DECEMBER 16, 2008




Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Motion (Porter/Webb) to go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The Board will then reconvene to the regular session following the closed session.  Roll call vote taken: Webb, Porter, Meinke, McGee, and Collyard all present and answered yes.  Motion carried.


Motion (Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the closed session and go into the Regular Open Session.  Motion carried.  There were no decisions made in closed session and discussion was limited to only the topic as noticed above. 


Motion (Webb/Porter) to give the full-time employees a 2% increase for 2009.  Roll call vote taken and all responded yes. Motion carried.  


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to give Dave Schiess a bonus of $500.00 for 2008. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes.  Motion carried.


Collyard called the reconvened Regular Town Board meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.  A Roll Call to establish a quorum/, verification of Public Notice and Motion to approve the December Agenda was asked by Chairman Collyard.

Roll call taken, all present.

Motion (Porter/McGee to approve the December agenda, to approve the minutes of the last regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 23242-23334




Void Cks 20535 & 22001




November Direct tax payment ck # 314-316



Service Charge November




Interest Earned November





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned October

YTD Interest $22,590.40



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings


Dep $24.60


Parade-Event-Calendar Fund




Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund





Total all Money Market Funds















Brustad said she had also received both checks for the Eurasian Water Milfoil grant, one for $9,607.12 and one received in December for $16,564.92.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


                Approval to move “Parade, Event, Calendar Fund” sub-account monies to Money Market General Fund sub account.   Brustad asked for Board approval to combine this balance into the general fund.  She wasn’t sure what the balance was exactly and why it was segregated but had been that way ever since she has been Clerk-Treasurer. 


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the transfer of funds from the “Parade, Event, and Calendar” Fund to the Money Market general fund balance.    Motion carried.


Resolution to transfer funds to Johnson Bank and Local Government Investment Pool.  Brustad gave the Board members an excel worksheet with the current rates by Johnson Bank, Hayward Community Credit Union, Local Government Investment Pool and Drummond State Bank.  The State Bank of Drummond still has the best Money Market rate.  She said she would like to put some funds in short-term CD’s up to a six-month period.  Collyard thought we could stagger the CD’s so there were funds maturing at different dates. 

Webb said she’d like to see everything reported each month on the Treasurer’s report.  Dick and Elaine should get together to determine which banks to start with and what monies to put in each.  Porter thought the rate for the 9 month CD at the Hayward Credit Union was excellent.  The Resolution, R-08-09 will be changed to reflect adding CD’s up to a 9 month maturity.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the ResolutionR-08-09 to designate State Bank of Drummond, Johnson Bank, People’s Bank, Chippewa Valley Bank, and Hayward Community Credit Union as official public Depositories.  Roll call vote taken and all responded with yes.  Motion carried.  The Resolution is as follows:








WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes currently has designated the State Bank of Drummond as their official public depository, and


WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes desires to diversify the Town’s funds into depositories in addition to the State Bank of Drummond in order to maximize the insurance coverage for the Town’s funds; 


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the following banks are designated public depositories for funds of the Town of Barnes and the Town Board directs the Clerk-Treasurer to open accounts with these banks as desired and to place the town of Barnes’ funds in either money market savings or Certificates of Deposit maturing no later than 9 months.  At least two signatures will be required on any transaction and those two signatures shall be that of the Clerk-Treasurer and the Chairman or his designee.


                State Bank of Drummond

                Johnson Bank

                People’s Bank

                Chippewa Valley Bank

                Hayward Community Credit Union


Adopted this 16th Day of December, 2008



__________________________                  _________________________

Dick Collyard, Chairman                                    Jack Meinke, Supervisor



__________________________                   _________________________

Christine Webb, Supervisor                              Donna Porter, Supervisor




Mitch McGee, Supervisor







Elaine J. Brustad

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 16th day of December, 2008




Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented.  Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad reported on Miller Home Inspection Service’s findings.  There were a few minor things he had pointed out such as the door to the furnace room needing louvers, replacing ceiling tiles in the hall area, a cap needed on the gas shut-off outside the building, and windows needing to be replaced in the offices.  Jerry Witt was wondering what the Inspector had thought of the well pit.  Nothing was noted on the report.  Rasmussen was supposed to have taken care of the problem long ago when the State cited the Town for the well pit being wet and the pressure tank needing to be moved out of the pit.  Collyard asked for the inspection report and he would check with Rasmussen on what ever happened.  Webb though the Inspection report should be on the timeline so the items needing to be taken care of would get taken care of.


Open Bids for Janitorial Services

Brustad had received 3 bids; Collyard read them to the Board members:

Shelly Stick from Lake Nebagamon         $12.25 per hour

Kelly Krivinchuk                                        $16.00 per hour

Bob Brennan                                             $13.95 per hour.

All three were given the same information on what cleaning needed to be done. 


Motion (Webb/Porter) to accept the lowest bid from Shelly Stick for $12.25 per hour, for a 3 month contract which will be reviewed and renewed in three months.  Motion carried. 


Collyard said the Board had been discussing that the fire and ambulance hall and the garage didn’t need to be cleaned.  Brustad said the bid was based on those areas also being cleaned.  Collyard said he will check with Tom Renz for sure and let her know. 


Citizen’s Request for Action:


                Request by Clerk-Treasurer to have all “Closed Area” signs removed as this ordinance is no longer in effect.  Collyard said he wasn’t in favor of having the town crew remove the signs as some of them were on private property and there were new ones that people had been putting up.  Webb said the signs should be removed; the ordinance was repealed 5-6 years ago.  The signs are the property of the Town so if someone has a stash of them they should give them back.  She suggested putting an ad in the Shopper asking for people to remove them by June 1st,  then if there are still signs up after that time the town crew will remove them all. 


Department Head Reports:



Major projects completed for the past month include the brushing of the right of way on Island drive from Red Oak Drive around the west side of Island Lake to the intersection of east Island Dr. and Island Lake Rd. Stumps were pulled at the Cemetery, piled and burned along with the brush.

Ken Wilk has started laying ice down on the hockey rink and should be ready for use shortly.

Work will begin this week on packing and grooming the cross country ski trail at the Town Park.


                                Discussion on plowing of the Industrial Park Roads

Collyard said the Board had a copy of the Ordinance for the Industrial Park. It states in there the Town will maintain the roads in the park.  Jerry wants to add these to the list for the DOT, but in order to do that they will have to be named.  He will be working on that this year.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.  Gene Ratzel said the plow just needs to go straight in and not plow out the Superior fuel drive or the Snowmobile Club’s driveway.  Motion (Meinke/Porter) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.  Webb said this could be put on the timeline along with the other roads Jerry has been working on to add to the DOT list. 




Brustad read the Cemetery report:  No activity or burials.  Some more work was done on the cleanup of the tree cutting work.  More will be done in the spring.


                Fire and Ambulance Department  

Brustad had not received the report from Tom Renz before the Board meeting. 



Mike O’Keefe was not at the meeting so the Clerk-Treasurer read his report: He responded to 5 alarms from the Sheriff, 3 animal complaints, 2 trespass complaints (during deer season), 3 property checks requested by the homeowners, 2 assist motorist, 1 deer hit on County Y, no ATV complaints.


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Recreation Committee      no report, will not meet until spring.

                EWM Committee –no report, will not be meeting until spring


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease reported the Commission had met on Thursday to review the one application on the agenda.  They recommended approval for a 2 year period.




1)       Class A Special Use permit request for RV Extension on property owned by Peter Mattison and Joan Sutliff on County Highway N


Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Class A Special Use permit request for an RV extension on property owned by Peter Mattison and Joan Sutliff on CTH N for a period of two years.  Motion carried.



Discussion on letter received by current UDC Inspector, Troy Kadlecek regarding adopting an ordinance for UDC (Uniform Dwelling Code) enforcement

Collyard reported Brustad had received a letter from Troy Kadlecek, the current area UDC inspector requesting the Town Board adopt an ordinance for local enforcement of the Uniform Dwelling Code, and then the town could contract directly with Kadlecek for inspections in the municipality.  The Board agreed they did not wish to adopt an ordinance and take on the enforcement of the inspection process.  Brustad should send a letter to Mr. Kadlecek to inform him of the Board’s decision.


Approval to change Health Insurance plan to the Lumenos Health Savings Plan

Collyard said Steve Matushak had contacted him regarding Anthem’s Lumenos plan, which they would be able to offer to us at a cheaper rate than the current plan.  The benefits are the same with some additional perks.  Anthem is trying to standardize all their plans to control costs, so wants to phase out the current plan the employees are on.


Motion (McGee/Porter) to change the current Health Insurance Plan to the Luminos Health Savings Plan.  Motion carried.


Adoption of Records Retention Ordinance and Schedule

Brustad said this was discussed at the last meeting.  Unless there were changes recommended the ordinance was presented tonight for adoption. 

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adopt the Records Retention Ordinance and Schedule as presented.  Motion carried.  Brustad will post the ordinance as required. 


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda


Dave Pease said 8 years ago the Board had decided to do the same thing with the UDC inspections and decided to let the state monitor it.

Jon Harkness spoke on the Overlay amendment he will be presenting to zoning.  He will get in contact with Karl Kastrosky in the next few weeks to see about getting on their agenda in January.

Chris Webb wanted to know how the bus service was going.  Brustad said there have been 4-5 people consistently using it.  Drummond and Cable have had no one use it though.  She said it was a great help to the people who are using it, they go out for a day, have lunch together and get some shopping in also.  Webb thought how nice it is for the Barnes residents to have such a service. 


Issues Timeline Update


Town Owned Land- Cobb will walk the Tomahawk property and give his recommendation on what to do there. 

Records Storage- this item can now be removed as the ordinance was adopted this evening

Roads-Dick will meet with Gene Ratzel on Industrial Park roads

Add Town Hall Maintenance Plan, based on Miller inspection, discussed railings on decks and windows in office to be changed out, louvers in the furnace room door.



Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of December 16, 2008.  Motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.


Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


dated this 23rd day of December, 2008