SEPTEMBER 16, 2008






Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was done.  Collyard asked for a roll call to establish a quorum, and verification of Public Notice and a motion to approve the September Agenda.  Roll call was taken, all present except Supervisor Chris Webb, Collyard noted her absence was an excused one. The Clerk-Treasurer verified the notice was posted in three places as required.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the September agenda. Motion carried.

The agenda is as follows:




SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 AT 6:30PM



Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the September Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Citizen’s Request for Action:

1)       Request from Jon LaVine to allow ATV use on Pease Road from Mulligan Creek Road to Highway 27, with possible Board adoption of amendment

2)       Request from Paul Becker to add Rabbit Hutch Road as a designated road for ATV traffic, with possible Board adoption of amendment

3)       Request by Leonard Benser to have building condemned at 56335 Deer Foot Trail as it is an eyesore to the neighborhood.

Department Head Reports:



                Fire and Ambulance Department                                  


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee     

                EWM Committee

Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Conditional Use application by Dan and Sally Archambeau to place a 2nd residence on a parcel that cannot be subdivided, at 54630 Loon Lake Road

2)       Special Use application request by Jeff & Maureen Fullington of Deer Grove Resort LLC, and Travis Fullington for a home based business, repair of small engines such as boat motors and ATV’s on their property located at 3225 Deer Grove Road.

Operator Licenses:  2 Year License for Harold Oberholtzer

Liquor License Approval for Nancy Marie Lindberg, d/b/a The Windsor, at 50750 Outlet Bay Road.

Adopt Resolution number 08-03 amending Resolution # 13, dated September 19, 2000 to cap the Medicare supplement insurance reimbursement.

Approval of Fuel bid for the 2009 heating season by Polar Gas.

Amend Policy for Health Insurance Coverage for new regular full-time employees

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 12th Day of September, 2008



Collyard asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last regular Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Transfer from Money Market Account



Check #'s 22875-23064




August Direct tax payment ck # 310



Service Charge August




Interest Earned August















Act 102 Fund

Opening Balance





check to close account




ending balance









Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned August

YTD Interest $19,372.84








Transfer to General Fund





Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings

deposit $364.00



Parade-Event-Calendar Fund




Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund




ACT 102 Fund

deposit $ 95.48




Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds















Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence  Brustad said she had only one thing to report:

Because of the recent events with the economy, she would like the Board’s approval to research putting the Town’s money into different accounts and the State’s Investment Pool, to spread out the funds, rather than invest in one account at one bank.  She stated she could have the information ready for approval at the budget meeting on the 7th of October.

Motion(Porter/Meinke) to go ahead and present her findings at the next budget meeting on the 7th of October.  Motion carried.

Citizen’s Request for Action:



4)       Request from Jon LaVine to allow ATV use on Pease Road from Mulligan Creek Road to Highway 27, with possible Board adoption of amendment.

Motion(McGee/Meinke) to allow ATV use on Pease road from Mulligan Creek to Highway 27 and to approve the amendment to the Ordinance as such. Motion carried.


5)       Request from Paul Becker to add Rabbit Hutch Road as a designated road for ATV traffic, with possible Board adoption of amendment


Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the amendment presented for adding Rabbit Hutch Road to the ATV ordinance.  Motion carried.


6)       Request by Leonard Benser to have building condemned at 56335 Deer Foot Trail as it is an eyesore to the neighborhood.

Collyard said he knew of the place, and wasn’t sure what was going on there.  The owner was supposed to have moved it to his current residence.  Mike Furtak spoke and said a permit would be needed to relocate the building and it has not been applied for.  The Town does have powers of condemnation per statutes, but it is always best to work with the owner to see what can be done.  Collyard said he would check with the owner to see when he is planning on moving the building and report back to the Board at the next meeting.


Department Head Reports:



Brustad read the report from Jerry Witt, who is on vacation. The remaining 4 garage door openers have been replaced with new commercial units. All five Town Garage doors now have new state of the art openers that replaced the old, obsolete openers.

The 2009 local road certification has been completed and sent to WISDot.

South Shore Road, located in the Town of Barnes, will be closed to thru traffic starting Monday, September 22, 2008, for a period of three to four days, due to wing wall repair at the Locks’ Bridge. The South Shore segment from Highway 27 to the River Road intersection will remain open to local traffic, but the South Shore segment from County Y to the River Road intersection will be local traffic only.

The Martin Rd project is being delayed at this time due to the requirement of obtaining proper easement for legal road construction.

Kohel Equipment has delivered the Tractor/ boom brusher that was bid out last spring. 



Cemetery Sexton Bud Pease reported Ronald Norton; son of Charles V. Norton was interred on August 23rd in Block 1, Lot 9, Site 14.  On September 3rd a site was prepared for interring and on Monday, the e15th he sold 6 lots. The highway crew has been up to the Cemetery working on the brush.


                Fire and Ambulance Department  

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had eight calls

7 medical 1 trauma

2 – St. Mary’s

2 -  St. Lukes

3 – Hayward

1 – Lukes 1 helicopter

The Fire Department had no runs

Fire Department Officers attended Zone Leader Training two weeks ago in Drummond and Dave Schiess and I attended Structure Supervisor training all in preparation for the upcoming Mock wildland Fire training on this Saturday September 20th.  It will be a great opportunity for the Fire Department to get some real good training and also for the Town Board to view the incident command and the NIMS training at work.  Approximately 200 Firefighters will be present for this training.  The incident command post will be at Barnes Ranger station. 

Ambulance not much to report Brett Friermood has completed his EMT course work and has passed the national registry test. 

Meinke asked Tom to elaborate more on the training on Saturday.  Renz said the DNR is the Command, in the morning they will be called out to help with the wildland fire.  It is scheduled to start on Idlewild Lake Road and travel in a southwesterly direction.  Barnes Firefighters will be deployed to try to save the structures. 




Brustad read the report from the Constable, who was not present.  There were 3 alarms responded to, 2 personal watercraft complaints, 4 fireworks/firearms complaints, 2 assist boaters on the Middle Eau Claire lake, 1 deer hit on highway 27, 3 excessive noise complaints over the Holiday weekend, 1 animal complaint on Island Lake Road, 1 welfare check on an elderly resident. 


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee     

Donna Porter reported the committee had not met since the last meeting.  There had been some talk that the committee would be disbanded, as there was no interest.  She will get with Chris Webb and the committee will meet to see if that is what everyone wants to do.  She will also check on the status of the trees with Marcia to see when they will be putting them in. 


                EWM Committee

Ingemar Ekstrom spoke on the progress of the program.  The Clean Boats Clean Waters program is almost finished for the year.  They will be present at the boat landings for the musky tournament on October 4-6th.  They will be using volunteers so if anyone is interested in donating a few hours please call.  Approximately 7500 boats have been checked this year.  There are some concerns for security at the boats landings.  They talked about trying to get a pay phone at the 3 landings.  So far Tomahawk Lake is not showing any signs of Eurasian Water Milfoil after its treatment.  It might not need any treatment next year.  The native plants all look like they have survived quite well.  Well testing will be performed for the Tomahawk Lake homeowners if they want.  Ten homeowners have requested the testing.


Land Use Planning Commission

Dave Pease, Commission Chairman reported the Commission met on Thursday, September 11th to review the two zoning applications received.  On the Conditional Use application by Dan and Sally Archambeau the Commission recommended approval with the condition they remove the old trailer being used for storage on the property by July of 2009.  On the Special Use application request by the Fullington’s at Deer Grove Resort the Commission recommended approval with the stipulation that there be inside storage of all materials they are working on. 

Regarding the Zoning overlay proposal by the Property Owner’s association they have set a tentative date to meet on Monday September 22nd with the Zoning Administrator to discuss the proposal.




1)       Conditional Use application by Dan and Sally Archambeau to place a 2nd residence on a parcel that cannot be subdivided, at 54630 Loon Lake Road


Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the Conditional Use application by Dan and Sally Archambeau to place a 2nd residence on a parcel that cannot be subdivided at 54630 Loon Lake Road with a requirement that they remove the old trailer as recommended by the Plan Commission by July 2009.

Dan Archambeau said they had already started that process.  Motion carried.



2)       Special Use application request by Jeff & Maureen Fullington of Deer Grove Resort LLC, and Travis Fullington for a home based business, repair of small engines such as boat motors and ATV’s on their property located at 3225 Deer Grove Road.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the Special Use Application by Jeff and Maureen Fullington and Travis Fullington for a home –based business at 3225 Deer Grove Road with the stipulation that all materials and parts they are working on be stored inside.  Motion carried.


Operator Licenses:  2 Year License for Harold Oberholtzer  Brustad said Oberholtzer had paid the required fee, had completed the Beverage Server’s course, and the background check had revealed nothing related to alcohol.  Mr. Oberholtzer had stated on his application he had a felony, and per State Statute 12504(5)(b) “No license or permit related to alcohol beverages may, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335 be issued under this chapter to any person who has habitually been an offender or has been convicted of a felony unless the person has been duly pardoned. “  Brustad said Mr. Oberholtzer told her he had not been pardoned.  Collyard said then the Board cannot issue the license per that statute.

Motion(Meinke/McGee) to deny the request for a 2 year Operator License for Harold Oberholtzer per statute 125.04(5)(b) Motion carried.



Liquor License Approval for Nancy Marie Lindberg, d/b/a The Windsor, at 50750 Outlet Bay Road.



Brustad said the license request had been published, a background check had revealed no criminal history, and Lindberg had paid the required prorated fee.  She had also completed the beverage server requirement.

Motion(Porter/Meinke) to approve the liquor license application for Nancy Marie Lindberg, d/b/a The Windsor at 50750 Outlet Bay Road.


Adopt Resolution number 08-03 amending Resolution # 13, dated September 19, 2000 to cap the Medicare supplement insurance reimbursement.  Per the Board’s motion at the August 20, 2008 Special Town Board meeting:

Motion( McGee/Porter) to adopt Resolution #08-03 amending Resolution # 13, dated September 19, 2000.  Motion carried.


Approval of Fuel bid for the 2009 heating season by Polar Gas. The Board had requested bids from local fuel suppliers for the 2009 heating season.  Polar Gas’ bid was the lowest, at 1.96 per gallon.

Motion(McGee/Meinke) to approve Polar Gas’ fuel bid for the 2009 heating for 1.96/gallon.  Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Webb-absent.  Motion carried.


Amend Policy for Health Insurance Coverage for new regular full-time employees  Collyard said the Employee Policy handbook does not address this, but in the past the Town has always paid for family coverage as well as employee coverage in full.  The board was looking into paying health coverage for the employee only. He wished to table this until next meeting in order to study this further. 


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Larry Bergman wanted to know the status of the petition for paving James Road and the others in the area.

Collyard said they are working on Martin Road, and Jerry had planned that these roads will be addressed.  He was not sure at to a time limit when they will be done.  Jerry will be back next week and will check.

Greg Martin was wondering about the trees that will be cut down on Martin Road, and if the vendor was aware that the Conservation Club wanted them.  Collyard said Jerry was aware of that and the vendor who cuts them will be made aware of that.


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned land – Cemetery brushing done by the road crew, they will burn this fall or winter

Health Insurance – Matushak will be back on the 17th and will send renewal figures

Records Storage –Work in progress

Roads –Nothing to report

Zoning – Markham’s are applying for an extension, it will come for Board approval


Motion(Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of September 16, 2008. Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:25PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad


dated this 18th day of September, 2008