MARCH 17, 2009 AT 6:30PM



Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.  Collyard asked for a Roll Call to establish a quorum, verification of Public Notice and motion to approve the March Agenda.  Roll call taken, all members are present except Chris Webb. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the agenda was posted as required. 

Motion( Meinke/Porter) to approve the March agenda. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:





MARCH 17, 2009 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the March Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report           

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Request by ATV club to add Pease resort road and Martin Road to the list of   approved roads for ATV traffic

Discussion on Federal Stimulus Plan

Department Head Reports:


                                Update on new compactor proposal for transfer site                                                             


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Amend Ambulance budget to create an intercept expense account and                                           corresponding intercept billing account for $750.00 each.

                                Presentation of check from the Lyons Club to the Barnes Ambulance                                               towards the purchase of the 12 lead EKG

                                Approval to send a letter of intent and support pledging to pay ½ of costs                                        towards a 25,000 gallon water tank for fire suppression.

                                Approval of two fire applications


Read nominations for Employee of the year

Discussion on bidding for town hall repairs and new concrete sidewalk

Committee and Commission Reports

Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by James Walsh at 51040 State Highway 27 to continue to use his property as a short term vacation rental.

2)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Brian and Dana Hodowanic at 3980 Lake Road to operate a home based business to make fishing poles, do odd jobs,(handy man) a doggie day care, and fishing guide/lake tours.

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 13th day of March, 2009



Collyard asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.


Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report



General Fund



Checking Balance from last meeting









Transfer from MM Acct





Check #'s 23519-23607




February Direct tax payments ck #s 323-324



Service Charge February




Interest Earned February

















Money Market









Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Deposits Taxes





Ck #'s 1112-1119





Ck #'s 1120-1121

Transf to Gen'l Fund



Interest earned February

YTD Interest $2,478.23



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund





Total all Money Market Funds












Hayward Community Credit Union










Interest Jan & Feb $.03


9 Month CD

Interest Jan & Feb $388.31


9 Month CD

Interest Jan & Feb $388.31


6 Month CD

Interest Jan & Feb $162.68


Total Hayward Community Credit Union





















Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the vouchers as presented.  Motion carried.




Clerk Correspondence

Brustad read 10 Intent to Cuts on property in the following sections: 11/43/9, 6,7,14,21/44/9, and 29 and 31 of 45/9. There was also a notice for cutting on Bayfield County Forest Land in tract 21-8 in Section 4/45/9.

Brustad read a letter from the Wisconsin Association of Lakes announcing her as the winner of the 2009 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award in the group category.  The Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee also won an award, and Carol LeBreck was going to represent everyone at the Banquet being held in Green Bay on Thursday of this week. 

Brustad received a letter from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce who found our Ordinance for the UDC acceptable.  We can begin using Troy Kadlacek after March 26th. 

She read a letter she received from WITC announcing 3 vacancies on the WITC District Board

The town received an incentive check for $100.00 for her correctly filling out the new GAB-190 form for the November election.  The money must be spent on improving elections data collections practices.   


Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Request by ATV club to add Pease resort road and Martin Road to the list of approved roads for ATV traffic

Dave Pederson and Russ Carter were present.  The original request to add Pease Road last year should have included these roads that are off Pease Road. 

Motion(Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.

Tom Renz said these roads are supposed to be an access road from a resident’s home to an approved ATV trail but they are all just being used as a mode of transportation from one place to another instead of the original intent.  He thinks there should be more education as to the intent of using town roads for ATV travel.

Motion(Porter/Meinke) to approve the adding of Pease Resort road and Martin Road and to approve the ordinance Chapter 11 Section 11-4 #  2009G.    Motion carried.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.


Discussion on Federal Stimulus Plan

Collyard asked to have this on the agenda as there had been questions asked if we would be getting anything for our roads and bridges.  After talking with Russ Feingold he thinks not.  It looks as if the state will be getting the stimulus money and then will give it out to projects already in their budget and we will not see anything.  Any project that will be funded has to already be ready to go.


Department Head Reports:



The past month has kept us busy with snow and ice removal on our roadways. From this point forward I would like to remind the public that should we receive a major snowfall, gravel and sand roads would not likely be plowed due to the unfrozen ground in many areas. The snow removal that was done last week caused many (bad) spots in our sand and gravel roads due to plow gouging in the unfrozen areas.

River Road, from Lake Road to the first corner south was brushed and de-limbed to widen the right of way. The brush was piled and burned on site. The brush from the Upper Lake boat landing was also hauled to the transfer site burn area and burned.

The old McKenzie boom brusher is of no use to the highway department. I would like to put it out on bids at the same time as the obsolete fire truck. The want ad can be integrated with both items.

The Marten Rd reconstruction project will begin as soon as possible. If at all possible, I would like to have the reconstruction work done before the Memorial Day Holiday weekend, to minimize inconvenience to the people that use this road.

The road bans will be on starting this Thursday (3/19/09) and will likely stay on until the first week in May.  We follow the same dates as the county. 


                                Update on new compactor proposal for transfer site             

Collyard gave the Board copies of the proposal for the new compactor.  The total, not including the concrete pad will be around $21,000.00, or $288.00 per month on a lease for 5 years, then we would own it.  Nothing can be done yet until the concrete pad gets down, and we will bid that out at the same time as the replacement of the sidewalk at the Town Hall. 



There was no report given for the Cemetery.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had two calls, both transported to Hayward.

As of today I am reporting change of status of Margaret Bossow from Trainee to EMT.  She has exhibited great skill and I welcome her aboard.  


The Fire Department had no runs.

The new Fire Truck is here and I have it on display outside the Town Hall for view before and after the Town board meeting tonight or the members and the townspeople. 


I am requesting a letter of support from the Town Board that I can present to Drummond Fire, The DNR and the US Forest Service and Bayfield County.  We are looking into a joint adventure with these agencies to place a 25,000 gal water tank on CTH A just north of CTH N.  The purpose of this is because we have no water points on that side of the Township as the same with Drummond.  This tank will also be used for the Forest Service and the DNR.  The preliminaries as far as cost goes at this point will not pass 5000 dollars.  Most is going to be in kind work such as bull dozer, back hoe and such put there may be some monetary expenses that we will have to cover.  Right now we are just looking for a letter of support.  I the monies are needed I will be back to ask the town board for it then with the budget increase.  This is a good thing and will help those residences in that location and Pease Road as well and gives us a strategic location with water. 


Two new members to approve. Misty Francisco is an entry level fire fighter in Wisconsin and left the area several years ago when she married her sweetheart and now has returned to our area and is living in Highland off of A with her husband.  Jeremy is out of the military and moved here with his wife Misty.  He is presently enrolled in Entry Level Firefighting class at no cost to our Department and has experience as a Mechanic, welding and construction which would be a benefit to our Department. 


                                Amend Ambulance budget to create an intercept expense account and corresponding intercept billing account for $750.00 each.

Renz said recently they have been getting billed for an intercept, which was not originally in the budget.  He wants to create another account to charge this off to.  The billing for the intercept will be handled through our billing people, so we’ll need to add another $750.00 for the revenue also.  This is when Gold Cross rides in our ambulance to the hospital. 


Motion (Meinke/McGee) to amend the Ambulance budget to create an intercept expense account and corresponding intercept billing account for $750.00 each.  Roll call vote taken all yes. (Webb absent)


                                Presentation of check from the Lyons Club to the Barnes Ambulance towards the purchase of the 12 lead EKG

Dave Pederson and Russ Carter presented Tom Renz with a check for $1,000.00 towards the purchase of the new 12 Lead EKG.  Renz said to date they have received over $20,000.00 towards the purchase of the machine.  Any money  over the purchase price will used for training of the EMT’s on the machine and additional items needed to set the machine up in the ambulance.


                                Approval to send a letter of intent and support pledging to pay ½ of costs towards a 25,000 gallon water tank for fire suppression.


Motion( Porter/McGee) to send a letter of intent and support pledging to pay ½ of costs towards a 25,000 gallon water tank for fire suppression.  Roll call vote taken: All responded yes. (Webb absent)

Dick will write the letter and send to Mark  Jerome, Meinke will take a copy with him to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Committee meeting.   


                                Approval of two fire applications


Motion (Porter/McGee ) to approve the applications of Misty Francisco and Jeremy Francisco for the fire department.  Motion carried,



4 alarms from the sheriff, 1Theft : fire wood missing from property, 2 ATV complaints,  2 Firearm complaints, Property owners target shooting, 2 assist motorist hwy on 27, 1 deer hit  on Hwy 27, 5 property checks for out of town owners, 1 welfare check on an elderly resident., 3-14-09 escorted parade walkers for St Paddy’s day parade,  2 animal complaints.


Read nominations for Employee of the year

Brustad read two nominations, one for Dave Schiess and one for Tom Renz.  At the next meeting the Board will choose between these two or more if more nominations are received. 


Discussion on bidding for town hall repairs and new concrete sidewalk

Collyard said he would like to put bids out soon for the concrete on the sidewalk at the hall and also the pad for the compactor.  They will also need to get bids for the railings.  He will get something put together for the next meeting. 



Committee Reports

There were no reports from Committees


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease, Chair reported they discussed two applications, which are on the agenda tonight.  The Commission recommends approval for the James Walsh application to continue to use his property as a short-term vacation rental. 

Regarding the Special Use Permit application by Brian and Dana Hodowanic, the Commission recommends approval of that portion that deals with the fishing pole making and guide service but disapproves the request for the Doggie Day Care business. 

The commission met with Jon Harkness regarding the overlay amendment and they are suggesting a hearing on the issue at the end of May.

Dick wanted to mention he thought the Plan Commission is doing an excellent job.  He was at the last Plan Commission meeting and was very impressed with how they discussed each matter before them.




3)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by James Walsh at 51040 State Highway 27 to continue to use his property as a short term vacation rental.


Motion ( McGee/Porter) to approve the Special Use permit application by James Walsh to continue to use his property as a short-term vacation rental.  Motion carried.


4)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Brian and Dana Hodowanic at 3980 Lake Road to operate a home based business to make fishing poles, do odd jobs,(handy man) a doggie day care, and fishing guide/lake tours.

Dana Hodowanic said she spoke with Mike Furtak and asked to have him strike the Doggie Day Care business from the application.  Furtak will do that at the County meeting. 


Motion ( McGee/Meinke) to approve all but the doggie day care on the Special Use permit application for Brian and Dana Hodowanic to operate a home-based business to make fishing poles, do odd jobs, (handy man) doggie day care, and fishing guide, lake tours.  Motion carried.  


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Lu Peet asked about the monies to be spent on the 12K EKG, if there is any excess what will be done with that?  Renz responded and indicated there should not be any money left over after training and additional items needed to be purchased to make the EKG work in the ambulance.  But if there is the Town Board will decide what will be done with it. 

Jon Harkness said Scott Toshner may get a grant to put more trees out into the lake as they have in the past.

Jon also mentioned he has met with Marty Kasinksas on the FIREWISE program.  The Property Owners will be helping Marty get the word out to the public. 

Dave Pease said regarding the stimulus monies the loggers have slowed down so much that the Government must have  run out of paper

Dana Hodowanic asked what the policy or protocol is for the Constable returning phone calls to residents. Collyard said he is an elected official so the Board really isn’t responsible for him.


Issues Timeline Update

All items are work in progress, bidding will go out next month for the concrete and hall maintenance items.

Gene Ratzel and Diane Rupnow’s appointments on the Plan Commission will be up April 30th, so Dick will get in touch with them to see if they are interested in continuing. 


There were no other items on the agenda to discuss.  Collyard asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to adjourn the meeting of the Town Board for March 17, 2009.  Motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.




Respectfully submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad

Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 1st Day of April, 2009