Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at
The agenda
is as follows:
Call the Regular Board Meeting to
order at
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a
quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the June Agenda
Approve minutes of the Last Regular
Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk Correspondence
Citizen’s Request for Action:
ATV Trail amendment to Ordinance
approval for
Update on request for clean-up on
Department Head Reports:
and Ambulance Department
of Wage Policy for Ambulance Department
Committee and Commission Reports:
Committee – Swim lessons
Land Use Planning Commission
Special Use permit request by Don Noack/Lawrence Vossekuil on
Special Use permit request by Larry Lange on
Special Use permit request by Mary E. Vos on
Special Use permit request by Thomas Menard on
Liquor License Approvals:
“A” Retail License for
B Beer License to Maki’s Place
B Combo Licenses to Backwoods, Barnes Trading Post, Buck N Bass, Doorn’s Inn, Downtown, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Lake
Lounge, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Northwood’s Tap,
PJ’s Cabin Store, RC’s Decoy Inn, Sesko’s Boulder Lodge, Traut’s Resort, and
Barnes Community VFW Post
Operator Licenses: 2 Year License renewal for George F.
Barnes, Michael P. Barnes, Jana Janssen, Anne
C. Wikan, Larry Lois, Jenneane Lois, Brenda Drall, Michael Frelichowski, Clyde Russell Carter, Florence M. Prickett, John
Draganowski, Donald Scheer, Jean Scheer, Gladys
Krob, Lynette Beckwell, Bobbie Shemwell, Barbara Lockhart, Nancy Loughren,
Tracy Levy, Gary Bergman, Stacy Schmidt
and Judy Krob.
1 year License (new) application for
Patricia DeVoss, Reid Welhaven, and Evonne Becker
2 year License (new) application for
Wayne Boelk and Barbara Lockhart.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged
to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee
Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
by Friday evening prior to the Board
The Town Board reserves
the right to solicit information from
Department heads and
Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring
special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this 13th
Day of June, 2008
asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last regular board Meeting and
motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Motion (Porter/McGee
) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with
the reading of those minutes. Motion
Treasurer’s Report
Balance from last meeting |
$74,332.07 |
Receipts |
$13,540.96 |
Check #'s
22668-22759 |
($50,349.29) |
Void Check
# 22581 |
$510.00 |
May Direct
tax payment ck # 307 |
($3,686.28) |
Charge May |
($12.66) |
Earned May |
$29.47 |
$34,364.27 |
Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting |
$606,310.36 |
earned April |
Interest $16124.74 |
$1,653.04 |
Money Market Gen'l Funds |
$607,963.40 |
Dept. Sinking Fund |
$31,072.92 |
Sinking Fund |
$52,677.05 |
Savings |
$414.72 |
$13,436.57 |
Ski Trail
Savings |
$755.61 |
Fund |
$1,842.60 |
Town Hall
Maint & Repair Fund |
$19,298.20 |
Act 102
Fund |
$3,086.19 |
Money Market sub accounts |
$122,169.14 |
all Money Market Funds |
$730,132.54 |
$764,496.81 |
Motion (Meinke/McGee)
to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Porter/McGee
) to approve the vouchers. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence
Brustad reported talking with Carrie Linder of Bayfield County Department of
Human Services. She said a bus route will begin July 10th in the
morning going from the town hall to
Citizen’s Request for Action:
ATV Trail amendment to Ordinance
approval for
Motion ( Webb/Meinke
) to approve the addition of
4) Update on request for clean-up on
Department Head Reports:
The new ball
field fence at the
The trees on
Last week a
new culvert had to be installed on
As stated in
last months report I have been working on fixing the failing wing walls at the
locks bridge on South Shore Rd. Gary Ruzic, from Ruzic Construction Company,
had given me an estimated repair cost of five to ten thousand dollars. Work would
be accomplished in one, to two days. I questioned his original plan to
straighten the existing pilings. I also asked him if he could consult with a
bridge engineer to see if my concerns were valid. He returned a new proposal on
May 30th, with a price tag of $23,732.00 for work that would last
for four days. Jerry added that he would
like the Board to consider putting a high priority on this project and get this
done. If we need to put off part of
Motion (McGee/Webb)
to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Ted Caiazza said he lives on
Bud Pease reported a monument was placed on
the Jean Streitz/Carol Kulpa sites and also on the 13th of June a
monument was placed on the Richard Larson site by the VFW. Bud also asked if there was something that
could be done with the downed brush and limbs in the woods. He suggested a machine to clean up the limbs
or hiring someone to do it. We could do
some this year and more next. Meinke said
he would talk with Jed at the
and Ambulance Department Tom Renz was out of town for training and no report was received. Because of this the Board wanted to table the
discussion of the wage policy until next month.
Constable Constable Mike O’Keefe was not present so Clerk-Treasurer
Brustad read his report. There was 2
alarms, 4 animal complaints, 2 assists to boaters on the Middle, 1 deer hit on
highway 27, 2 trespass complaints on Wallman road, no ATV complaints, 1
fireworks complaint. Total hours on the
street for the month 68, total miles logged 497. Mike also asked that the fireworks notice be
run in the Shopper again this year.
Committee and Commission Reports:
Recreation Committee – Swim lessons Donna Porter hadn’t been able to pin down the
person who was to give swimming lessons as to when he could do it. She will keep trying to get a hold of him.
She has received a check from the Lyons Club for a donation toward the swimming
lessons cost. She also received word
that the Conservation Club will be donating also, and the VFW will be meeting
next week and will talk about a donation as well. The committee had a meeting last week and
walked the park to see what they could add. They plan on putting in two ornamental trees,
probably a flowering crab. Marsha was
checking on a nursery in
EWM Committee Committee Chair Ingemar Ekstrom was not at the
meeting. Dave Pease reported they met
last evening. The treatment on Tomahawk
is going well and appears to have been effective to date. The boat landing monitors are doing a good
job. Collyard wanted to know how the Riverfest went. Dave said his station had about 12 people and
was a fairly good turn out elsewhere. Motion(Meinke/Webb)
to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Marcia Ritter stated there were
approximately 45 at the church at that station.
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Land Use Planning Commission Chairman Dave Pease said the
Commission met on the 12th and reviewed the four zoning applications
on tonight’s agenda. The Commission
approved all four. The feelings of the
Commission is that this is not an issue that the Commission should address, but
did so as he felt they should be as cooperative with zoning as possible.
1) Special Use permit request by Don Noack/Lawrence Vossekuil on
2) Special Use permit request by Larry Lange on
3) Special Use permit request by Mary E. Vos on
Special Use permit request by Thomas Menard on
Motion (McGee/Porter)
to approve all four Special Use Permit requests to use the properties as short term vacation rentals. Discussion followed. Generally the Board agreed a permit should
not be necessary for a short-term vacation rental. If problems result because of the rental then
it should be dealt with through the Bayfield County Sheriff’s office. They felt it was unfair to target only the
ones that are rented through an agency. Motion
Liquor License Approvals: Clerk-Treasurer Brustad reported that there
were some of the applicants who
had not paid
their taxes, or had outstanding invoices with a liquor vendor, but she would
make sure all fees, taxes and
outstanding invoices would be paid prior to her issuing the licenses. She had also received a letter from the Department
of Revenue regarding one who was currently operating without a seller’s
permit. All of these items would have to
be taken care of before the license will be issued.
Class “A” Retail License for Homestead Station and Store and Jim’s Bait
Motion (Webb/McGee)
to approve the Class “A” Retail License for
Class B Beer License to Maki’s Place
Motion (McGee/Meinke)
to approve the Class B Beer license for Maki’s Place. Motion carried.
Class B Combo Licenses to Backwoods, Barnes Trading Post, Buck N Bass,
Doorn’s Inn, Downtown, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Lake Lounge, Mike’s Sportsman
Saloon, Northwood’s Tap, PJ’s Cabin Store, RC’s Decoy Inn, Sesko’s Boulder
Lodge, Traut’s Resort, and Barnes Community VFW Post 8329.
Motion (Meinke/McGee)
to approve the Class B Combo Licenses for Backwoods, Barnes Trading Post, Buck
N Bass, Doorn’s Inn, Downtown, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Lake Lounge, Mike’s
Sportsman Saloon, Northwood’s Tap, PJ’s Cabin Store, RC’s Decoy Inn, Sesko’s
Boulder Lodge, Traut’s Resort, and Barnes Community VFW Post 8329. and not to
issue the license until all taxes, invoices outstanding and fees are paid and until the issue with
the seller’s permit has been cleared by the Department of Revenue. Motion carried.
Operator Licenses:
2 Year License renewal for George
F. Barnes, Michael P. Barnes, Jana Janssen, Anne C. Wikan, Larry Lois, Jenneane
Lois, Brenda Drall, Michael Frelichowski, Clyde Russell Carter, Florence M.
Prickett, John Draganowski, Donald Scheer, Jean Scheer, Gladys Krob, Lynette
Beckwell, Bobbie Shemwell, Barbara Lockhart, Nancy Loughren, Tracy Levy, Gary
Bergman, Stacy Schmidt and Judy Krob. Brustad said all had paid their fees
of $30.00 for a two year license.
Motion (Porter/McGee)
to approve the 2 year license renewals for George F. Barnes, Michael P. Barnes,
Jana Janssen, Anne C. Wikan, Larry Lois, Jenneane Lois, Brenda Drall, Michael
Frelichowski, Clyde Russell Carter, Florence M. Prickett, John Draganowski,
Donald Scheer, Jean Scheer, Gladys Krob, Lynette Beckwell, Bobbie Shemwell,
Nancy Loughren, Tracy Levy, Gary Bergman, Stacy Schmidt and Judy Krob. McGee asked why Barbara Lockhart was
mentioned twice, once as a renewal and once as a new application. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said she made a
mistake and had entered her name on the renewals when it should only be as a
new application as her license had expired last year. McGee said the motion should be amended to delete
her name from this motion. Motion
1 year License (new) application for
Patricia DeVoss, Reid Welhaven, and Evonne Becker Brustad explained all three had submitted
their fee along with the application, all had beverage server certificates and
the background checks on Reid Welhaven and Patricia DeVoss revealed no criminal
history. On Evonne Becker, there was an
arrest unrelated to alcohol found on the background check. Ms. Becker didn’t reveal that on her
application. Brustad had called twice
and left messages for her to come in and amend her application but never heard
back from her.
Motion (Webb/Porter)
to approve the 1 year licenses for Patricia DeVoss and Reid Welhaven and to
deny the application for Evonne Becker based on her not being truthful on her
application. Ms. Becker may come in and reapply at any time
and amend her statements on the new application. Motion Carried.
2 year License (new) application for
Wayne Boelk and Barbara Lockhart. Brustad said both
had paid their fees, they both had previous licenses lapsed last year, so beverage server certificates were on file.
Background check on Lockhart revealed no arrest, and on Boelk revealed an
arrest unrelated to alcohol.
Motion (McGee/Webb)
to approve the 2 year licenses for Wayne Boelk and Barbara Lockhart. Collyard said Brustad is working on a policy for the
Operator Licensing and will present that in August. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the Agenda
Russ Carter
said the Snowmobile Club is in the process of drawing up a lease agreement with
the Barnes Area Development Corp for the lot just in from the Superior Fuel
Issues Timeline Update
Insurance: Steve Matushak is now the agent of record.
Re-Appointments: ongoing
Storage: Clerk-Treasurer Brustad has transferred some files into the new
storage area. She is working on an
ordinance for destruction of records.
issues: Mike Furtak hasn’t gotten back with anyone as to the 3 RV extensions
that are up.
Motion (Webb/Meinke)
to adjourn the Regular Town Meeting of
Elaine J.
dated this
19th day of June, 2008