JANUARY 20, 2009



Chairman Collyard called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge Allegiance to the Flag was recited.  Collyard asked for a Roll Call to establish a quorum and a motion to approve the January Agenda.  

Roll call vote was  taken: all Board members were present.


Motion( Webb/Porter) to approve the January Agenda.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:




JANUARY 20, 2009 AT 6:30PM



Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the January Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

                Report on Discussion with State Bank of Drummond

                Refund of Taxes for David Hoberg

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Change of February Town Board Meeting Date due to Primary Election

Judge John P Anderson, updates on Court House and other issues

Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Discussion with the new Janitor about the bid specs

Department Head Reports:


                                Request by Mitch McGee and Diane Aichele to use the garage area for                                             classes

                                Discussion on Transfer Site Compactor     


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Approval of application by Irene Wells to the Ambulance Department

                                Request by Tom Renz for a town credit card

                                Approval of new Fire Protection Agreement between the USDA and Barnes                                    Fire Department                                 


Committee and Commission Reports:         

Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Teresa Rauwolf to allow a 1979 mobile home to be used for storage until it is sold at 5920 Kelly Lake Road

2)       Zoning: Variance request by Pat & Kara Foat to exceed the 50% expansion rule for a non-conforming commercial building addition.

Discussion on a Brush Reduction Program by Marty Kasinksas of the DNR

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 14th day of January, 2009



Collyard asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.


Motion( Porter/Webb) to approve the minutes of the last regular town board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  Motion carried. 


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 23335-23437




December Direct tax payments ck #s 317-319



Service Charge December




Interest Earned December





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Deposits Taxes





Refund of Overpayments Ck #'s 1088-1098



Transfer from Parade fund




Interest earned December

YTD Interest $23576.15



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings


Dep $175.10


Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calendar Fund

To MM Genl Fund $1842.60


Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund





Total all Money Market Funds















Motion( Meinke/McGee ) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Brustad said the next month’s report will reflect the set up of the three CD’s she opened at the Hayward Community Credit Union. Motion carried.


                Report on Discussion with State Bank of Drummond

Brustad reported her and Collyard met with Chris Iverson and Sam Frelichowski of the State Bank of Drummond regarding their concern from us taking funds out of the bank to open the account with the Hayward Credit Union.  Ms Iverson stated both our accounts are insured up to $250,000.00 because one is a demand deposit account and one is a savings account.  Additionally, the bank has another $400,000.00 of coverage through a state program which would give us up to $900,000.00 in coverage.  She said at any time if we’d like more they can collateralize our assets with no charge to us to increase the coverage, if it would only be one or two months out of the year.  We would just have to call her to discuss this.  Collyard said they also discussed the ability to direct deposit our payroll, and after tax time Elaine will call them to get more information on how it is done.


                Refund of Taxes for David Hoberg

Brustad said the parcel in question is a very small lot and the county mapping system has an incorrect size for it.  Because of that the Assessor keeps re-assessing the lot at an incorrect amount.  This has been going on for years.  A new assessor will finally get it correct then it will revert back to the erroneous amount the next year.  Collyard said he would like to get together with everyone and the board to finally get this resolved.  We can’t keep paying his taxes for him.


Motion(Collyard/Meinke) to approve the refund of taxes in the amount of $1,529.08 but to get a Special Town Board meeting together with Hoberg, Charlotte Johnson, and Lynn Divine of the County to make sure this gets corrected.  Roll call vote taken: all responded yes.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval


Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the vouchers as presented.  Motion carried,


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad read a letter from Jim Prickett, one of the Town’s Fire Inspector who responded to why they did not notice the broken hot water vent pipe during their last inspection of the hall:

“I was able to follow up in regards to the Town Hall hot water heater stack venting problem in the attic area. 

First, in regards to doing fire inspections in an attic or basement crawl space area:  As inspectors we typically would not enter an attic or basement area crawl space with access being a scuttle hole.  We would however inspect there if we suspect a code violation or problem in that area, or the property owner requests specifically it to be part of the fire inspection.  

If an attic or basement area is accessed by stairs and/or a doorway and allows the inspector to stand reasonably up right without crawling, we would then automatically inspect that area.  

I talked to Ed and Mike from Arch Heating.  They originally found the broken exhaust stack pipe in the Town Hall attic.  Mike said he feels the pipe had been broken for a considerable amount of time.   He said at some point the stack had been moved in the past and indicated it was run horizontally across the floor of the attic for some distance.  It was buried under a considerable amount of insulation.  The break was on the horizontal run.  Mike indicated the insulation near the break in the vent stack was very warm.   

I do not feel the insulation would have combusted and started a fire in the Town Hall attic with the hot water heater being fired by LP.A wood or coal fired appliance and it could have been a different story.   

The carbon monoxide emitted from the break in the stack is a concern however.  I could only guess how far reaching, it's intensity and the spread of it was without testing for it at the time. 

Might be interesting to know, if anyone can remember, who the contractor was at the time the hot water heater vent stack was moved and who did the attic insulation?”        


Brustad said she had received 5 Notices to Cut on property owned by Plum Creek in Sections 7 and 51 of 43N, R9w,  Sections 21 of 44N, R9w, and Sections 23 and 26 of 46N, R9W, and one parcel owned by Shelli Vergin in Section 11, T44n, R9W.


She also reported on receiving a copy of the Town of Delta’s Comprehensive Plan.  Anyone wishing to view it can look at the CD during regular office hours. 


                Change of February Town Board Meeting Date due to Primary Election

The Town Board meeting will be changed to February 10th at 6:30PM.


Judge John P Anderson, updates on Court House and other issues

Judge Anderson said his real reason for being here was to let everyone know he was a campaign stop but also to talk a bit about his achievements in the last four years.  The jail program he has promoted has reduced caseload numbers by 3% in 2008.  The county is now able to rent out space to generate income.  So the jail programs have been working.  Jails are very expensive to build and to run.  He said if we can keep the caseloads from increasing at too large a rate we can continue to keep the costs down for the people of Bayfield.  They are also working on a joint venture with Ashland county which will be ready to go in 2010.  There is also a push going on to criminalize the first OWI.  Wisconsin is the only state that doesn’t currently do that.  If that does happen, and Anderson doesn’t feel it will in the near future, but if it does it would mean another 36,000 new cases per year in the state and about 140 per year for Bayfield County alone.  The jail system Bayfield County currently has would not be adequate. 


Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Discussion with the new Janitor about the bid specs

Collyard asked if the Janitor, Shelly Stick was present.  She was not so the agenda item was not discussed.


Department Head Reports:


Since the last meeting we have been plowing and sanding roads almost continually. The hockey rink is in excellent shape, and the ski trail has plenty of snow on it.

   The compactor was down for a period of five days over New Years. One of the hydraulic switching coils was bad. Also a key switch had malfunctioned. The Waste Management technician and I had difficulty in trouble shooting the problem because a wiring schematic was not available from the manufacturer due to the age of the machine. Due to the volume of traffic at the transfer site, and also the odds of the compactor always breaking down on a holiday weekend, the Town should consider adding another newer compactor to our transfer site.  The actual repair was about $2,400.00.  Collyard said he was waiting for some additional information from Waste Management on a lease program.  We could lease a newer one or purchase a brand new one for $18,542.50.  Collyard suggested putting this on the timeline for future review.


                                Request by Mitch McGee and Diane Aichele to use the garage area for classes

Diane Aichele, the new WITC coordinator for the Drummond and Barnes area said she has a class scheduled to be given by Mitch McGee at the town garage and said she was remiss in not asking for permission to use the garage.  Collyard said the garage really couldn’t be used because of the machinery there, but the fire hall could be used if needed. 

Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the use of the garage or ambulance bay area for a class.  Motion carried.



Bud Pease reported no activity since the last meeting.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had eight calls

1 – MMC Ashland Intercept with Ashland Paramedics

We had to replace three batteries in the ambulance as they were original issue and were not holding a charge anymore. 

New EMT Margaret Bossow has Passed her Training with WITC and passed her national registry and has been licensed.

Both new EMT’s Brett Friermood and Margaret Bossow have completed their skills objectives with me in house and after a few more call’s will have successfully completed their training periods and will be removed from Trainee status.

The Fire Department had:

1 – Stand-by for Iron River Feed Mill Fire

We had two guys go down and conduct the pre-paint inspection.  There were a few minor changes but nothing major.  Truck has gone to paint and will be ready for delivery in about three weeks.

We will need to get a card account established with Cenex in Brule for fuel for the new truck as the truck takes the new Diesel Fuel and talking it over with Jerry we can not justify changing any of our tanks over at this time for one truck but the time will come when we will have to. 


                                Approval of application by Irene Wells to the Ambulance Department

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the application by Irene Wells to the ambulance department.  Motion carried.


                                Request by Tom Renz for a town credit card

Tom stated it was needed so he would be able to order some items over the internet, also make reservations for classes and such without having to bother Elaine to use hers. 

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the request for a credit card by Tom Renz.  Roll call vote taken:

all responded with a yes.  Motion carried.


                                Approval of new Fire Protection Agreement between the USDA and Barnes Fire Department

Renz stated the agreement was changed mainly paying more if they needed Barnes’ help.

Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to approve the new Fire Protection Agreement between the USDA and the Barnes Fire Department.  Motion carried.                




2  alarms from sheriff,  2  ATV complaints, ice fishermen crossing private property,  1 check welfare of senior resident., 1 deer hit on hwy 27,  10  property checks on out of town residents,1  assist motorist hwy y, 3 animal complaints.


Committee and Commission Reports:         

None reported.


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease reported for the commission on their recommendations: 

Rauwolf application they recommended approval for one year only

For the Foat application at the Cabin Store the Plan Commission recommended approval because the building was there before County zoning went into effect. 




3)       Zoning: Special Use permit request by Teresa Rauwolf to allow a 1979 mobile home to be used for storage until it is sold at 5920 Kelly Lake Road


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the request by Teresa Rauwolf to keep the mobile home for storage until it is sold for one year only. Motion carried. 


4)       Zoning: Variance request by Pat & Kara Foat to exceed the 50% expansion rule for a non-conforming commercial building addition.


Motion (McGee/Porter) to approve the variance request by Pat and Kara Foat to exceed the 50% expansion rule for a non-conforming commercial building addition because it is grandfathered in.

Webb abstained.  Motion carried.


Discussion on a Brush Reduction Program by Marty Kasinksas of the DNR 

Marty Kasinksas represents the Bureau of Forestry, working out of  the Barnes Ranger Station.  He is a contracted employee working off a Fire wise grant project.  He would like to get together with the Fire Chief and anyone else at the Town to work on projects to provide fuels reduction in densely populated areas.  He would also be able to provide education to residents on what they can do around their homes to reduce brush.  There are grants available through the state for fire prevention and he would be happy to assist in getting a grant for the town.  Brustad asked him to talk about his idea for a brush reduction program at the Transfer Site.  Kasinksas said he would be able to set up a chipper at the Transfer site in conjunction with our Spring Clean-up program to maybe have people bring in their brush also at that time.  It will make houses much safer in the area by reducing fuels around their houses. 


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Jon Harkness updated the Board on the progress of the overlay amendment request.

Steven Neff stated he was present at the Board meeting in order to advance himself in rank with the Boy Scouts. 


Issues Timeline Update

All work in progress.  Need to add the Transfer site new compactor onto the timeline.


Motion(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board Meeting of January 20, 2009.  Motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 8:05PM.



Respectfully Submitted,





Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 5th day of February, 2009