Chairman Collyard called the
Special Town Board Meeting to order at
Budgets – The Board will be reviewing budget items
for the 2009 budget
Closed Session - Closed Session - The Town Board of the
Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session
pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c)
“considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance
evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has
jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
The board will reconvene to the regular session immediately after the
closed session.
Revenues and expenses for
2009 were reviewed. Salaries were put
into the budget at 2% to give the Board a figure to start with. Brustad presented the Board with a proposal
for a new copier. The current one has
high copies and is starting to require many trips from the technician. With
trade a replacement would be $5,100.00.
She said $2,000.00 from this year’s budget could be carried over for
this. McGee asked if it would be cheaper
to lease only. Brustad will call to find
out. Health insurance was put in at the
rate of 8% increase per the agent’s suggestion.
Collyard should call him to get the health insurance quote to be
sure. There were questions on the Fire
and Ambulance budget. Collyard will make
sure Tom Renz is available at the next meeting to answer questions. There were also questions about the Transfer
Site revenues budget, and if the “white goods” figure is accurate. Brustad said the figures she gets is one
total so she guesses between the whites goods figure and garbage bags
figure. Collyard will check with Tom
Pieters to see if he can give better figures with the deposits. Brustad suggested changing the policy for
future employees to have employer paid health coverage for the employee only,
and family coverage would be paid by the employee. The board will adopt that policy change at
the next regular Town Board meeting.
Collyard said no closed session would be needed. The next budget meeting will be on October 7th
Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the
meeting. Motion carried. The
meeting adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine Brustad
Dated this 15th
Day of September, 2008