. 

Craig Harvey wanted to make a Resolution to see that the Constable position become an appointed position effective after the current term is up.  The resolution was seconded by Donna Mulder.  There was discussion on the current Constable’s actions and if it could be monitored more closely if the position was an appointed one.  The Clerk-Treasurer said in the statutes that the townspeople can vote to abolish or establish the position, but this resolution would be advisory to the Board as the Board would  be the one to make the position an appointed one.  Harvey then said he wanted to rescind his original resolution and make a resolution to abolish the Constable’s position.  Fritz Barnes seconded that motion.  More discussion from the audience regarding the current Constable and what would happen if the position was abolished.  Tom Renz said the job of enforcing the town’s ordinances would then go to the Chairperson.  Dave Pease called for the question.  The Resolution Reads:  Resolution # 09-01 to abolish the office of the Constable after the current term is up.  The term will be up in 2011.  A ballot vote was done with a result of 25 votes to abolish the office to 13 votes to not abolish the office.  The Resolution passed. 

Collyard then asked for any resolutions from the floor.  There were no more presented.

Collyard then said he wanted to thank everyone for their support the last 4 years and for being good citizens.  He particularly wanted to thank the current Town Board, they are doing an excellent job and put in a lot of hours.  He then congratulated Lu Peet on her win.  Lu Peet said she wanted to thank Collyard for his service the last 4 years, she thought everyone should have to serve a term to see how much work these people do for the community. 


Motion(Steve Baldwin/Tom Renz) to adjourn the Annual Meeting of the Qualified Electors of the Town of Barnes of April 14, 2009, to the second Tuesday in April 2010 at 7:00PM.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.



Respectfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 17th day of April, 2009